
Energy Saving Resources

Almost 60% of Duluth’s community wide energy use has been traced back to electricity use. Understand your household energy footprint and achieve assistance on your bills and/or energy savings utilizing these tools!

Home Energy Audits

A Home Energy Audit (HEA) is an easy way to help reduce utility use and waste while also saving money. The HEA provides an analysis of your heating and water systems, and your home insulation. After the audit, you will receive a report with recommended improvements to help save money and reduce utility waste. A Home Energy AUdit is free to all ComfortSystems and Minnesota Power customers, with income-based pricing available for anyone requesting an Advanced Home Energy Audit.

Comfort Systems Conservation Resources

Discover Steps to make your home more energy efficient and additional resources at comfort systems conservation website!

Minnesota Power Rebates & Savings

Getting new appliances? New lights? Looking to upgrade water systems? Trying to recycle old appliances? Check out Minnesota Power’s rebates for these and more!

CARE: Customer Affordability of Residential Electricity

Minnesota Power is pleased to offer the CARE program, which offers income-qualified households a discount on monthly electric bills. The CARE program is administered by Minnesota Power.

If you are LIHEAP-qualified (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program), you are eligible for a CARE program electric bill discount!

Renewable Source: Purchase renewable energy through Minnesota Power

With Renewable Source, you can choose how much of the energy you purchase comes from renewable sources and directly influence the amount of renewable energy on the power grid.

For a few dollars more a month, you can add more renewable energy to the power grid equal to a percentage of your monthly energy use. It’s an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint with nothing to install or maintain. The extra cost is added to your regular monthly bill and the power is delivered to the electric grid on your behalf.

Minnesota Power's Low Income Solar Pilot Program

The Low Income Solar Pilot Program provides funding for projects that make it possible for income-qualified customers to have easier access to solar power. Applications for projects that benefit income-qualified customers or facilities that serve income-qualified customers can be submitted by Minnesota Power customers, solar installers or developers, or community groups. A committee of seven Minnesota Power employees and seven regional stakeholders will review applications and award funding.