View Press Release
DATE: 4/27/2020
SUBJECT: City Asks the Public to Report Illegal Trail Use BY: Kate Van Daele, Public Information Officer |
City Asks the Public to Report Illegal Trail Use
[Duluth, MN] The City of Duluth Parks and Recreation division has responded to reports of illegal trails development and riding within Central Park, just below Enger Park. City Ordinances will be enforced here and at other parks throughout the City (such as Magney Snively, Spirit Mountain Recreation Area, and Hartley Park) to curb this illegal activity. The public is encouraged to call the Duluth Police Department to report illegal building or riding on unsanctioned trails. Vegetation removal and unauthorized trail clearing are prohibited within any park property. Additionally, bicycles may only be operated upon roadways, parking areas, and designated trails or paths, which are marked as approved for such use. Riding unsanctioned trails destroys vegetation and causes erosion.
An online trails map is available to help determine legitimate, sanctioned trails: