Planning & Development

Sign Permits

A zoning permit is required for most signs. Sign permits can be applied for online through ePlace.

Duluth’s sign regulations are a part of the City of Duluth’s Unified Development Chapter (UDC). The regulations (Sec. 50-27) can be found online at

Definitions for terms used can be found at in Article 6 in the link above. Most of the definitions pertaining to signs are preceded with the word “sign.” For example, “Sign, Wall” is where you’ll find the definition of wall sign.

The maximum allowed area for all wall signs is calculated at: 2 X Length of wall. See Sec. 50-27.3.B for details about how to calculate sign area for all sign types.

Certain types of signs (wall, pole, etc.) are allowed in certain zone districts (R-2, MU-N, etc.) based on the use of the property (residential, commercial, etc.). Consult Table 50-27-4 to see if the proposed sign is allowed at the property. Maps showing the zoning of property in Duluth can be found at:

Structure Signs over 6 feet tall will be subject to a building code review.  Projecting signs are also subject to building code review and require stamped engineered plans.