Bridge to Wellness


The Farmers’ Market in the Civic Center 

The Civic Center Farmers' Market will return this summer!

My Health Rewards Healthy Eating ToolsMy Health Rewards by Medica® members can now access a variety of healthy eating resources on the Benefits page on the online portal or mobile app, including the new Foodsmart tool. Foodsmart by Zipongo offers nutrition tools and recipes to help members eat healthy even if they’re on a budget. Check out the variety of ways you can receive support on your nutrition journey!

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

LAKE SUPERIOR (BAYFIELD FOODS) CSA - First of all for those of you who are new to this, CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. You’ll receive the freshest and tastiest produce you can ever imagine through a CSA, along with the option to purchase meats, baked goods and other locally sourced items.  The best part is that you are supporting local farmers who use healthy methods to raise their crops/animals/etc. Clean, real food. 

To learn more or place an order check out Bayfield Foods.



Launch My Health is a digital clinical nutrition and culinary education program, with on-demand access to videos and webinars. All courses are led by a Registered Dietician and/or Culinary Chef, and filled with recipes, meal plans and tools for individuals to put into action. Family members also have access to the platform. Contact Angel Hohenstein at for more information. 



Healthy eating matters...throughout the holidays and every day. Check out this short video from one of our EAP dieticians and health coach.


Helpful Articles:

Foods That Help Boost Energy

What's On The Nutrition Facts Label

Plant-based Diet Presentation Slides from Dr. Tabor 

National Nutrition Month Tips

Best Bets (for food) At The Gas Station