Lead Service Line Identification
Service Line Material Inventory
The City of Duluth has completed and submitted its service line materials inventory to the Minnesota Department of Health. The service line inventory is publicly available and you can check the materials for your service line by visiting the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT) https://maps.umn.edu/LSL/ or by contacting the Lead Removal Program at 218-730-4673, leadremoval@duluthmn.gov.
To complete the service line inventory, our system reviewed all available data including installation records, plan records, visual inspections, water sampling results, and potholing. We continue to update and verify the inventory as new information is acquired. Service Line Material Data updates provided to the Lead InventoryTracking Tool occurred 2/24/2025.
Use the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool to determine if your service contains lead.
Where is my water service line?
The service line is a pipe that runs from the public main to a building. It is comprised of the publicly owned section shown in blue, extending from the main to the curb stop. The property owner’s portion shown in red, runs from the curb stop into the building, usually into a basement.
The city continues to develop and update its inventory of all service lines in our water system through review of city records, offering free inspections, water testing, potholing and other inspections.
In the City of Duluth, water service lines are typically made of various materials such as lead, copper, galvanized steel, and HDPE (plastic). The private and public portions of the service are not always the same material due to replacements and made over time.
Public service – Is the service line owned by the utility; the majority of these lines are already identified and recorded in our inventory.
Private Service - Is the service line owned by the property owner, and work continues to identify and verify services with unknown status.
Free Inspection
If the material of your private service line is unknown, you may schedule a free inspection by using the link below or by contacting the Lead Removal Program at 218-730-4673 or leadremoval@duluthmn.gov.
- Conducted by a Comfort Systems Technician.
- Appointment lasts approximately 20 minutes.
- We will need access to the area where the pipe enters the building, usually in a basement or crawl space and near your water meter.
- The technician will also conduct a free water meter upgrade if it has not already been completed.
- A free water pitcher will be supplied if a lead or galvanized pipe is identified.
EPA - Protect your Tap - Guide to Check for Lead
Use this guide to help identify lead pipes