Resources for Developers

The City of Duluth's Planning and Economic Development Division utilizes local, state and federal funding tools and programs to encourage development of market rate and affordable housing in Duluth. Contact us today to learn more about the items listed below.
Federal Funding - The U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers over 20 grant programs that support affordable housing development, community and economic development, fair housing, homelessness, homeownership, rental assistance, and supportive housing and services (
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) - The Minnesota Housing Finance Agency provides low-income housing tax credits that allow housing developers or their investment partners to receive federal tax credits to offset a percent of their federal tax liability in exchange for building low-income rental housing. To learn more about Minnesota Housing's program, visit them online. Developers must have the support of the local municipality when submitting an application for tax credits.
Minnesota Housing - In addition to administering low income tax credits, Minnesota housing offers multiple grant programs, loan servicing options, and support resources for development. Visit them online to learn more.
Minnesota Employment and Economic Development (DEED) - DEED programs promote business expansion and retention, workforce development, and community development. To learn more about site cleanup and redevelopment grant opportunities, visit them online.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - The U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships to assist with affordable housing development and rehabilitation projects.
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) - This financing tool is used as a subsidy for development, infrastructure, and other community improvement projects. Future increases in property taxes resulting from new development are leveraged to finance eligible costs of development.
Tax Abatement - This financing tool reduces taxes or tax increases for developments that promote economic development and achieve other community goals.
Learn more about the City planning, permitting, review, and inspection process for development projects here.
Interested in homeowner or contractor led maintenance or renovation projects? The City of Duluth's Construction Services Division is available to help facilitate the process and ensure compliance with Minnesota Residential Code and local regulations. Visit us online to learn more.
Click here to learn more information about items to consider when selecting a site for development.
A comprehensive list of planning applications and checklists are available online.