Community Service Officer / Internship Program
The Community Service Officer Program has evolved into an important recruitment tool for the Duluth Police Department. Community Service Officers (CSO's) and Community Service Officer-Intern's (CSO-I's) provide front desk coverage and take low-level calls for service. Community Service Officer-Interns are part of the Community Service Officer Program and are a paid student internship. CSO-I's work up to 30 hours/week and must be enrolled as a full-time student in a two or four-year law enforcement program, working towards completion of Minnesota Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) licensing requirements. Community Service Officers have already graduated from their schooling and have met their minimum requirements for POST licensing. CSO's work no more than 13.5 hours/week. The Community Service Officer Program results in a broader base of experience, expedited training, and in-depth knowledge of Departmental procedures.
Send complete application to the Professional Standards Unit at: