City Clerk

Business Licensing

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth MN 55802.

FORM:  License Application

FEE:  See Fee Schedule

LICENSE PERIOD: June 1 - May 31

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Persons desiring to maintain and operate an adult bookstore.

PROCEDURE:  Applications are filed with the city clerk describing location of premises to be licensed. Premises are subject to approval by fire marshal, public health director, and building official. Restrictions exist as to the location of premises with regard to its proximity to: churches, schools, public parks, residential zone and public sidewalk.  The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) approves licenses.

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth MN 55802.

FORM:   Standard License Application.

FEE:  See Fee Schedule

LICENSE PERIOD: June 1 - May 31

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Persons desiring to maintain and operate an adult entertainment establishment.

PROCEDURE:  Applications are filed with the city clerk describing location of premises to be licensed. Premises are subject to approval by fire marshal, public health director, and building official. Restrictions exist as to the location of premises with regard to its proximity to: churches, schools, public parks, residential zone and public sidewalk.  The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) approves licenses.

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

FORM:  License Application

FEE:  See Fee Schedule. Applicable Code

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Those desiring to place or suspend over and across any public thoroughfare in the city, lights, banners, flags, streamers (restrictions on content do exist).

PROCEDURE:  Applications and fees are received by the City Clerk and are accompanied by an insurance policy. The license is subject to approval by the Police Department and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO); the insurance policy is subject to approval by the Risk Manager. Application and Fee payment required to hold calendar spot request. 

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 441 W. 1st St., Duluth MN 55802.

FORMS:  Bowling Alley License Application.

FEE:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: May 1 - April 30

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Those operating bowling alleys.

PROCEDURE:  Application taken by the City Clerk; must be approved by the Chief Administrative Officer upon advice from the Police Department.  Premises for which license is applicable are subject to approval by the Health and Fire Departments.

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

APPLICATION FORM:  License Application (Standard).

FEES:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: January 1 - December 31

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Owners of coin operated devices (amusements purposes included).

PROCEDURE:  Applications, with fees, are taken by the City Clerk and are subject to approval by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).  Authorization cards must be displayed on the premises.  Also required is a list stating the locations of the coin operated devices.

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

APPLICATION FORM:   License Application.

FEE:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: May 1 - April 30

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Those engaging in the business of collecting or removing solid waste.

PROCEDURE:  Application, fee, a corporate surety bond ($1,000 sum), and a certificate of insurance (and comprehensive) are received by the City Clerk.   The City Collections Officer investigates the suitability of the applicant and vehicles for business operation.  The City Collections Officer ultimately decides whether to grant the license and retains the authority to inspect at any time the containers and vehicles used in the business.

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

APPLICATION FORM:   License Application.

FEE:  See Fee Schedule  (Pro-rated, but not for less than six months):

LICENSE PERIOD: May 1 - April 30

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Those operating or maintaining a gasoline filling station within the city.

PROCEDURE:  Application and fee are received by the City Clerk. The Police and Fire Departments must approve before Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) approval.

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

APPLICATION FORM:  License Application.

FEE:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: January 1 - December 31

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Any person operating a facility engaged in the practice of dog and cat grooming that is not a pet shop.   The act of grooming shall include, but not limited to, the bathing, drying, fur clipping or manicuring of any dog or cat.

PROCEDURE:  Applications, with fees, shall be filed with the City Clerk, subject to approval by police, health, pound master and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

APPLICATION FORM:  License Application.

FEES:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: January 1 - December 31

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Those intending to operate a horse-drawn, two or four wheel carriage for hire, which shall be driven by the owner or his designated driver for the recreational transportation of the public.

REQUIREMENTS:  Veterinarian's certificate verifying the horse to be fit and healthy.  Each carriage shall be inspected by a designated person in the police department.  Carriage drivers must possess a driver's license.  Every horse and carriage shall be equipped with all equipment required by federal, state and local laws, and every carriage shall also have a mechanical hand or foot brake in good working condition.  Each horse used in the operation shall be diapered at all times.  Insurance proof must be submitted at the time application is made.

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

FORM:  License Application.

FEES:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: May 1 - April 30

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Any person engaged in the business of operating a massage establishment.

PROCEDURE:  Application, with fees, filed with the City Clerk is subject to approval by the Police, Fire and Health Departments and the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). 

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

APPLICATION FORM:  License Application.

FEE:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: May 1 - April 30

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Any person employed as a massage therapist to practice massage. 

PROCEDURE:  Application and background check, with fees, shall be filed with the City Clerk, subject to approval by the Chief of Police.  Applicants must file in-person at the City Clerk's Office. 

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth MN  55802.

FORM:  License Application

FEE:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: January 1 - December 31

ISSUED TO:   An outdoor food and beverage service establishment that is a non-motorized vehicle self-propelled by the operator.

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

PROCEDURE:  Application and fee shall be filed with the City Clerk and is subject to approval by the Police Department and the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth MN  55802.

FORM: License Application

FEE:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: January 1 - December 31

ISSUED TO:   An outdoor food and beverage service establishment that is a vehicle mounted unit, either motorized or trailered.

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

PROCEDURE:  Application and fee shall be filed with the City Clerk and is subject to approval by the Police Department and the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

APPLICATION FORM:  License Application (Standard).
If you own more than one lot, click here for the additional lot application form.

FEES:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: May 1 - April 30

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Those engaging in the business of the selling of new and/or used motor vehicles.

PROCEDURE:  Application and fee are received by the city clerk.  A separate license is required for each place of business.  Police department approval is necessary before administrative assistant approval.

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

APPLICATION FORM:  License Application (Standard).

FEE:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: May 1 - April 30

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Those renting and/or leasing motor vehicles for a period less than 6 months.

PROCEDURE:  Application, fee, and liability insurance policy are submitted to the city clerk. Insurance must cover losses in the sum of $25,000 for injury/death resulting from accidents, $50,000 for injury/death of 2 or more, and $5,000 coverage for property damage.  Records (license numbers, names, etc.) shall be kept on file for 1 year and are subject to inspection by the Police Department. 

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

APPLICATION FORM: License Application

FEE:  See Fee Schedule

LICENSE PERIOD: January 1 - December 31

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Any business that traps and/or removes captured animals or kills animals in exchange for monetary remuneration.

PROCEDURE:  Application, fee, liability insurance policy, and a corporate surety bond in the amount of $3,000 are submitted to the City Clerk. Licensees and applicants are subject to inspection by Duluth Animal Control, and approval by the police, health, pound master, and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

APPLICATION FORM:  License Application.

FEE:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: May 1 - April 30

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Those loaning money secured by deposit or pledge of personal property.

PROCEDURE:  Application and fee are submitted to the City Clerk along with a bond in the sum of $2,000.  Records must be kept as prescribed by city ordinance and are subject to inspection by the Chief of Police at all times. 

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth MN  55802.

FORM:  License Application.

FEE:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: January 1 - December 31

Supplemental Information: Information Sheet

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.


PEDDLER:  Any person who carries merchandise and travels from place to place selling said merchandise.  (Exemption - the licensing requirements of this article shall not be held to include persons selling for bona fide charitable and religious organizations when the entire profit of sales are used for a charitable purpose and do not result in private pecuniary gain to any of the sellers, or to persons who offer for sale or sell or who peddle from house to house or in the markets, vegetables, butter, eggs or other farm or garden products.)

SOLICITOR/CANVASSER:  Anyone who goes about from place to place within the city taking or attempting to take orders for the retail sale of services or personal property of any nature whatsoever, for future performance or delivery.

TRANSIENT MERCHANT:  Any person who temporarily sets up business out of a vehicle, trailer, boxcar, tent, other portable shelter, or empty store front for the purpose of selling goods.  Individuals may not remain in one location for more than 14 consecutive days.  Delivery and payment occur immediately.

PROCEDURE:  Application and fee shall be filed with the City Clerk subject to approval by the Police Department and the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

FORM:  License Application (Required)

City of Duluth Operating Agreement (Required)

FEES:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: January 1 - December 31

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  A business that provides shared devices (bicycle or motorized foot scooters) for rental to customers through a Shared Active Mobility System.

PROCEDURE: Application and Agreement with Fees are received and approved by the City Clerk.

OPERATION:  State law and Duluth City Code Chapter 9 govern the operation of shared devices upon any street, roadway, sidewalk, trail or public path.  

PUBLIC PARKS:  Use of shared devices within City of Duluth Parks requires a City of Duluth Parks and Trails Commercial Operations Permit issued by the Parks and Recreation Department and is subject to additional restrictions.  Please note that due to construction planned during 2019, no commercial use is permitted on the Lakewalk from the Pier to Leif Erikson Park.

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

FORM:   License Application.

FEE:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: August 1 - July 31

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Any business establishment where any person engages in the sale of synthetic drugs.

PROCEDURE:  Applications, with fees, are received by the City Clerk and are approved by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

FORM:  License Application. 
             Taxicab Transfer Application.

FEE:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: January 1 - December 31

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Those engaging in taxicab service business.

PROCEDURE:  Application and fee(s) are received by the City Clerk and must be accompanied by an approved insurance policy. Licensee must agree, in writing, to appoint the City Clerk to be their attorney for purposes of service of all legal proceedings against them. Vehicles used for the business, initially and as necessary thereafter, are subject to inspection by an ASE certified mechanic. ASE Mechanic Inspection Form. Proof of ASE Certification status must be provided with all taxicab vehicle inspection reports. 

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

FORM:   License Application (Standard).

FEE:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: May 1 - April 30

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Persons manufacturing, supplying, and/or selling tobacco or tobacco related devices.

PROCEDURE:  Applications, with fees, are received by the City Clerk and are approved by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

Applicable Code 

INITIAL CONTACT:City Clerk, 318 City Hall 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

FORM:   Transportation Network Company

FEE:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: January 1 - December 31

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Those persons or entities operating a transportation network company within the city. 

PROCEDURE:  Applications and associated fees are received by the City Clerk and are approved by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO).

Applicable Code 

INITIAL CONTACT: City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth MN 55802.

FORM:   Tree Service Contractor

FEE: See Fee Schedule

LICENSE PERIOD: January 1 - December 31

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Persons or entities currently registered with the Minnesota State Commissioner of Agriculture as a provider of tree care or trimming services as required by Minnesota Statute 18G.07, that are members of the International Society of Arboriculture or the Tree Care Industry Association, and that possess sufficient liability insurance to meet statutory requirements, subject to approval by the city attorney.

PROCEDURE:  Applications and associated fees are received by the City Clerk, who will issue a license to any applicant whose application satisfies the requirements as provided in Duluth City Code Chapter 35, Section 35-27.1.

INITIAL CONTACT:  City Clerk, 318 City Hall, 411 W. 1st St., Duluth  MN  55802.

FORM:  License Application plus supplemental data form.

FEES:  See Fee Schedule.

LICENSE PERIOD: July 1 - June 30

TELEPHONE NUMBER:  (218) 730-5500.

ISSUED TO:  Those engaging in the business of emergency wrecker service in the city.

REQUIREMENTS:  All qualified vehicles shall have a sticker affixed to the upper left-hand corner of the windshield of the inspected vehicle. The maximum fee rate for service shall be set by the City Council. The Chief of Police will partition the city into zones and establish a wrecker service rotation list.

PROCEDURE:  Application fee, supplemental data form, and certificate of insurance are received by the City Clerk. The Chief of Police shall inspect all vehicles.