Parks & Recreation

Hillside Sport Court Park

Hillside Sport Court Playground

Project Status: Design

Project Overview:

Hillside Sport Court Park is a neighborhood park located in Duluth’s Central Hillside neighborhood. In 2023, Duluth Parks and Recreation conducted an inclusive planning process to establish a renewed vision of the park. The Hillside Sport Court Park Plan was adopted by Duluth City Council on August 21, 2023.

Planned park improvements include: enhancing site connectivity and accessibility, adding a pavilion and picnic area, renewing and expanding the sport court, replacing the playground, maintaining open green space, allotting space for a community garden, improving accessible parking, and repairing or replacing other park assets such as fencing, retaining walls, stairs, bike racks, signage, gate, trees, vegetation, etc.

Project Update:

On June 24, 2024, Parks & Recreation received an award notification letter from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources informing staff that the Hillside Sport Court Park project was selected for funding under the FY2025 Outdoor Recreation Grant Program, with an anticipated award amount of $350,000. Additionally, on July 25, 2024, an award notification letter from the City of Duluth’s Planning and Development division confirmed that Parks & Recreation will receive $30,000 of Community Development Program funds to support playground improvements at the park. With the addition of these funds, the estimated minimum funding package necessary to fully implement the Hillside Sport Court Park Plan has been achieved. 

The first phase of the Hillside Sport Court Park plan implementation, which included capping utilities and removing the dilapidated building, was completed in September 2024. Next steps toward full project implementation include: bringing the Outdoor Recreation Grant Program contract before City Council for approval to accept the funds, completing final design and construction documents, bidding and awarding the project to a contractor, and the start of construction, which is planned for spring 2025.

Funding Source:

Funding sources include grant support from the National Park Service/MN Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program, and Housing and Urban Development/City of Duluth Community Development Block Grant funds. Additional project support includes City revenue replacement funds and City Park Fund dollars. Based on conceptual-level plan documents, the project cost is estimated at $2 million.


Summer 2023: Hillside Sport Court Park Plan is adopted by Duluth City Council.

Fall 2023-Spring 2024: Grant funding applications to support plan implementation are developed and submitted.

Summer 2024: City received notification of grant awards; Dilapidated building is removed.

Fall 2024: Contracts for grant awards to be formalized; Final design and construction documents to be developed.

Winter 2024-2025: Construction project to be bid out and awarded to contractor.

Spring 2025-Fall 2025: Construction to take place.

Project Partners:

St. Mark Giving Garden and Food Access Program