2025 Fee Schedule
- Accessory Home Share - $291.91
- Accessory Vacation Dwelling Unit, Limited -$291.91
- Appeal to Planning Commission - $479
- Concurrent Use of Streets - $931
- District Plan - $1,337
- EAW or EIS- $3,337, plus any applicable professional fees
- Historic:
- Construction/Demolition - $69
- Resource Designation - $121
- Interim Use Permit $1,870
- Planning Review - $1,248
- Sidewalk Use Permit
- New Permit- $136
- Renewal Permit - $82
- Special Use Permit, General - $1,876
- Special Use Permit, Wireless Telecommunications:
- Modifying or Co-locating – $3,337
- New Facility or Tower – $6,680
- Escrow Deposit - $11,356
- Subdivision Plat Approval or Amendment:
- Concept Plan - $218
- Preliminary Plat - $1,330
- Final Plat- $1,002
- Minor Subdivision-$499
- Plat Amendment or Boundary Line Adjustment - $334
- Registered Land Survey-$1,002
- Temporary Use Permit - $341
- UDC Zoning Map Amendment/Rezoning:
- General - $1,066
- MU-P or R-P - $3,012
- Vacation of Street or Utility Easement - $1,057
- Variance - $999
- Wetland:
- De Minimus, Delineation, or No Loss- $265
- Exemption-$309
- Replacement Plan - $995
- Zoning Verification Letter-$112