Cross City Trail Segment 3

Project Status: Construction
Project Overview:
The Duluth Cross City Trail will be a 10.3-mile multi-purpose, non-motorized, accessible, paved trail system for users of all ages and abilities. The trail will provide a connection from the Lakewalk in downtown Duluth to the Willard Munger State Trail and Waabizheshikana: The Marten Trail in western Duluth, offering safe access to distinctive natural areas in western Duluth, while presenting exceptional views of the St. Louis River Estuary, and filling a gap in a significant state trail route from central Minnesota to the North Shore of Lake Superior.
Project Update:
Construction of the Cross City Trail is in progress. In 2024, a new section of the Cross City Trail has been constructed through Irving Park to 59th Avenue West, and one section, between the Kingsbury Creek bridge to the parking lot on Grand Avenue across from the Lake Superior Zoo, was reconstructed to improve accessibility by reducing the trail grade and increasing the turn radius. On-street and sidewalk improvements have also been constructed along 59th Avenue West and Raleigh Street in 2024. A map of these two sections is provided below.
After this work is completed, the remaining gap in the Cross City Trail will be between the two sections above: 59th Avenue West to the Kingsbury Creek parking lot on Grand Avenue (across from the Zoo).
Funding Source:
Wayfinding project support for the existing trail was funded in part by a $31,901 Federal Recreational Trail Program grant from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
Important Documents:
- FINAL Cross City Trail Mini-Master Plan - (Approved by City Council on March 27, 2017)
- St. Louis River Corridor Trails Plan
- Segment 3 Stakeholder Meeting 01/26/2021 (recording)