Forms and Required Submittals for Commercial & Multi-Family Projects
The following forms and submittals are typically needed with permit applications for commercial & multi-family residential projects. These are listed on the Commercial Building Intake Checklist, and each form is also linked from the digital Checklist.
Please complete entirely, with signature by the permit applicant who is responsible for construction compliance.
Erosion Control Permit Application & Plans
Required for ground disturbance with an area of over 3,000 SF or in Shoreland Overlay areas
Boundary Survey with the legal description for the site. The survey must match the site plan and the mapped tax parcel legal description.
Civil Plans full size.
Architectural Site Plan, full size.
- Legal description on site plan
- Drawn to scale
- Property line dimensions shown with setback dimensions
- Existing and proposed structures shown and dimensioned with distances between buildings provided
- Adjacent streets and alleys shown
- Easements on property shown
- Consistent with survey
- Fire equipment access road shown, fire hydrants shown with dimensions from building
- Driveways shown
- Exterior accessible route
Building Plans full size.
- Architectural plans – Certified & signed by a MN licensed design professional
- Structural plans – Certified & signed by a MN licensed engineer
- Energy code compliance drawing sheets – see below
- Building code summary
- Code path – Minnesota Building Code or MN Conservation Code
- Area, height and number of stories – including calculations
- Occupancy use group classifications
- Occupant loads for buildings, spaces and rooms
- Extent of fire protection systems – sprinklers, standpipes, detection, alarms, smoke control, etc.
- Types of construction
- Separated or non-separated uses
- MN accessibility code path
- Life safety plan
- Fire resistive rated construction type and rating
- Fire walls, fire barriers, fire partitions, smoke barriers, corridors, horizontal exits, exit enclosures, exit passageways identified
- Distance to property lines, streets, and building on same site
- Fire department connection and fire alarm control panel
- Exit signage shown and emergency lighting locations
- Accessible entrances and exits, accessible elements
- Full means of egress shown
- Travel distance - Common path and exit access distances
- Number of occupants using each exit and width calculation
- Areas of refuge
- Incidental use areas
- Location of address on building
Commercial Building Intake Checklist
Use the checklist to assemble a complete submittal package. Applications will not be accepted unless they are complete. Forms referenced on the checklist are links in the digital version or can be found in our Document Library.
Design Professional in Responsible Charge
We require this form for commercial and multi-family projects valued over $100,000.00. The purpose of the form is to identify the design professional who will be responsible for coordination of plans across all disciplines.
Documents the Special Inspections required by MSBC Chapter 17.
Commercial Energy Compliance Worksheet
The Minnesota Energy Code requires that the entire building, including the HVAC systems, is designed to either ASHRAE standards or to IECC standards. HVAC is the Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning of a building. ASHRAE stands for American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning. IECC stands for International Energy Conservation Code. Once a standard for a building has been chosen, the designer has choices for compliance paths, which are indicated on the worksheet.
In addition to the Compliance Path form, we need documentation verifying that the code path chosen and the building systems are compliant with the selected standard and path. Com-Check is one way to show compliance.
Additionally, construction documents must include the following, showing clearly how construction is consistent with the design.
- Narrative explanation of energy code compliance approach with all supporting documents as required
- Drawings depicting the thermal envelope and continuous air barrier
- Schedule of energy-related features, including building construction components, building services and equipment. List the U-value, R-value or other energy metric used with each item. Plan sheet or specification section for each item in the construction documents.
- Indication of whether system commissioning is required. Prior to issuance of permit, the individual or company providing system commissioning must be acknowledged by the project owner.
Capacity Availability Fee (CAF) Determination
Calculated by WLSSD for new or expanded sewer use. Contact WLSSD for the determination.
UDC Zoning Compliance Summary Questionnaire
Completion of this questionnaire indicates the applicable provisions of the Unified Development Chapter (UDC) that apply to the project.
Required for new residential developments of three or more units and other commercial projects with gross floor area of 10,000 SF or more.
Alternate Designs/Methods/Materials Proposals Form
If applicable.
Specification Manual
- In electronic format only.
Structural Calculations
- Include design calculations and sample calculations.
Soils Report
- One paper copy and one in electronic format.
Drainage Report
- One copy for Engineering review.
State Construction Project Application for Plan Review
High Piled Storage
Details and structural information
Hazardous Materials Information
Quantities, classifications, control areas, and other information showing compliance with building and fire codes.
Firestopping Detail
Shop Drawings
Approval of plans for compliance with Fats, Oils, and Grease Ordinance
For food service facilities.
Planning Commission or City Council Approvals