Human Rights Office

ADA Coordinator

Acting as the City of Duluth's ADA Coordinator, the office of Human Rights will:

  • Work with City of Duluth Commission on Disabilities to improve acceptance of persons with disabilities and further full accessibility of public places and programs.
  • Insure compliance with the spirit and the requirements of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) by City of Duluth programs and facilities.
  • Establish and implement a grievance process to resolve concerns about accessibility in Duluth.


Accessibility Evaluation of Facilities and Parks

The City of Duluth Property and Facility Management staff and accessibility professionals at JQP, Inc. conducted site visits to City of Duluth facilities and a selection of parks in 2013.  Separate reports were prepared for facilities and parks, which are available for viewing below. The purpose of the site visits was to review the current levels of accessibility and identify opportunities to improve accessibility for our customers.

Given the average age of City owned buildings is 68 years old, the vast majority of our buildings were constructed prior to accessibility design standards existed.

Of course all new construction and alterations incorporate features of accessibility to the greatest extent feasible.  The City is not able to make changes all at once, but it can prioritize based on the rate of customer usage, projects in the works, and location quotients.

The City wanted to evaluate our sites and facilities to know what the issues are in order to best manage our customer’s ease of use and plan for the future. Additionally, an assessment is required for public entities that employ more than 50 people.  Department of Justice regulation 28 CFR 35.150(d).  The last City of Duluth assessment report was outdated and completed thirty years ago. This report ensures the City is current with federal requirements and is able to address the needs of our diverse customer groups as opportunities and funding becomes available.

The entire Accessibility Evaluation and Transition Plan for the City of Duluth is available to the public using the following links:

Table of Contents