How Can We Help You?
The Construction Services & Inspections Division serves as a One Stop Shop for information, property data, permitting, and related information in the City of Duluth. Browse our website, stop into the office, send us an email, or call us. We can help with information and services related to the following topics:
- Aerial imagery with estimated parcel mapping and other features
- Allowed uses
- Application intake for Planning Commission
- Assessor’s property and improvement valuations
- Building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits and inspections
- Certificates of occupancy and letters of completion
- Commercial and multi-family permit applications and plan review
- Commercial and multi-family preliminary project discussions
- Commercial inspection information
- Compliance verification for state licensing agencies
- Contractor bonding and insurance status
- Contractor licensing information and status
- Current approved use
- Decks
- Engineering obstruction, excavation and transportation permits via ePlace
- Erosion control during construction and permanent stormwater management requirements
- Fences
- Floodplain and shoreland status
- Garages
- Information about residential building code requirements
- Inspection history
- Microfilm and digital imaging of archived building plans
- Owner of record
- Parcel maps
- Permit history
- Permits for roofing, siding, decks, garages, fences, retaining walls, grading and filling, windows, doors water heaters, replacement furnaces, fireplaces, solar installations, signs, wrecking, etc.
- Recorded property legal descriptions
- Rental licensing status look-up
- Reporting work without permits
- Required setbacks
- Residential inspection information
- Residential permit applications and plan review
- Residential, commercial and multi-family building, plumbing and mechanical plan intake
- Signs
- UDC/Zoning development standards