Planning & Development

Wetlands & Floodplains



Wetlands may have water year-round or seasonally. They can be identified by looking at the soil and vegetation in the area, and categorized into wetland types. A handout from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers includes pictures of different wetland types. Here is a link to a webpage that has some frequently asked wetland questions.

If the City believes there are wetlands in the area, you may be required to complete a wetland delineation. The City requires developments to follow the regulations of the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). Wetland delineations and wetland replacement plans are reviewed by the Duluth Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP), which is staffed by representatives from the Department of Natural Resources, Board of Water and Soil Resources, and the South St. Louis County Soil and Water Conservation District. A representative from the Army Corps of Engineers is also included in TEP meetings.  For links to wetland applications (not including Notice of Application or Notice of Decision), see Applications and Checklists; these applications can be submitted at

Click here for an external link to wetland consultant.


Floodplains are areas of the community at greater risk of flooding. They are mapped by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and are incorporated into the interactive Community Planning map. FEMA recently updated data and newer technology to create updated Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) to more accurately represent the risk of flooding in Duluth. Please see this page for details about the new maps.

Floodplain regulations govern land uses and building construction, and aim to protect life and property in the case of a flood. Floodplain regulations differ depending on whether a property is in the “floodway” or “flood fringe,” as shown on the image below.


Property owners can appeal to FEMA to amend the floodplain map if they think it is incorrect; here is a link to more information on the process:


Other Natural Resource Information

  • Duluth Shines! This web tool was built using the existing Minnesota Solar Suitability Analysis, but aggregates and summarizes solar measurements for individual buildings in a more focused and user-friendly format, providing locally calibrated results such as installation sizing and cost.