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City of Duluth - Parks and Recreation
411 West First Street • Duluth, Minnesota 55802
218-730-4309 •
For more information contact Kelli Latuska,
Public Information Officer at 218-730-5309
DATE: 8/2/2021
SUBJECT: Parks and Recreation to offer new league – Adult Kickball!
BY: Kate Van Daele, Public Information Officer

Parks and Recreation to offer new league – Adult Kickball!

[Duluth, MN] The City of Duluth Parks and Recreation division is excited to offer a new league Adult Kickball!  The new league is the second adult league option added to Parks and Recreation programming for the fall.

The Kickball League is open to adults 18 and over.  Games will take place every Wednesday starting September 8th for six weeks at Wade Stadium.  The cost to participate is $200 per team. Teams can sign up to play until Wednesday, September 1. This is an open league, meaning that there is no requirement of how many men or women have to sign up to play. To register, please visit:

Gather your friends and sign up for this exciting opportunity to play in a casual recreation league at Wade Stadium!
