Logo and Signage History

On the morning of August 3, 1929, a motorcade of park officials from Duluth and Minneapolis left Duluth's civic center for dedication ceremonies at the municipal nursery in Fond du Lac. That afternoon, the seven parkways were consolidated and officially called Skyline Parkway, a name gleaned from nearly 4,000 entries submitted in a second newspaper-sponsored contest. Six winning entrants shared the News Tribune's cash prize for the new name. Anxious to make certain the name stuck, the city placed road signs with a new parkway symbol along the entire length of the boulevard. Duluth artist Nelson A. Long designed the logo, depicting pine trees silhouetted against a full moon.

In 2010, the City of Duluth started a project to enhance wayfinding along Skyline Parkway using federal grant money. A new logo was chosen by a group of citizens. This logo carried forward the trees and moon from the old logo in an updated design showing the parkway overlooking Duluth. Signs with this new logo were placed along the parkway during the summer of 2011.
SOURCES: Duluth News Tribune, July 18, p. 1, July 26, p. 5, Aug. 3, p. 1, 6, 11, Aug. 4, p. 1, 2 - all 1929.