View Press Release
DATE: 4/23/2021
SUBJECT: Vegetation and loose rock to be removed to prepare for ice farming at Quarry Park BY: Kate Van Daele, Public Information Officer |
Vegetation and loose rock to be removed to prepare for ice farming at Quarry Park
[Duluth, MN] The first phase of rock face preparation for ice farming will begin the week of April 26 at Quarry Park. Volunteers with the Duluth Climbers Coalition will begin vegetation removal and clearing loose rock and debris to ready the rock face for future ice farming. Ice farming at Quarry Park was called out in the Quarry Park Mini Master Plan, approved by City Council in 2016. Project funding has been secured to proceed with the necessary site preparations and infrastructure to farm ice along the rock wall.
Signs and other safety notices will be posted by DCC while work is underway. Park visitors should observe the work from a distance and avoid proximity to the area of work where vegetation and debris could be falling.
For more information, contact with the Duluth Climbers Coalition or Parks and Recreation at 218-730-4300 or