Riverside Park

Project Status: Post Construction
Project Overview:
Riverside is one of thirteen parks along the St. Louis River Corridor that was identified as part of the larger St. Louis River Corridor Initiative. These parks are eligible for designated 1/2 and 1/2 tax funds.
Riverside Park improvements, including demolition of the community center, were selected and designed based on the 2016 council-approved Mini-Master Plan and subsequent consultation with the Riverside Community Club. Demolition of the community center was also called for by the 2010 Council-approved Parks and Recreation Master Plan which recommended elimination of underutilized and deteriorated community centers, in part to allow increased use and improved maintenance of remaining community centers. The project included replacement of the existing playground, tree planting, half-court basketball court, porta-potty slab with screen and new grills, benches and picnic tables.
Important Documents:
Project Partners:
The $10,000 Riverside Park match was met by community partners through community contributions of cash, materials and volunteer labor. This project was supported by contributions from Local Initiatives Support Corporation, Riverside Community Club, and Spirit Valley Land Company.