Planning & Development

Guiding Documents Overview

Planning for a community requires clear vision.  These Guiding Documents express those long-range goals that the City is seeking to implement through a myriad of tools.

Comprehensive Plan

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The Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Imagine Duluth 2035, was adopted in 2016. An update to the 2006 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, it is a policy document that describes the 20-year vision for the city.  It is also the foundation upon which Duluth’s regulatory tools (zoning, subdivision, shoreland, floodplain, and other ordinances), and capital improvement program rest.  

2015-2019 Consolidated Plan


The Consolidated Plan is a five year planning document. It lays out the goals for the City of Duluth’s Community Development program. Based on a collaborative process involving community members and local organizations, the City establishes a unified vision for effective, coordinated neighborhood and community development strategies. The current Consolidated Plan outlines the community’s goals and objectives for 2015 through 2019.