Planning Library
In the document library you can find a variety of published documents that the Community Planning Division has developed. At any given time the city is working on numerous visioning, planning, and reporting documents.
Guiding Documents
The Community Planning Division has a few primary documents that guide decision making and set priorities for the future. These documents address land use, transportation, development, environment, as well as, identify community needs and funding priorities for disbursement of federal funds.
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Imagine Duluth 2035, was adopted in 2016. An update to the 2006 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, it is a policy document that describes the 20-year vision for the city. It is also the foundation upon which Duluth’s regulatory tools (zoning, subdivision, shoreland, floodplain, and other ordinances), and capital improvement program rest.
- Imagine Duluth 2035
- Executive Summary
- Background
- Community Engagement
- Governing Principles
- Economic Development
- Energy & Conservation
- Housing
- Open Space
- Transportation
- Land Use
- General Development
- Transformative Opportunities
- Metrics & Measurements
- Appendices
- Community Survey Results
- Health in All Policies Survey results
- Youth Engagement Results
- Irving Fairmount Brownfields
- Imagine Canal Park Summary
The Consolidated Plan is a five year planning document. It lays out the goals for the City of Duluth’s Community Development program. Based on a collaborative process involving community members and local organizations, the City establishes a unified vision for effective, coordinated neighborhood and community development strategies. The current Consolidated Plan outlines the community’s goals and objectives for 2015 through 2019.
The 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness embraces the shift from managing homelessness to ending it. According to recent research, successful Ten-Year Plans require both "closing the front door" by preventing future homelessness, and "opening the back door" by offering new housing options that accept the homeless as they are.
Annual Action Plans outline how the City plans to strategically invest federal resources to meet current challenges for low-to moderate-income people. The Plan also highlights how this year's funding will address a portion of the five-year Consolidated Plan goals.
1927 Major Streets Plan and Transit Plan
The Citizens Participation Plan serves as a guidelines and procedures to address citizen participation requirements under the Consolidated Plan and the Department of Housing and Urban Development programs.
A small area plan is a plan that is developed for a clearly defined area and gives more detailed recommendations than would be provided in a comprehensive plan.
- Irving Fairmount Brownfields Revitalization Plan
- 2017 Spirit Mountain Master Plan Update
- Riverside Small Area Plan
- Lincoln Park Small Area Plan
- Park Point Small Area Plan
- Gary/New Duluth Small Area Plan
- Higher Education Small Area Plan
- Bayfront District Small Area Plan
- Central Entrance - Miller Hill Small Area Plan
- Miller Hill Corridor Plan 1979
- Skyline Parkway
- Duluth's East Downtown, Hillside and Waterfront Charrette Report and Plan
- Cover (10.1 MB)
- Executive Summary and Introduction (8.5 MB)
- Existing Conditions (23.0 MB)
- Master Plan (36.8 MB)
- Appendices (2.9 MB)
- Neighborhood Revitalization Plans
- Morgan Park (August 2012)
- West Duluth (August 2012)
- Hillside (November 2012)
- Lincoln Park (November 2012)
- Kenwood/Arrowhead Intersection Plan
- Mall Area Trail Plan
The CAPER is a document that outlines annual accomplishments in community development and housing.
- Historic Resources Inventory for the Lincoln Park Neighborhood(2017). Appendix
- Archaeological Phase 1 Survey for the Historical Park (Formerly JJ Astor Park or Heritage Park), December 2015
- Ethnographic Study of Indigenous Contributions to the City of Duluth, July 2015
- Historic Resources Inventory for the East End Residential Area, Phase V. (Draft October 2014)*
- Historic Resources Inventory for the East End Residential Area, Phase IV. (Revised October 2012) Appendix*
- Historic Resources Inventory for the East End Residential Area, Phase III. Also see map 1, map 2, and map 3. Project location map.*
- Intensive Survey of Historic Resources in Duluth's East End Neighborhood, Phase I (August 2007).
- Downtown Historic District Documentation Form (2005)
- Duluth Historic Resources Survey, September 1984 (214 Pages, Saved In 4 Parts). Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.*
- Historic Report: 1991 Zenith City of the Unsalted Sea
* Note about Historic Resource Studies: the information contained within the reports is not the end of eligibility for properties in those respective areas. Properties not identified as being potential historic at this time may be reexamined in the future for potential eligibility.
- Kayak Bay Village. Public comment from October 30 to November 29, 2017
- Spirit Mountain Recreation Area 2016-2017 Improvements.
- Hartley Park Phase I Implementation of Master Plan.
- Knowlton Creek Stream Restoration Project. Public comment from July 20 to August 19.
- Slip 2 Capping and Shallowing. Public comment period from September 1, 2014 to October 1, 2014.
- Steelton Hill Double Track. Public comment period from May 12, 2014 to June 11, 2014.
- Stewart Creek Bank Stabilization. Public comment period from March 17, 2014 to April 16, 2014.
- Coffee Creek Bank Stabilization in Enger Park. Public comment period from February 3, 2014 to March 5, 2014.
- Duluth Traverse Mountain Bike Trail System. Public comment period from February 4, 2013 to March 6, 2013.
- Duluth Neighborhoods Map (pdf)
- Duluth Neighborhoods Map (interactive)