View Press Release
DATE: 2/12/2020
SUBJECT: Traffic Advisory: The Polar Plunge Frozen 5K BY: Tom Maida NATURE OF INCIDENT: Traffic Advisory CASE NO.: INCIDENT DATE: 2/15/2020 INCIDENT TIME: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM INCIDENT LOCATION: MN Ave Park Point Recreation Area |
[DULUTH, MN] The Polar Plunge Frozen 5K Race will be held Saturday, February 15, starting at 9:00 a.m. on Minnesota Avenue. The race will begin on Minnesota Avenue near the Park Point boat ramp parking lot. Runners will run north on Minnesota Avenue to a turnaround near 39th Street. They will then run south on Minnnesota Ave. to another turnaround near Sky Harbor Airport. After turning around near the airport, runners will run north to finish near the boat ramp parking lot.
Traffic will be restricted on Minnesota Avenue between 39th Street and Sky Harbor Airport when runners are present. Roads will open as runners pass, with all roads re-opened by approximately 10:00 a.m.
Motorists wanting to enter Park Point or reach Sky Harbor Airport may be stopped at 39th Street when runners are present. Local residents will be allowed access to their homes when it is safe to do so, but they must follow the direction of Police Officers on scene in doing so.
Motorists going to or leaving Park Point during these times should anticipate this delay and plan accordingly. Motorists should also be alert to runners in the roadway and officers directing traffic near 39th Street and in the Park Point Recreation area.
The Polar Plunge Frozen 5K is a part of the Special Olympics Polar Plunge activities occurring on February 15. The Polar Plunge will take place Saturday afternoon near the Park Point parking lots.