Application Checklist: Temporary Use Permit ‐ Parklet
Parklets are permitted via the Temporary Use Permit process, with additional criteria listed below. See UDC Section 50‐7.13 for more information. Parklets may include seating, tables, artwork, bike parking, landscaping, and other amenities.
Your Application
- Visit to submit your application.
- Click on “Apply” and search for your application type. (You will need to sign in to the system, or create a new account if you do not already have one.)
- Follow the prompts to fill in information. Required information is indicated with an asterisk.
- On the attachments page, upload the following:
- Parklet Use Agreement
- Certificate of Insurance meeting requirements specified in Parklet Use Agreement
- Parklet Petition, signed by a majority of the property owners, business owners, and residents that are on the same street and within 100’ of the proposed location.
- Additionally, if this is a new Temporary Use Permit (or a renewal later than 30 days after expiration of a previous Permit), please submit the following:
- A map or diagram showing the proposed parklet location, and nearby drive lanes, driveways, loading zones, fire lanes, parking lots, building entrances, street meters (with number of all meters to be hooded) street trees, and street furniture/lights/signs, as well as dimensions to all of these street features.
- Elevations and/or illustrations of the parklet, showing dimension and materials to be used.
- Any additional information needed to confirm that the parklet will meet the below requirements.
- After your application is complete, click “Add to Cart” for the fee listed, and pay the fee. Applications without a fee will not be reviewed or accepted.
Parklet Requirements
1. Parklets must be directly in front of applicant’s building. Eligible applicants are either the adjacent property owner or a storefront business owner, with the property owner’s signature or letter of support.
2. Parklets shall generally be designed to fit within one parking space, providing a buffer of one foot from all adjoining parking spaces and drive aisles. In areas where the proposed parking space is not individually delineated, design the parklet to occupy a space no greater than 7.5’ x 19’. In situations where on‐street parking supply is determined by the Land Use Supervisor to exceed current demand, up to two parking spaces may be used.
3. Parklets shall be designed so that the floor of the parklet is flush with the street curb/sidewalk, to allow easy access and prevent a tripping hazard. Alternatively, a slope or ramp meeting ADA requirements may be used to provide access to the parklet.
4. The maximum horizontal gap between the curb and platform is one‐half inch.
5. Parklets must be installed in a way that avoids damage (and may not be directly attached) to the curb, sidewalk, or street.
6. Parklets shall have a continuous fence or physical barrier, such as planters or furniture, a minimum of 30” in height (measured from the floor of the parklet) any edge that is adjacent to a drive aisle.
7. Parklets must maintain a visual connection to the street and not obstruct sight lines to existing businesses or roadway signage. In addition, for diagonal spaces, any vertical elements higher than 36” and within 10’ of the drive lane shall be no more than 25% opaque.
8. Parklets are allowed only in an existing parking location, and not in any loading zone, fire lane, bus stop, taxi stand, ADA space, or other specially designated space. Parklets may be installed in front of a driveway if the applicant is the owner of the driveway or obtains written permission from the owners, and obtains written permission from the Fire Marshal.
9. Parklets are not allowed in front of City connections, fire hydrants, or over manhole covers, public utilities, or catch basins. Curb and roadside drainage shall not be impeded.
10. The proposed location should have a speed limit of 30 mph or less.
11. The parklet site shall be located at least one parking spot from an intersection, or, if on a corner, the parklet must be protected by a bollard or sidewalk bump‐out.
12. The City will review proposed parklet locations for potential conflicts with future programmed projects. Proposed locations may be rejected if there is pending streetscape work planned.
13. If located adjacent to parallel parking spaces, parklets are required to have soft hit posts, wheel stops, or other buffer to prevent conflicts with parking cars.
14. A proposed parklet shall only be allowed if there are no other parklets on the same side of the street on the proposed block.
15. Any lighting must be self‐contained (i.e. solar and/or battery powered). Parklets may not have any features powered by extension cord. Lighting should be low‐level and designed to not distract drivers or disrupt nearby uses.
16. Parklets are allowed to be installed starting April 15 of the permit year. Parklets must be removed by October 31, or by the first measurable snowfall, whichever occurs first. Note that as part of the parklet permit, the City is not liable for any damage due to snow removal and plowing.
17. Note that any signs are governed by Section 50‐27 of the UDC. Parklets should also include signage stating that it is a public space and/or open to the public.
After Submitting Your Application
1. Determination of Completeness. The City has 15 business days to determine whether the application is complete or incomplete. If incomplete, you will be notified and asked to submit additional information.
2. Land Use Supervisor Decision. The Land Use Supervisor will review the application and make a decision to adopt, adopt with modifications, or deny the application. If approved, you will receive an Action Letter documenting approval.
3. Installation. After approval, you must notify the City Parking Division (Mark Bauer, at 730‐5177) 48 BUSINESS hours prior to installation of your parklet. This will allow time for staff to put signs in the affected space.
Temporary Use Permits for parklets remain in effect for the permit year. To continue use as a “renewing” parklet, you must apply by April 15 of the following year. Any applications received after April 15 of the following year will be deemed a “new” parklet.
*Note that other City codes may apply to your project. Please be aware of any applicable Building Code (Construction Services Division), Fire Code (Life Safety Division), and stormwater/engineering (Engineering Division) regulations. The zoning approval may be only the first step in a several step process.
Please note: Any parklet use involving alcohol may require a new liquor license or an expansion of the existing liquor license. Please call the City Clerk at 218-730‐5500.