Parks & Recreation

Minnesota Point Boardwalks

MN Point Boardwalks

Project Status: Construction

Project Overview:

Two deteriorating boardwalks will be replaced on Minnesota Point - one at Lafayette Community Center and one within the Park Point Recreation Area. The new boardwalks will provide beach access meeting recreational accessibility standards and will better protect the sensitive dune environment over which they cross. The new boardwalks will be constructed with prefabricated steel frames and topped with boards that were salvaged during the Lakewalk reconstruction project - a great reuse of existing materials! Any beachgrass that must be disturbed as part of the boardwalk installation process will be promptly and properly replanted to help reduce harmful social trails within the fragile beachgrass area.

Project Update:

Construction of the new, accessible boardwalk at the Lafayette Community Center is complete! Construction of the boardwalk was a joint effort between our Parks Maintenance staff and our Property and Facilities Management staff - thank you for hard work and beautiful craftsmanship! Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa staff were on-site to monitor for cultural resources during all ground disturbing activities. Replacement of the next boardwalk, located within Park Point Recreation Area, will take place this spring.

Funding Source:

Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Program awarded two grants to the City of Duluth, totaling $216,182, to support these boardwalk replacement projects.


Spring 2023: Phase 1 Archeological Survey completed at Lafayette Community Center boardwalk with no significant findings.

Spring 2024: Phase 1 Archeological Survey completed at Park Point Recreation Area boardwalk with no significant findings.

Fall 2024: Installation of Lafayette Community Center boardwalk completed.

Spring 2025: Installation of Park Point Recreation Area boardwalk (exact dates to be determined).