View Press Release
DATE: 9/27/2021
SUBJECT: Duluth to improve 16.8 miles of roads as a part of the Street Improvement Program in 2022 BY: Kate Van Daele, Public Information Officer |
Duluth to improve 16.8 miles of roads as a part of the Street Improvement Program in 2022
[Duluth, MN] The City of Duluth announced today, that 16.8 miles of roads will be improved in 2022 as a part of the Sales Tax Street Improvement Program. The program, which was approved by voters with 76% of the vote in November of 2017, created a ½ percent sales tax that will be allocated to repair, improve, and maintain roads within the city of Duluth. The first year of the program was in 2020. The city improved 14.5 miles in 2020, and is expected to improve 12.1 miles this year.
“I’m proud to share that 2022 includes 16.8 miles of road construction paid for by our voter-approved dedicated sales tax for streets,” Mayor Emily Larson said. “This is a huge community accomplishment and something to really celebrate. Based on the recollection and experience of Director Jim Benning, this is the single largest number of miles in one construction season, perhaps in our city’s history. By recent comparison – in 2017, the year of the voter referendum, the city did 2.53 miles.”
The program has already had a city-wide impact, as projects have taken place in every city council district, in neighborhoods from Gary - New Duluth to Lakeside, Duluth Heights and Piedmont, and many others. Thought has gone into how these projects all interact with one another, planning has been invested into leveraging projects for the benefit of one another and consideration has been given to utilities and geographic equity. Staff has diligently engaged the Metropolitan Interstate Council, the Commission on Disabilities and the general public.
“My sincere thanks to our incredible staff who work year-round on prepping, engineering and completing these projects – and doing so with community values at their core,” Mayor Larson said.