West Duluth Sports Corridor

Project Status: Post Construction
Project Overview:
The City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Division prepared a mini-master plan for the West Duluth Sports Corridor, which includes Wheeler Athletic Complex, Wade Stadium, and the Heritage Sports Center (a privately-owned and operated facility). The master planning process began in December 2014 and was completed in August 2015. The mini-master plan was approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission on September 9, 2015 and the City of Duluth Council on September 28, 2015.
Wheeler Athletic Complex is one of four qualifying parks for the Grand Avenue Parks Fund. The fund is part of the larger St. Louis River Corridor Project supported by the 1/2 and 1/2 tax fund. This specially designated funding will provide "destination-level" investments to qualifying parks. The Grand Avenue Parks Fund invests in community partnerships with user groups and residents to co-create and co-manage outdoor recreation experiences in the neighborhoods along the corridor. The Grand Avenue Parks Fund will provide 1:1 match grants up to $550,000 per park.
Improvements at the Wheeler Athletic Complex and Wade Stadium were completed in 2022.
Project Update:
The City of Duluth received a $250,000 Outdoor Recreation Grant from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for the West Duluth Sports Corridor improvements, which supported, in part, the completion of the following:
- Installed a ramp and stairs to provide access from the Wheeler Fieldhouse parking to playground and volleyball courts.
- Installed and ramp to provide access to between Fields 1 & 4 and Fields 2 & 3.
- Remodeled the Concession building to include a Family Assist ADA compliant Restroom.
- Reconfigure dugouts on Fields 2 & 3 to comply with competition standards.
- Provide accessible walkway to a Bocce Ball court and installed a removable sideboard to provide access to the court.
- Moved overhead electrical & cable lines underground.
- Installed water fountain at the Little League Fields Near Wade Stadium.
- Sand volley ball court development at Wheeler Athletic Complex.
- Field #7 improvements at Wade Stadium.
Important Documents:
- West Duluth Sports Corridor Mini-Master Plan (Approved by Parks Commission 8.9.15; Approved by Council on 9.28.15)
- Click HERE for approved site design concept
- Click HERE for project area map
- February 2020 Stakeholder Meeting presentation
Project Partners:
- Duluth Softball Players Association
- St. Louis County
- Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
- Western Duluth Little League
- Duluth Pickle Ball Association