Good Neighbor Award
In his first State of the City address, Mayor Reinert called on Duluthians to seek opportunities to improve the wellbeing of their neighborhoods and our community by helping where help is needed.
Simple acts of picking up litter on evening walks, freshening and fixing the things we can and reporting the things we cannot, coaching youth sports and checking in on neighbors, show others we care. When we care, others will care, too.
We know many Duluthians are quietly doing this work and have been for some time. We would like to recognize their efforts.
Please use the form below to nominate a Duluthian who helps make our neighborhoods a place of community for everyone. Please include the person's name, their contact information, and a brief description as to why they should be recognized with the Good Neighbor Award. Nominees must reside in the City of Duluth. Nominations are due by 11:59 pm December 31st, 2024.
Mayor Reinert will present the finalist with Good Neighbor Award at his annual State of the City address.