Key Initiatives
Mayor Reinert is committed to ensuring the City of Duluth maintains core services that are effective, efficient, and at a tax rate residents and businesses can afford and sustain, with a focus on the following initiatives:
Core City services.
From public safety to transportation, the City is committed to delivering efficient core city services at a tax rate our residents and businesses can afford and sustain. Streets are the backbone of a city, facilitating the transportation of people, goods, and services through the city and beyond. Ensuring we have safe, well-maintained streets and public utilities helps individuals, business, and community institutions meet their obligations and improves the quality of life for our residents.
Growing our commercial tax base.
A robust tax base relieves the property tax pressure for homeowners while expanding the contribution to the City's general fund for street and infrastructure maintenance and improvements. Expanding the City's property tax base through more housing and commerce reduces individual property tax bills while funding the critical services that residents rely on.
Housing across all income levels.
Everyone needs a place to live. The City of Duluth supports a mix of development of all housing types: single family, multi-family, and apartments across all income levels. Our housing market in Duluth is stuck due to a lack of inventory. This means those who can, will overpay for the limited stock available, while an ever-increasing group of individuals find they cannot afford to buy a home in their hometown. Identifying new areas for development, including downtown Duluth as our newest residential neighborhood, helps meet the city’s current and future housing needs.