Mike Mayou
Precincts: 8-13
Term Expires: January 5, 2026
Phone: 218-428-9195/218-730-5355

Mike Mayou was elected to Duluth City Council to represent District 2 in 2021 at 23 years old. He was born and raised in a union family in Duluth and graduated from East High School and the University of Minnesota Duluth with degrees in Management Information Systems & Marketing. Mike is currently employed as the Marketing Manager at Glensheen Mansion. He lives in Chester Park with his wife, Melissa, and their two pets.
Mike is proud to call Duluth home. The city’s great parks and trails, strong sense of community, and unrivaled access to Lake Superior are just some of the things he loves about Duluth. As a councilor, Mike is eager to help Duluth build on those strengths and serve the people of our community. He looks forward to working collaboratively and in community with Duluthians from every neighborhood across the district- from Kenwood to Endion and Chester Park to Congdon.
In his free time, Mike enjoys exploring his passion for nature photography, going on hikes in Duluth parks with his dog, and volunteering as an on-air host on The North 103.3FM. Mike previously served on the Duluth Community Development Committee until he was elected to the council. He is currently the council-appointed representative on the Public Works and Utilities Committee and sits on the Duluth Public Utilities Commission, the Metropolitan Interstate Council, and the Duluth Parking Commission.