Planning & Development


Duluth 1200 Fund

General Loan Program: This program is directed toward existing businesses, which have been in operation three or more years. New business start-ups are not normally eligible. Low interest financing for up to 1/3 of the total cost of the project is available to service (non-personal and non-retail), wholesale, and manufacturing businesses uses.  Loans are not available to legal, architectural or financial services businesses, non-profits or retail (restaurant or retail shops). Loan maximum of $500,000.

Advance Loan Program: The Advance Loan Program provides gap financing for Duluth business start-ups city wide.  Loan must be utilized to purchase and make improvements in existing real estate building that will house the new business. Unlike the General Loan Program, there is no requirement related to creation or retention of job and the business can be retail in nature.  A bank loan and owner equity must be included in the project financing package. Loan maximum $50,000 and can be up to 50% forgivable.

Pay for Performance Incentive Loan Program: The Pay for Performance Incentive Loan program provides gap financing for manufacturing and high tech services businesses starting up or expanding within Duluth city limits. must create a minimum of eight new jobs with wages in excess of $50,000 annually, plus benefits to qualify for a Pay for Performance Loan. Loan maximum of $500,000 and can be up to 50% forgivable.

Childcare Loan Programs: The Childcare Loan Programs provide gap financing for licensed Duluth childcare providers who are starting up or expanding within Duluth city limits. The three programs are as follows: the Childcare Loan Program (minimum of $10,000), Childcare Incentive Program (maximum of $50,000) and the 1200 Fund Childcare Collaboration Grant (maximum of $100,000). The Childcare Incentive Loan program is up to 50% forgivable.

For more information visit:


Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund

The Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund is funded by the U.S. EPA and can assist with remediating properties contaminated with hazardous substances. 

Applicants can be for profit, non-profit or units of government. Applicants are eligible for loans up to $200,000 for remediation work in connection to brownfield sites with economically viable reuse plans. Allowable costs associated with removing, managing, or preventing the release or threat of release of hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants include: site monitoring, predesign, abatement of hazardous materials, removal activity, or managing the threat or release of hazardous materials through excavation, treatment, and removal or on-site management (including, but not limited to, capping) of contaminated soils. The remediation project will be developed in consultation with the EPA and the MPCA.

Applicants must own the property proposed for redevelopment and are required to provide no less than a 20% match of the loan funds. Collateral on the loans may include but not be limited to shared mortgages or lien positions and personal guarantees. The loan rates will be generally less than market rate and be amortized over 15 years with a 5 year balloon payment. For more information, contact


Duluth Economic Development Authority

The Duluth Economic Development Authority (DEDA) is focused on growing Duluth through job creation and supporting new and existing businesses. DEDA is looking to partner with businesses to grow and expand within Duluth and offers a variety of tools, such as Tax Increment Financing (TIF), tax abatement, providing technical assistance to businesses and entrepreneurs, facilitating public land purchases and sales, supporting infrastructure development, and site redevelopment.  To learn more about DEDA click here (link to site).The Duluth Economic Development Authority.