Pink Patch Project
October 2021 was the first year that the Duluth Police Department participated in the public awareness campaign, the Pink Patch Project. This year is the fourth consecutive year DPD will be participating in this innovative campaign.
During the month of October, members of the Duluth Police Department will be wearing these commemorative pink patches and/or pink bracelets to raise awareness and show our support for those who are affected by cancer.
The commemorative patches will also be available for the public to purchase for $10/patch during the month of October. This year, along with the pink patches, you can purchase a pink koozie for $5/koozie and pink DPD silicon bracelets for $3/bracelet. 100% of the proceeds raised will go to the American Cancer Society to raise awareness and help the fight against all cancers.
In 2021, the Duluth Police Department raised $2,853. In 2022, the Duluth Police Department raised $1,572, $1,000 was raised in 2023, and in 2024, $1,400 was raised. 2025 will be DPD's fifth year participating in the Pink Patch Project and we hope to raise even more towards the American Cancer Society!
Patches, koozies, and bracelets can be purchased online at the DPD ACS Event page. If you purchase a patch, koozie, or bracelet online, send your receipt to and we’ll send you your item(s) upon confirmation of purchase, or you can stop at the DPD’s lobby, 2030 North Arlington Ave., from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday and a volunteer will give your patch and/or koozie upon confirmation of your online purchase.
For more information on the Pink Patch Project see the Pink Patch Project page.

Press Releases:
2024: The Duluth Police Department Participates in the Pink Patch Project for the Fourth Consecutive Year
DPD raises $1,400 through the Pink Patch Project
2023: Duluth Police Department Pink Patch Project
DPD raises $1,000 through the Pink Patch Project
2022: Duluth Police Department Pink Patch Project,
DPD raises $1,500 through the Pink Patch Project
2021: The Duluth Police Department joins the Pink Patch Project,