In an effort to plant the widest possible variety of trees in our boulevards we don’t allow citizens to plant trees in front of their house. If you are interested in planting trees you can check out our volunteer opportunities HERE.
No, the City of Duluth does not allow citizens to operate power equipment on city property. Removing city trees is against City Code Section 35-28(a)(2).
Check the St. Louis County Land Explorer and zoom to your property. The property lines are reasonably accurate. If the tree looks close to the line you can ask Engineering (engineer@duluthmn.gov) for measurements of the road right of way that you can physically measure. If that measurement is close to the tree then contact the City Forester and he will meet with you on site to determine the best course of action.
It is the desire of the Forestry Department to plant all vacant planting spots in a timely manner. Currently our work removing ash trees and replanting for Emerald Ash Borer is taking all of our capacity to plant trees. Once we are done with EAB we will replant those boulevards that have the highest concentration of plantable spaces.
No, the City does not arbitrate in civil disputes. If the tree is causing damage to your property you should first try to work it out with your neighbor and come to an understanding before any work is done. The University of Minnesota has a good resource HERE.
No. Tree trimming around utility lines is the responsibility of the owner of the utility line. In Duluth most utility lines are owned by Minnesota Power, CenturyLink or Charter.
No. The City will water it for the first year, remove stakes as necessary and prune it for clearance in the future.
You can access the City of Duluth's tree inventory data here: https://pg-cloud.com/DuluthMN/
MNDoT is responsible for all trees along the Interstate, Mesaba Avenue and London Road from 26th Ave E to 60th Ave E.