Program Overview
The Planning & Development Division collaborates with many community organizations to meet the needs and assist low and moderate income individuals and the neighborhoods in which they live. This includes improving housing stock, increasing economic self-sufficiency, and support social programs in the city.

What federal funds does the city receive for low income and revitalization efforts?
The City of Duluth is an Entitlement Community as defined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which means that the city annually receives about $3 million in community development funds to provide decent housing, a suitable living environment, and opportunities to expand economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income persons. Annual funding sources include Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnership Program, and Emergency Solutions Grant Program. To receive these funds, HUD requires the City to create a Consolidated Plan every five years that lays out how the City of Duluth and its partners will use the HUD funds. Click here to view the Consolidated Plan, information about the community outreach process, and the analysis of fair housing the City conducted to develop the Consolidated Plan.
What does the city fund?
With guidance from the Community Development Committee the city develops priorities, reviews funding applications, and awards funds to programs and agencies that strive to serve and improve people who are low--moderate income, with a focus on housing, public facilities, public services, homeless services, and economic development.
What does the Community Development Committee do?
The Community Development Committee oversees the community development program by developing priorities, reviewing application, making funding recommendations and reviewing performance. The committee members are appointed by the mayor. The committee’s mission is to invest in community programs that help low and moderate income people by addressing basic needs, providing affordable housing, and increasing economic self-sufficiency. If you are interested in serving on this committee you can fill out an application.
How to apply for funds?
Community Development Funding is available annually. Applications are typically available in late summer and due in September. The applications are vetted for eligibility by City staff and then reviewed and scored by the CD Committee. The public is asked to offer input before the CD Committee makes its final funding recommendations to the City Council in the winter. Annual fiscal years for Community Development funds run from April 1 - March 31.
The city does not make grants or loans to individuals directly, but works with a variety of local partners. Each year the city conducts a funding process that includes public hearings and opportunities for input from interested residents. Each year a funding timeline is set that includes deadlines, hearings, and other details of the process. The funding timeline lays out the funding process and when public input and hearing sessions will be held. Community Planning staff can be reached with questions at 218-730-5580. Find more about the application process.

Need housing assistance?
The City of Duluth does not directly administer housing programs, but works with partners like the Duluth Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) and the Housing Resource Connection which have applications for many kinds of housing assistance. Also, the Housing Resources Booklet, provides contact information to many different local agencies that provide assistance.