Enger Golf Course Renovation

Project Status: Construction
Project Overview:
In 2018, a golf course architectural assessment of Duluth's public courses was conducted to identity issues and help prioritize future projects. Potential improvements were categorized into critical, competitive and comprehensive. In December 2020, the Public Golf Committee approved a motion to focus on Enger's ten critical improvements-those improvements which are in greatest need of being addressed and would play the most significant role in reducing repairs and on-going maintenance and in increasing revenue through increased daily fee rounds. A large portion of the critical items includes a new irrigation system and irrigation pond. Other items include course drainage improvements, fairway and bunker renovations, and clubhouse renovation.
The Enger Park Golf Course Renovation Plan was approved by the Parks & Recreation Commission on September 15, 2021 and by City Council on September 27, 2021.
Prior Golf Course study and findings documents related to Duluth Public Golf are available at: https://duluthmn.gov/parks/golf/duluth-public-golf/.
Buckingham Creek is the coldest designated trout stream in Duluth, and it runs through the Enger Park Golf Course. In 2024, the MN Department of Natural Resources and the South St. Louis Soil and Water Conservation District will restore roughly 3,500 feet of Buckingham Creek. Undersized culverts will be replaced with bridges, the riparian area will be replanted while accommodating course standards, habitat features (pools and riffles) will be added, and appropriate stream geomorphology for this size watershed will be restored. This project is being completed concurrent with the City's irrigation project at Enger Golf Course. Restoration work is funded by a Conservation Partners Legacy Grant and funding through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. The Buckingham Creek restoration will result in a more resilient creek, better trout habitat, and a more aesthetically pleasing course.
Project Update:
Phase I of the renovation at Enger Park Golf Course will include a new irrigation system, irrigation pond, improvements to fairways, and restoration of Buckingham Creek. Phase I started in the fall of 2023 with the excavation of the irrigation storage pond. Installation of the new irrigation system on 18 of the 27 holes was approved by Council on June 12, 2023 and will be installed in 2024. Funding from the Athletic Venues Reinvestment Initiative will allow for the remaining 9 holes to be added to the irrigation system replacement. The remaining 9 holes were not previously included due to a lack of funding.
The disc golf course will be closed in 2024 due to construction.
Funding Source:
The Phase I of this project will be paid for with $5.5 million sourced as follows:
- $2.5 million of American Rescue Plan Act funding for local government revenue replacement;
- $2 million of bonding to be financed by golf revenues;
- $0.5 million from undedicated excess 2022 tourism tax receipts;
- $0.5 million from General Fund reserves; and
- $1.7 million from the Duluth Athletic Venues Reinvestment Initiative (AVRI).
During Phase 1 improvements, 18 holes of golf and the range will be open for play. Construction is expected to be complete by 2025, and all 27 holes will be available for play.
Important Documents:
- City-Golf Communications January 11, 2023
- Duluth Golf Renovations Operating Models presented October 12, 2022
- Duluth Golf Renovations Operating Models presented September 20, 2022
- Enger Golf Course Renovation Plan (September 8, 2021)
- Enger Park Golf Course Renovation Plan - Financial Overview Presented to the Public Golf Committee July 20, 2021
- Enger Clubhouse Double Wide Concept presented June 29, 2021
- Enger Clubhouse Quad Wide Concept presented June 29, 2021
- Enger Golf Course Routing Plan Concepts presented June 29, 2021
- Enger Golf Course Renovation Meeting June 1, 2021
- Enger Golf Course Renovation Presentation to the Public Golf Committee April 26, 2021
- Play recording (1 hr 6 mins)
- Recording password: Golfing1