Planning & Development

Commissions & Committees

Planning Commission

The regular planning commission meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, at 5:00 pm.  

The meetings will be in person, in the 3rd floor City Council Chambers.  

The Planning Commission advises the City Council on development applications such as rezoning and street vacations. The Commission has final authority in approval of plats, special use permits, and variances. It also serves as the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU) for environmental reviews. 

Community Development Committee

The Community Development Committee is the advisory group of citizens that assists with reviewing community development strategies by providing direct citizen input into the planning and prioritization process. 

Indigenous Commission

The Indigenous Commission was established by the City Council to ensure that the views of the American Indian community are incorporated in the decision making, future planning, and stewardship of the city of Duluth.

Duluth Public Arts Commission

The Duluth Public Arts Commission advocates for, promotes and participates in the selection and interpretation of public artwork and public arts events in Duluth. It also assists the city in the development and maintenance of an ongoing Municipal Arts Plan.  The regular public arts commission meetings are on the 3rd Monday of every month, at 4:00pm.  As of May 2022, the meetings will be in person, Room 155 on the first floor of City Hall.  The meeting for May 16, 2022, has been cancelled.

Heritage Preservation Commission

The Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) designates historic resources and makes decisions on construction/demolition permits for historic properties.  The regular heritage preservation commission meetings are on the 2nd Monday of every month, at 12:00pm.  The meetings will be in person, in the 3rd floor City Council Chambers.  

For application checklists and information, see the Application Forms. For additional historic studies and information, see the Planning Library

Listed Properties: Individual properties and historic districts can be “listed” on the Local Historic Landmark list (oversight by the HPC) and/or the National Register of Historic Places (oversight by the National Park Service). Although the HPC does not issue permits regarding National Register properties, a list of these properties is included below for reference: Local Historic Landmarks, Duluth Properties on the National Register of Historic Places, and Properties Within Historic Districts (Local and National, 2008)

Lake Superior and Mississippi Railroad: Nomination FormBibliographyAppendix A - Legal Description, Appendix B - Artifacts & Landmarks, Appendix C - Maps & Photos Part 1 Part 2HPC Memo also available.

Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund Advisory Board

The Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund Advisory Board accepts requests for distribution of the earnings of the Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund, evaluates which requests will best benefit the community and fulfill a public purpose, and approves and recommends specific distributions.

Heading Home St. Louis County Governance Board

The role of the Heading Home St. Louis County Governance Board is to implement Heading Home St. Louis County’s 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness, and to prepare for the implementation of the HEARTH Act. 

Joint Airport Zoning Board

Administers special zoning regulations within the hazard area surrounding the Duluth International Airport.

Duluth Economic Development Authority (DEDA)

DEDA's mission is to drive economic prosperity in the City of Duluth. DEDA accomplishes its mission by leading significant development initiatives, being a catalyst for sustainable development and redevelopment, and prudently investing unique resources that leverage other investments.  More information, including agendas and minutes, can be found here: Duluth Economic Development Authority (