Fire Department


Duluth Fire Fighters published a book outlining the history of the Duluth Fire Department. While the book, "Fire and Ice", is no longer in publication, it can be viewed at the Duluth Public Library or at Headquarters Fire Station. The book is the first comprehensive look at the history of Duluth Fire Department from its inception to current day. It documents past apparatus, changes in the department, staff, and major fires. 

H2 258X150

Fatal Street Car Fire Truck Crash

H5 191X150

Local 101 Softball Team, 1919

H7 315X150

Drafting in Duluth's Harbor

H10 260X150

Annex Fire

H15 277X150

Fire Truck

H13 104X150

Northwestern Bell Fire, 1983

H3 268X150

Athletic Club Fire, 1943

H9 227X150

Historic Fire

H1 125X150

First Paid Fire Fighters

H4 121X150

Clark Fire, 6 Family Members Die

H8 242X150

Outside Headquarters, 1903

H11 175X150

Duluth Fire Fighter Shakes Hands with John F. Kennedy Sept 24, 1963

H12 206X150

View of New Headquarters Being Built From the Old Fire Station

H6 204X150

Early First Aid Training

H14 211X150

Street Car Converted into Fire Truck
