2024 Sales Tax Projects - Archived Updates
The 2024 Sales Tax Street Project will involve one of the following on each street (see list of streets here):
- Reclamation and paving – (1) Milling 2-3 inches of bituminous off street. (2) Reclaim the street which involves grinding up remaining pavement and 2-3 inches of subgrade (gravel) and then, (3) paving 3-4 inches of new pavement.
- Mill and overlay – Milling 1.5-2 inches of paving off street and paving a new 1.5-2 inches layer of paving.
In addition to the street work, there will be some stormwater infrastructure repairs as well as ADA upgrades where possible, mostly at pedestrian ramps at intersections. Some residential and business driveways will require concrete work. Notice will be given to individual residents when access will be limited, usually about a week, by the contractor. The project should not affect mail delivery or garbage pickup schedules. It is advisable to put your house number on your garbage cans in case they get moved so we can get them back to you. Streets will be temporarily posted “No Parking” on multiple occasions during the project. Signs will be removed when you can park and reposted when necessary, such as for milling and then again for paving.
The City of Duluth’s Streets Sales tax will fund these projects and there will be no assessments for the projects to property owners.
Common questions and answers:
- Will garbage still be picked up?
- Yes, garbage pickup will still occur.
- Can I still access my driveway?
- Most of the time, yes. The only time this will be affected is if there needs to be driveway concrete work performed. If there needs to be driveway concrete replacement, we will knock on doors and notify property owners.
If you would like more information about when your street is scheduled for improvement, please keep visiting this website for more weekly status updates.
Current status updates:
Week of October 14th, 2024 (and onward):
These streets are paved. Mr. Manholes and punch list items remain.
- Water Street
- 131st Ave
Norton Park
Milling is completed. Remaining concrete work will be finished end of week of 10/14. Paving scheduled for week of 10/21.
- 80th Ave West
- 81st Ave West
- 84th Ave West
Bayview Heights
Concrete work on catch basins scheduled for end of week of 10/14. Paving scheduled for week of 10/21. All pipework is completed.
- Brook Street
- Lawn Street
- Meadow Street
- Vinland Street Alley
- Midway Avenue
Site restoration and paving repair scheduled for week of 10/21.
- Main Street
Spirit Valley
These Streets are complete other than Punchlist items.
- 56th Ave West
- 57th Ave West
- Spirit Drive
These Streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and Punchlist items.
- 38th Ave West
- 39th Ave West
- 41st Ave East
- W 4th Street
- W 5th Street
Lincoln Park
These streets have been removed from project for this year. Lead service replacement will happen and then these streets will be added to 2025 or 2026 Street Preservation. Letters will be sent to property owners:
- W 11th Street
- W 12th Street
- W 13th Street
- 22nd Ave West
Duluth Heights
These streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and punch list items:
- Como Ave
- E Gilead Ave
- E Locust Street
- Myrtle Street
Reclaim work completed, final grading and paving scheduled for week of 10/21.
- Myrtle Place
Central Hillside
These streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and punch list items:
- N Lake Ave
- W 5th Street from Skylie
- W 6th Street
East Hillside
Final punch list items remain on these streets.
- 8th Ave East
- 11th Ave East
- 14th Ave East
- Belmont road
- Parkland Ave
- Chester Parkway
- E 7th Street
- East 10th Street
- Eden Lane
Site restoration and punchlist items remain.
- E 7th Street (from 13th to 14th)
Paving completed. Final concrete work scheduled for week of 10/14.
- 16th Ave East
- 17th Ave East
- E 5th Street
- E 6th Street
- E 7th Street
Chester Park
All work completed other than final punch list.
- E 9th Street
- Garden Street
Hunters Park
Concrete completed. Milling completed. Paving scheduled for week of 10/14.
- Vermillion Road
- Woodhaven Lane
- Hartley Road
Congdon Park
Concrete work completed. Paving scheduled for week of 10/14.
- Crescent View Ave
- Rustwood Lane (storm work week of August 26th)
- Old Howard Mill Road
Lakeside-Lester Park
Concrete work will wrap up week of 10/14. Milling completed. Paving scheduled for week of 10/14.
- 51st Ave East
- 52nd Ave East
- Crosley Ave. (storm work starting week of August 26th)
- Idlewild Street
- Covent Place
- Kingston Street
- Norwood Street
- Oneida Street
This is the plan at this point, weather permitting. As the work progresses, the starting dates may change and will be updated on this website.
When milling and paving of the street occurs the streets will be reposted for each of those operations again.
We will try to maintain access unless we are pouring your driveway, at which point we will knock on your door and work with you as we will need about a week for concrete work.
Week of October 7th, 2024 (and onward)
Below is the current schedule for October 2024.
These streets are paved. Mr. Manholes and punch list items remain.
- Water Street
- 131st Ave
Norton Park
Milling is completed. Remaining concrete work will be finished end of week of 10/7. Paving scheduled for week of 10/14.
- 80th Ave West
- 81st Ave West
- 84th Ave West
Bayview Heights
Concrete work on catch basins scheduled for end of week of 10/7. Paving scheduled for 10/19. All pipework is completed.
- Brook Street
- Lawn Street
- Meadow Street
- Vinland Street Alley
Remaining concrete work scheduled for end of week of 10/7. Site restoration scheduled for 10/14.
- Main Street
Spirit Valley
These Streets are complete other than Punchlist items.
- 56th Ave West
- 57th Ave West
- Spirit Drive
These Streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and Punchlist items.
- 38th Ave West
- 39th Ave West
- 41st Ave East
- W 4th Street
- W 5th Street
Lincoln Park
These streets have been removed from project for this year. Lead service replacement will happen and then these streets will be added to 2025 or 2026 Street Preservation. Letters will be sent to property owners:
- W 11th Street
- W 12th Street
- W 13th Street
- 22nd Ave West
Duluth Heights
These streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and punch list items:
- Como Ave
- E Gilead Ave
- E Locust Street
- Myrtle Street
Reclaim work completed, final grading and paving scheduled for week of 10/7.
- Myrtle Place
Central Hillside
These streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and punch list items:
- N Lake Ave
- W 5th Street from Skylie
- W 6th Street
East Hillside
Paving to be completed on 10/4. Final concrete work to be completed week of 10/14.
- 8th Ave East
- 11th Ave East
- 14th Ave East
- Belmont road
- Parkland Ave
- Chester Parkway
- E 7th Street
- East 10th Street
- Eden Lane
Paving scheduled for week of 10/7.
- E 7th Street (from 13th to 14th)
Paving completed. Final concrete work scheduled for week of 10/14
- 16th Ave East
- 17th Ave East
- E 5th Street
- E 6th Street
- E 7th Street
Chester Park
All work completed other than final punch list.
- E 9th Street
- Garden Street
Hunters Park
Concrete completed. Milling/paving scheduled for week of 10/7.
- Vermillion Road
- Woodhaven Lane
- Hartley Road
Congdon Park
Concrete work completed on 10/3. Paving scheduled for week of 10/7.
- Crescent View Ave
- Rustwood Lane (storm work week of August 26th)
- Old Howard Mill Road
Lakeside-Lester Park
Concrete work started on 9/30 and will wrap up around 10/9. Milling scheduled for week of 10/7. Paving scheduled for week of 10/14.
- 51st Ave East
- 52nd Ave East
- Crosley Ave. (storm work starting week of August 26th)
- Idlewild Street
- Covent Place
- Kingston Street
- Norwood Street
- Oneida Street
This is the plan at this point, weather permitting. As the work progresses, the starting dates may change and will be updated on this website.
When milling and paving of the street occurs the streets will be reposted for each of those operations again.
We will try to maintain access unless we are pouring your driveway, at which point we will knock on your door and work with you as we will need about a week for concrete work.
Week of September 23th, 2024
Below is the current schedule for September 2024.
These streets are paved. Mr. Manholes and punch list items remain.
- Water Street
- 131st Ave
Norton Park
Concrete work is 95% complete. Milling is 100% complete. Paving to start week of 9/30
- 80th Ave West
- 81st Ave West
- 84th Ave West
Bayview Heights
Concrete work is 90% complete. Storm work is 100% complete. Final paving scheduled for the week of 9/30.
- Brook Street
- Lawn Street
- Meadow Street
- Vinland Street Alley (storm work on alley will start 1st week of September after gas main work completed, paving after Alley storm)
Work is complete. Punchlist items to be addressed in October.
- Main Street
Spirit Valley
These Streets are complete other than Punchlist items.
- 56th Ave West
- 57th Ave West
- Spirit Drive
These Streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and Punchlist items.
- 38th Ave West
- 39th Ave West
- 41st Ave East
- W 4th Street
- W 5th Street
Lincoln Park
These streets have been removed from project for this year. Lead service replacement will happen and then these streets will be added to 2025 or 2026 Street Preservation. Letters will be sent to property owners:
- W 11th Street
- W 12th Street
- W 13th Street
- 22nd Ave West
Duluth Heights
These streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and punch list items:
- Como Ave
- E Gilead Ave
- E Locust Street
- Myrtle Street
Reclaim and paving scheduled for the end of week of 9/23:
- Myrtle Place
Central Hillside
These streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and punch list items:
- N Lake Ave
- W 5th Street from Skylie
- W 6th Street
East Hillside
Concrete work is 95% complete. Milling is 100% complete. Paving beginning 9/21:
- 8th Ave East
- 11th Ave East
- 14th Ave East
- Belmont road
- Parkland Ave
- Chester Parkway
- E 7th Street
- East 10th Street
- Eden Lane
Storm sewer complete. Private Lead service work completed. Concrete work complete. Paving scheduled for week of 9/23
- E 7th Street (from 13th to 14th)
Concrete work is 95% complete. Milling is 100% complete. Paving beginning 9/21:
- 16th Ave East
- 17th Ave East
- E 5th Street
- E 6th Street
- E 7th Street
Chester Park
Concrete work is 98% complete. Milling is 100% complete. Paving beginning 9/21:
- E 9th Street
- Garden Street (storm work week of 26th also)
Hunters Park
Storm work is complete. Concrete work is 75% complete. Milling to begin week of 9/30. Paving to begin week of 9/30.
- Vermillion Road
- Woodhaven Lane
- Hartley Road
Congdon Park
Concrete work complete. Reclaim to begin on 9/27. Paving beginning week of 9/30
- Crescent View Ave
- Rustwood Lane (storm work week of August 26th)
- Old Howard Mill Road
Lakeside-Lester Park
Removals are 90% complete. Concrete work to begin week of 9/23. Milling to begin week of 9/30. Paving begins week of 10/7:
- 51st Ave East
- 52nd Ave East
- Crosley Ave. (storm work starting week of August 26th)
- Idlewild Street
- Covent Place
- Kingston Street
- Norwood Street
- Oneida Street
This is the plan at this point, weather permitting. As the work progresses, the starting dates may change and will be updated on this website.
When milling and paving of the street occurs the streets will be reposted for each of those operations again.
We will try to maintain access unless we are pouring your driveway, at which point we will knock on your door and work with you as we will need about a week for concrete work.
Week of September 9th, 2024
Below is the current schedule for September 2024.
These streets are paved. Mr. Manholes and punch list items remain.
- Water Street
- 131st Ave
Norton Park
These streets have had saw cutting done. Removals began week of 9/3. Concrete Flatwork will begin week of 9/9. Milling and paving will begin 9/17.
- 80th Ave West
- 81st Ave West
- 84th Ave West
Bayview Heights
Storm work is completed on Meadow, Brook, and Lawn. Alley storm work will start the week of 9/9. Remaining concrete work will begin 9/16. Remaining Paving will begin 9/23.
- Brook Street
- Lawn Street
- Meadow Street
- Vinland Street Alley (storm work on alley will start 1st week of September after gas main work completed, paving after Alley storm)
Storm work is completed on this street. Paving is completed and concrete work will be completed by 9/14.
- Main Street
Spirit Valley
These Streets are complete other than Punchlist items.
- 56th Ave West
- 57th Ave West
- Spirit Drive
These Streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and Punchlist items.
- 38th Ave West
- 39th Ave West
- 41st Ave East
- W 4th Street
- W 5th Street
Lincoln Park
These streets have been removed from project for this year. Lead service replacement will happen and then these streets will be added to 2025 or 2026 Street Preservation. Letters will be sent to property owners:
- W 11th Street
- W 12th Street
- W 13th Street
- 22nd Ave West
Duluth Heights
These streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and punch list items:
- Como Ave
- E Gilead Ave
- E Locust Street
- Myrtle Street
Work on this street will not start till mid-September with reclaim and paving:
- Myrtle Place
Central Hillside
These streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and punch list items:
- N Lake Ave
- W 5th Street from Skylie
- W 6th Street
East Hillside
Concrete work scheduled for completion week of September 9th
With milling and paving week of September 9th (same week):
- 8th Ave East
- 11th Ave East
- 14th Ave East
- Belmont road
- Parkland Ave
- Chester Parkway
- E 7th Street
- East 10th Street
- Eden Lane
Storm sewer complete. Private Lead service work completed. Concrete work complete. Paving scheduled for week of 9/16
- E 7th Street (from 13th to 14th)
Removals and concrete work continuing this week of September 9th. Milling and paving starting week of September 9th:
- 16th Ave East
- 17th Ave East
- E 5th Street
- E 6th Street
- E 7th Street
Chester Park
Concrete work continuing week of September 9th. Milling and paving starting week of September 9th.
- E 9th Street
- Garden Street (storm work week of 26th also)
Hunters Park
Storm work is complete. Removals and concrete work scheduled for week of 9/9. Milling and paving scheduled for week of 9/23
- Vermillion Road
- Woodhaven Lane
- Hartley Road
Congdon Park
Removals and concrete work scheduled for week of 9/9. Milling, Reclaim, and paving scheduled for week of 9/23.
- Crescent View Ave
- Rustwood Lane (storm work week of August 26th)
- Old Howard Mill Road
Lakeside-Lester Park
Removals and concrete on these streets scheduled to start September 16th. Milling and paving the week of September 30th:
- 51st Ave East
- 52nd Ave East
- Crosley Ave. (storm work starting week of August 26th)
- Idlewild Street
- Covent Place
- Kingston Street
- Norwood Street
- Oneida Street
This is the plan at this point, weather permitting. As the work progresses, the starting dates may change and will be updated on this website.
When milling and paving of the street occurs the streets will be reposted for each of those operations again.
We will try to maintain access unless we are pouring your driveway, at which point we will knock on your door and work with you as we will need about a week for concrete work.
Week of August 26th, 2024
Below is the current schedule for August 2024.
These streets are paved. Shouldering and punch list items remain, MH treatments in street 1st week of September:
- Water Street
- 131st Ave
Norton Park
These streets have had saw cutting done. Removals and concrete work will continue week of August 26th:
- 80th Ave West
- 81st Ave West
- 84th Ave West
Bayview Heights
Storm work has started on these streets. Storm should be completed week of August 26th.
Reclaim and concrete work also starting week of August 26th. Paving week of September 2nd:
- Brook Street
- Lawn Street
- Meadow Street
- Vinland Street Alley (storm work on alley will start 1st week of September after gas main work
completed, paving after Alley storm)
Storm work is completed on this street. Concrete, grading and paving starting the week of August 26th:
- Main Street
Spirit Valley
These Streets are complete other than Punchlist items.
- 56th Ave West
- 57th Ave West
- Spirit Drive
These Streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and Punchlist items.
- 38th Ave West
- 39th Ave West
- 41st Ave East
- W 4th Street
- W 5th Street
Lincoln Park
These streets have been removed from project for this year. Lead service replacement will happen and then these streets will be added to 2025 or 2026 Street Preservation. Letters will be sent to property owners:
- W 11th Street
- W 12th Street
- W 13th Street
- 22nd Ave West
Duluth Heights
These streets are complete other than manhole treatments in street and punch list items:
- Como Ave
- E Gilead Ave
- E Locust Street
- Myrtle Street
Work on this street will not start till mid-September with reclaim and paving:
- Myrtle Place
Central Hillside
These streets are complete other than restoration behind curb, manhole treatments in street and punch list items:
- N Lake Ave
- W 5th Street from Skylie
- W 6th Street
East Hillside
Removals and storm work should be complete week of August 19th. Concrete work scheduled for completion week of September 6th
With milling and paving week of September 6th (same week):
- 8th Ave East
- 11th Ave East
- 14th Ave East
- Belmont road
- Parkland Ave
- Chester Parkway
- E 7th Street
- East 10th Street
- Eden Lane
Storm sewer complete. Private Lead service work completed. Concrete work starting week of August 26th. Paving scheduled 1st week of September:
- E 7th Street (from 13th to 14th)
Removals and concrete work continuing this week of August 26th. Milling and paving starting September 7th:
- 16th Ave East
- 17th Ave East
- E 5th Street
- E 6th Street
- E 7th Street
Chester Park
Concrete work continuing week of August 26th. Milling and paving starting September 7th.
- E 9th Street
- Garden Street (storm work week of 26th also)
Hunters Park
Work on these streets scheduled to start on August 26th. Removals and concrete week of September 2nd. Milling and paving starting September 16th:
- Vermillion Road (storm work week of August 26th)
- Woodhaven Lane
- Hartley Road
Congdon Park
Work on these streets scheduled to start August 26th. Removals and concrete starting week of September 2nd.
Paving starting week of September 16th.
- Crescent View Ave
- Rustwood Lane (storm work week of August 26th)
- Old Howard Mill Road
Lakeside-Lester Park
Removals and concrete on these streets scheduled to start September 16th. Milling and paving the week of September 23rd:
- 51st Ave East
- 52nd Ave East
- Crosley Ave. (storm work starting week of August 26th)
- Idlewild Street
- Covent Place
- Kingston Street
- Norwood Street
- Oneida Street
This is the plan at this point, weather permitting. As the work progresses, the starting dates may change and will be updated on this website.
When milling and paving of the street occurs the streets will be reposted for each of those operations again.
We will try to maintain access unless we are pouring your driveway, at which point we will knock on your door and work with you as we will need about a week for concrete work.
Week of August 19th, 2024
Below is the current schedule for August 2024.
These streets are paved. Shouldering and punch list items remain:
- Water Street
- 131st Ave
Norton Park
These streets have had saw cutting done. Removals and concrete work will start week of August 19th:
- 80th Ave West
- 81st Ave West
- 84th Ave West
Bayview Heights
Storm work has started on these streets. Storm should be completed week of August 26th:
- Brook Street
- Lawn Street
- Meadow Street
- Vinland Street Alley
Storm work is completed on this street. Concrete work is scheduled for week of August 19th:
- Main Street
Spirit Valley
These Streets are complete other than Punchlist items.
- 56th Ave West
- 57th Ave West
- Spirit Drive
These Streets are complete other than Punchlist items.
- 38th Ave West
- 39th Ave West
- 41st Ave East
- W 4th Street
- W 5th Street
Lincoln Park
These streets have been removed from project for this year. Lead service replacement will happen and then these streets will be added to 2025 or 2026 Street Preservation. Letters will be sent to property owners:
- W 11th Street
- W 12th Street
- W 13th Street
- 22nd Ave West
Duluth Heights
These streets are complete other than restoration and punch list items:
- Como Ave
- E Gilead Ave
- E Locust Street
- Myrtle Street
Work on this street will not start till September:
- Myrtle Place
Central Hillside
These streets are complete other than restoration behind curb and punch list items:
- N Lake Ave
- W 5th Street from Skylie
- W 6th Street
East Hillside
Removals and storm work should be complete week of August 19th. Concrete work scheduled for week of August 29th:
- 8th Ave East
- 11th Ave East
- 14th Ave East
- Belmont road
- Parkland Ave
- Chester Parkway
- E 7th Street
- East 10th Street
- Eden Lane
Storm sewer complete. Private Lead service work to be completed. Concrete work starting week of August 19th:
- E 7th Street (from 13th to 14th)
Removals and concrete work continuing this week of August 19th:
- 16th Ave East
- 17th Ave East
- E 5th Street
- E 6th Street
- E 7th Street
Chester Park
Concrete work continuing week of August 19th.
- E 9th Street
- Garden Street
Hunters Park
Work on these streets scheduled to start in August/Early September:
- Vermillion Road
- Woodhaven Lane
- Hartley Road
Congdon Park
Work on these streets scheduled to start in August/Early September:
- Crescent View Ave
- Rustwood Lane
- Old Howard Mill Road
Lakeside-Lester Park
Work on these streets scheduled to start in August/Early September:
- 51st Ave East
- 52nd Ave East
- Crosley Ave.
- Idlewild Street
- Covent Place
- Kingston Street
- Norwood Street
- Oneida Street
This is the plan at this point. As the work progresses, the starting dates may change and will be updated on this website.
Milling and paving of the street will be scheduled at a later date and the streets will be reposted for each of those operations again.
We will try to maintain access unless we are pouring your driveway, at which point we will knock on your door and work with you as we will need about a week for concrete work.
Week of July 29th, 2024 (and onward)
The Project is about three weeks behind due to the recent rain events. Below is the current schedule for the next few weeks.
Paving is completed. Miscellaneous concrete work, cleanup, topsoil, seed and blanket behind curb this week on these streets.
W 5th Street
W 4th Street
N 39th Ave W
N 38th Ave W
N 41st Ave W
N 57th Ave W
N 56th Ave W
Spirit Dr
57th Ave W
Concrete work should be completed this week. Milling scheduled for week of 22nd. Paving week of 29th on these streets:
W 6th Street
W 5th Street (Skyline)
Lake Ave.
Storm sewer finishing this week, concrete removals and preparing road for paving. Paving won’t happen till August.
E 7th Street (from 13th to 14th)
Milling and Paving continuing the week of July 29nd on these streets:
Como Ave
E Gilead Ave
E Locust Street
Myrtle Pl
Myrtle Street
Removals and concrete work continuing this week on following streets:
E 5th Street
E 6th Street
E 7th Street
16th Ave E
Saw cutting this week. Removals and concrete work the week of July 22nd.
E 9th Street
Garden Street
Reclaiming this week on following streets and paving the week of August 5th:
Water Street
131st Ave
Saw cutting, lowering manholes this week on following streets:
Main Street-(storm pipe work starting this week also-intersection closed)
80th Ave
81st Ave
84th Ave
This is the plan at this point. As the work progresses, the starting dates may change and will be updated on this website.
Milling and paving of the street will be scheduled at a later date and the streets will be reposted for each of those operations again.
We will try to maintain access unless we are pouring your driveway, at which point we will knock on your door and work with you as we will need about a week for concrete work.
Week of July 15th, 2024
The Project is about 3 weeks behind due to the recent rain events. Below is the current schedule for the next few weeks.
Paving is completed. Miscellaneous concrete work, cleanup, topsoil, seed and blanket behind curb this week on these streets.
- W 5th Street
- W 4th Street
- N 39th Ave W
- N 38th Ave W
- N 41st Ave W
- N 57th Ave W
- N 56th Ave W
- Spirit Dr
- 57th Ave W
Concrete work should be completed this week. Milling scheduled for week of 22nd. Paving week of 29th on these streets:
- W 6th Street
- W 5th Street (Skyline)
- Lake Ave
Storm sewer finishing this week, concrete removals and preparing road for paving. Paving won’t happen till August.
- E 7th Street (from 13th to 14th)
Concrete work starting week 22nd on these streets:
- Como Ave
- E Gilead Ave
- E Locust Street
- Myrtle Pl
- Myrtle Street
Removals and concrete work continuing this week on following streets:
- E 5th Street
- E 6th Street
- E 7th Street
- 16th Ave E
Saw cutting this week. Removals and concrete work the week of July 22nd:
- E 9th Street
- Garden Street
Pipework and saw cutting this week on following streets:
- Water Street
- 131st Ave
Saw cutting, lowering manholes this week on following streets:
- Main Street
- 80th Ave
- 81st Ave
- 84th Ave
This is the plan at this point. As the work progresses, the starting dates may change and will be updated on this website.
Milling and paving of the street will be scheduled at a later date and the streets will be reposted for each of those operations again.
We will try to maintain access unless we are pouring your driveway, at which point we will knock on your door and work with you as we will need about a week for concrete work.
Week of July 1, 2024
The Project is about 3 weeks behind due to the recent rain events. Below is the current schedule for the next few weeks.
*The below status update is still the same as last week (nothing new to add). We will likely add some updates next week as new street work is planned, so check in early next week for more information.
Concrete work will be finishing the week of June 24th, Milling is scheduled for week of July 1st and Paving is scheduled for week of July 8th on these streets:
- W 5th Street
- W 4th Street
- N 39th Ave W
- N 38th Ave W
- N 41st Ave W
- N 57th Ave W
- N 56th Ave W
- Spirit Dr
- 57th Ave W
Concrete work will star week of June 24th, Site Restoration (soil behind curb and clean up) week of July 1st, Milling week of July 8th and paving mid/end of July 8th week on following streets:
- W 6th Street
- W 5th Street (Skyline)
- Lake Ave. (concrete work completed)
Storm sewer starting week of June 24th for about 3 weeks on:
- E 7th Street (from 13th to 14th)
Concrete work starting week of July 8th on these streets:
- Como Ave
- E Gilead Ave
- E Locust Street
- Myrtle Pl
- Myrtle Street
Removals and concrete work plan to continue July 8th on following streets:
- E 5th Street
- E 6th Street
- E 7th Street
- 16th Ave E
- 17th Ave E
This is the plan at this point. As the work progresses, the starting dates may change due to weather etc. and will be updated weekly on this website.
If your street is waiting for Milling and Paving, the street will be reposted “No Parking” again for each of those operations.
We will try to maintain access unless we are doing removals and concrete work on your driveway or on one of the streets that have storm work on them and we need to close it.
Week of June 24, 2024
The Project is about 3 weeks behind due to the recent rain events. Below is the current schedule for the next few weeks.
Concrete work will be finishing the week of June 24th, Milling is scheduled for week of July 1st and Paving is scheduled for week of July 8th on these streets:
- W 5th Street
- W 4th Street
- N 39th Ave W
- N 38th Ave W
- N 41st Ave W
- N 57th Ave W
- N 56th Ave W
- Spirit Dr
- 57th Ave W
Concrete work will star week of June 24th, Site Restoration (soil behind curb and clean up) week of July 1st, Milling week of July 8th and paving mid/end of July 8th week on following streets:
- W 6th Street
- W 5th Street (Skyline)
- Lake Ave. (concrete work completed)
Storm sewer starting week of June 24th for about 3 weeks on:
- E 7th Street (from 13th to 14th)
Concrete work starting week of July 8th on these streets:
- Como Ave
- E Gilead Ave
- E Locust Street
- Myrtle Pl
- Myrtle Street
Removals and concrete work plan to continue July 8th on following streets:
- E 5th Street
- E 6th Street
- E 7th Street
- 16th Ave E
- 17th Ave E
New concrete pouring, will be finished and Milling and Paving is scheduled for week of June 3rd.
- N 57th Ave W
- N 56th Ave W
- Spirit Dr
- 57th Ave W
Concrete pouring, will be finishing and Milling and Paving is scheduled for week of June 3rd.
- W 5th Street
- W 4th Street
- N 39th Ave W
- N 38th Ave W
- N 41st Ave W
These streets were posted “No Parking” on May 20th with concrete sidewalk, curb, and catch basin removal occurring the week of the 20th. Concrete work will star week of May 27th.
Lake Ave. is the exception because of steep grades and removals will happen closer to concrete work.
- W 6th Street
- W 5th Street (Skyline)
- N Lake Ave
- W Myrtle Street
These streets were posted “No Parking” on May 20th with concrete sidewalk, curb, and catch basin removal. Driveway culvert replacement will be starting the week of June 3rd.
- Como Ave
- E Gilead Ave
- E Locust Street
- Myrtle Pl
This is the plan at this point. As the work progresses, the starting dates may change and will be updated on this website.
Milling and paving of the street will be scheduled at a later date and the streets will be reposted for each of those operations again.
We will try to maintain access unless we are pouring your driveway, at which point we will knock on your door and work with you as we will need about a week for concrete work.
Week of June 2, 2024
These streets are planned to be posted “No Parking” on the 2nd with concrete sidewalk, curb, and catch basin removal, and new concrete being poured:
- Como Ave
- E Gilead Ave
- E Locust Street
- Myrtle Pl
- W Myrtle St
Week of May 19, 2024
These streets are planned to be posted “No Parking” on the 20th with concrete sidewalk, curb, and catch basin removal, and new concrete being poured.
- W 13th Street
- W 12th Street
- N 22nd Ave W
- W 6th Street
- W 5th Street (Skyline)
- N Lake Ave
Week of April 28, 2024
These streets were posted “No Parking”, and concrete sidewalk, curb, and catch basin removals, and new concrete pouring, has started.
- N 57th Ave W
- N 56th Ave W
- Spirit Dr
- 57th Ave W
- W 5th Street
- W 4th Street
- N 39th Ave W
- N 38th Ave W
- N 41st Ave W
This process will take about two weeks on each street and then the “No Parking” signs will come down.
There were two informational sessions in May on the 2024 Duluth Street Projects.
One virtual public informational session:
Thursday, May 2nd, 2024
Location: Virtual
Time: Noon – 1:00 PM
Recording is in two parts because of the file size:
One in-person public informational session:
Thursday, May 2nd, 2024
Location: Downtown Duluth Public Library, 520 W Superior St., Duluth, MN, 55802
Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM