Public Works & Utilities

Lead Service Line Replacement

Search the Map to view previous, current, and future replacement project areas!

Lead Service Line Replacement Map


All locations identified by the City as having a lead, galvanized needing replacement, or unknown service line are automatically enrolled in the Lead Removal Program.  Neighborhood based replacement projects are ranked and prioritized by review of census tract data using the following criteria:

  • % of services that are known lead or GRR
  • % of population under 5 years old
  • % of population with elevated blood lead levels
  • % of households qualify as low income
  • Supplemental demographic index

Replacement Projects


Direction Drilling

Directional Drilling


Open Cut

Replacement Process

  • The City determines projects for replacement and applies for funding with the MN Public Facilities Authority
  • Properties with Lead, Galvanized Requiring Replacement, and Suspected Lead services are all included in replacement projects.
  • Property owners in a planned replacement project are notified often a year in advance of construction by mail, email, phone calls and door knocks.
  • Property owners participating in the project are required to allow a pre-construction site survey.
  • Property owners will be given an Agreement to review and sign, allowing work to be conducted on their property.
  • Once the City hires a contractor for construction, property owners and residents will be notified by mail with project details and invited to a pre-construction meeting.
  • Construction generally begins in the spring/summer and individual services are replaced generally within one day.



Existing Lead Service

Finished Replacement

Finished Replacement - Interior


Funding from the Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the State of MN, administered by the MN Public Facilities Authority, have made it possible for the City of Duluth to conduct lead service line replacements at no cost to property owners. 

Lead service line replacements must be conducted through City planned projects.  Reimbursement for replacements conducted outside of the City’s Lead Removal Program are not allowed with this funding.

Replacement projects are dependent on funding and expected timelines for replacement may vary.