Wendy Durrwachter
Wendy Durrwachter
First Council District
Precincts: 1-7
Term Expires: January 3, 2028
Phone: 218-730-5700 ext. 3

Wendy Durrwachter is the City Councilor for District 1, representing precincts 1-7 which includes Lakeside, Lester Park, Hunter's Park, Woodland, and Morley Heights. She serves on the Duluth Public Utilities Commission, the Duluth Public Arts Commission, and the Purchasing and Licensing Commission.
Durrwachter is a composer/pianist and the Duluth wine rep/account manager for New France Wine Company in St. Paul. She grew up in Green Bay, WI and attended the U of MN Twin Cities for music. She spent 17 years in Duluth working in the hospitality industry and raising her two kids, graduates of East High School, now graduates of the U of MN Twin Cities.