
Railroad Street Resurfacing

Railroad Street Reconditioning Project Site Map
Railroad Street Resurfacing Project Site Map

The project will resurface an approximate 0.4-mile segment of Railroad Street from 5th Avenue West to Canal Park Drive/Lake Avenue. The project will also replace the existing traffic signal systems along Railroad Street at Lake Avenue/Lake Place Drive and Canal Park Drive/Lake Avenue. The proposed signal work includes the installation of countdown pedestrian signals and accessible pedestrian signals (APS) equipment and functionality. Additional work includes intermittent replacement of concrete curb and gutter and sidewalk, pedestrian curb ramp replacement, crosswalk improvements, storm sewer structure repairs, and lighting improvements. 

Please join us for an informational open house scheduled for Monday, March 24, 2025, at the DECC Symphony Hall Atrium from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM.  The open house will also be available online via Teams.

Teams Link

Meeting ID: 230 747 947 659

Passcode: hP6k96bq

Open House Flyer

Railroad Street Public Meeting Slides

Construction dates: TBD, construction season 2025