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City of Duluth Communications Office
Mayor Roger J. Reinert
411 West First Street • Duluth, Minnesota 55802 •
For more information, please call 218-730-5309
DATE: 8/16/2021
SUBJECT: Aerial Lift Bridge sidewalks get a facelift starting today, August 16, 2021
BY: Kate Van Daele, Public Information Officer

Aerial Lift Bridge sidewalks get a facelift starting today, August 16, 2021

[Duluth, MN] The sidewalks on the Aerial Lift Bridge will receive a much-needed facelift beginning today, August 16. Contractors will be working to improve sidewalk areas that have had a lot of wear and tear from decades of use. Crews will be working to repair both sidewalks this week. One side of the sidewalk will always be open to pedestrians while crews work on the opposite side. Contractors will be working from 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. The sidewalk being worked on is expected to be closed for a total of 24 hours before that side will reopen for public use.
