Snow Emergency

How the City Plows Streets

The City of Duluth clears over 530 miles of roadway. During a snow emergency, crews are working to clear snow emergency routes first before working on plowing full neighborhoods. The Snow and Ice Policy (found here) outlines the order in which plow drivers clear streets and alleys during snow storms. The Schedule, detailed in the policy and listed below, begins once the snow fall stops. Please note that these times are approximate.

  • Priority 1 (Main Arterials) – 36 hours after the snowfall subsides
  • Priority 2 (Residential) streets open to traffic (one lane) within 48 hours after the snowfall subsides
  • Priority 3 (Alleys) opened and made passable within 56 hours after the snowfall subsides

View our Street Priority Map and Sidewalk Priority Map.

Crews work hard to clear snow as quickly as possible but they cannot do their jobs if you do not do yours. The following conditions negatively impact how quickly City crews can plow streets. Please do your part to keep plow trucks moving.

* Illegally parked, or stalled, vehicles in snow that restrict or prevent access to plow streets or alleys.

* Snow Plowing equipment is rendered inadequate by the depths of the snow, drifts or ice conditions

* Weather so severe as to cause crews to be called in from the street, i.e., whiteout conditions or icy conditions

How you can make snow removal more efficient

Did you know that you can help to keep snow removal efficient? You can! Keep all cars, trailers, and other large objects off the right-of-way to make room for snow plows. Please keep all belongings behind power pole lines in alleys, or behind sidewalks leaving room for snow plows to deposit snow.

Garbage and Recycling Cans

It can be hard to find a spot for your trash and recycling cans in the winter. Please remember that placing cans on the right-of-way or in the street is considered to be illegal, not to mention a great place for them to become damaged or broken at the homeowner’s expense. Instead, please place cans on the boulevard or in your driveway 3 feet back from the curb away from snowplows.

Winter Garbage Placement