
Davis-Bacon/Prevailing Wage

Duluth City Code 1959 stipulates that all laborers and mechanics working on city projects $2,000 or higher be paid prevailing wage. This includes anyone performing manual labor on the project site, including administrative staff – owners, partners, executives, managers, etc. - when they are performing manual tasks, as well as truck drivers with few exceptions.  Also, all contractors and subcontractors working on the project (including trucking companies transporting materials with few exceptions) are required to submit documentation of prevailing wage payment.   The documents we need to review payrolls are broken down as follows (depending on project funding source):

  • Payroll forms- you may use the federal, MnDOT, or your own payroll form, as long as it contains the required data as provided for on the MnDOT or federal payroll forms.
  • Statement of Compliance:
  • Month-end trucking reports: if the prime contractor and/or any subcontractors hire MTOs (multiple truck operators) and/or ITOs (independent truck operators), they must submit a MnDOT month-end trucking report each month (this applies to all City Engineering projects). 
  • ITO (independent truck operator) documents- the cab card, insurance, and CDL for each ITO is required once for each project (this includes ITOs hired by the prime contractor and/or any subcontractors).
  • Apprenticeship documents- paperwork for each apprentice is due the first time they appear on the payroll.
  • Overtime- OT is required on hours over 8 in a day and 40 in a week.  However, if the project is just City funded, we will allow alternate OT schedules per union agreement.  The state does not have this allowance, so you must adhere to the 8/40 rule on state-funded jobs.
  • EEO Documentation (for local federal and general obligation funded construction projects over $100,000 awarded by a city or county agency):
  • Contractor affidavit form- must be submitted at the end of the project before the final estimate is paid.

Funding outside of MnDOT or Engineering may have other requirements, which would be listed in the special provisions for that project.  If you have questions, please contact our office below.

Submitting your payroll documents:

Subcontractors: please submit your documents to the prime contractor and they will forward the information to the contracting agency.

Prime contractor: please submit your documents to the contracting agency.  If it is a City of Duluth PW&U Engineering project, you can send your documents to:

Angela Herbert
Attn: Angela Herbert
City of Duluth Public Works & Utilities Department- Engineering Division
City Hall, Room 240
411 W 1st St
Duluth, MN 55802

For questions, please call: 218-730-5081

If you are not sure which City of Duluth department/division is the contracting agency, please contact Purchasing ( or 218-730-5340) or Engineering and we will assist you.

See the following links for more information regarding prevailing wage: