Parks & Recreation

Parks & Recreation

Along the great Lake Superior, Duluth's extensive and all-season park system is a critical component of the City's physical, environmental, social, and economic well-being. In addition to a number of destination-quality parks, Duluth's park system offers an array of recreation amenities and a diverse trail network. Duluth's trail system includes 10 miles of horseback trail, 30 miles of paved accessible trail, 16 miles of gravel accessible trail, 38 miles of cross-country ski trail, 85 miles of bike-optimized singletrack trail, and over 150 miles of natural surface hiking trail!

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Winter/Spring Programs 2025


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Park Stats


Parks and Recreation Press Releases:
Date Title
03/13/2025 City of Duluth temporarily closes all natural surface trails
02/05/2025 City of Duluth addresses rare unauthorized motor vehicle access incidents at Piedmont ski trails
01/29/2025 Eighth Annual Cold Front festival this Saturday
01/24/2025 Band applications now accepted for the 2025 Music in the Park concert series
01/10/2025 Duluth Parks and Recreation receives Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association's "Best of the Best" Award
01/10/2025 Duluth Parks and Recreation to hold Norton Park community meeting on Thursday, January 16
01/10/2025 Bayfront Park Warming House and pleasure skating ice rink opening Saturday
01/06/2025 City of Duluth to conduct ash stand replacement and buckthorn removal work along Amity Creek near Downer Park in early January 2025
10/18/2024 2024 annual rose tipping events scheduled for Saturday, October 26
10/04/2024 City of Duluth launches community survey on local athletic venue investment priorities
09/13/2024 Duluth Parks and Recreation now offering rentals of a track wheelchair for use at select parks and trails
08/27/2024 Temporary closure of Kitchi Gammi Park/Brighton Beach begins today
08/21/2024 City of Duluth hosting three open house events to inform and gather feedback regarding Athletics Venues Reinvestment Initiative
08/20/2024 Updated: Tree removal work to necessitate temporary closure of a portion of the Lakewalk on Wednesday
08/12/2024 Temporary closures of portions of the Lakewalk underway
08/07/2024 X-Wave play structure at Playfront to be removed from playground area Wednesday, August 7
07/16/2024 MRPA Award of Excellence presented to Duluth Parks and Recreation for Youth on Trails mountain biking program
06/24/2024 Media Advisory: Duluth Parks and Recreation announces ribbon cutting for playground addition at Washington Center tomorrow
06/20/2024 Kitchi Gammi Park/Brighton Beach temporary closure 6/21 through 6/23
06/18/2024 CANCELLED: Music in the Park Series concert for June 18, 2024
06/11/2024 Tischer Creek Hiking Trail in Congdon Park closed until further notice
05/16/2024 Portion of Waabizheshikana: the Marten Trail temporarily closed beginning Friday
05/16/2024 City of Duluth and state partners to host public meeting regarding Hartley Pond and Dam Feasibility Study
04/29/2024 Reminder: Community input session for Norton Park is tomorrow, April 30
04/19/2024 City of Duluth and the Nature Conservancy begin forest management work in city forest areas
04/19/2024 City of Duluth invites public to community input session for Norton Park on Tuesday, April 30
04/09/2024 2024 Annual Raising of the Roses events scheduled for April 20 and 22
04/02/2024 Duluth Parks and Recreation announces the 41st annual Music in the Park concert series
03/25/2024 Duluth Parks and Recreation cancels all programming for Tuesday, March 26
03/25/2024 Buckthorn removal and pile burn in Hartley Park on Wednesday
03/08/2024 Tree removals for two sections of the Cross-City Trail construction project will begin March 11
03/04/2024 Tree removals in Kitchi Gammi Park (Brighton Beach) will begin in March
02/02/2024 Duluth’s natural surface trails closed during unseasonably warm temperatures
02/01/2024 Band applications now accepted for the 2024 Music in the Park concert series
02/01/2024 7th Annual Cold Front happening on Saturday
01/12/2024 Munger Landing partially reopens to the public
12/15/2023 Tree removals in Hartley Park will begin on December 18 for Woodland Avenue stormwater treatment project
12/12/2023 Duluth Parks and Recreation announces winter and spring programs
11/20/2023 Tischer Creek & Hartley Pond Feasibility Study public informational meeting to be held November 21
11/13/2023 City of Duluth partners with St. Louis County to protect Tischer Creek
10/31/2023 Duluth's natural surface trails closed during annual freeze/thaw cycle
10/30/2023 Hartley Park Stewardship Fest to be held November 11
10/26/2023 Lester Park Golf Course memorial bench pickup date set for November 2
10/18/2023 2023 Annual Rose Tipping events scheduled for October 21 and 23
10/18/2023 Temporary closure of the Lakewalk below Gichi-Ode Akiing beginning 10/23
10/12/2023 Lincoln Park reopening celebration to be held October 17
10/10/2023 The Duluth Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area and Duluth Parks and Recreation to host Volunteer Stewardship Workdays this autumn in City of Duluth parks
10/06/2023 Tischer Creek and Hartley Pond Feasibility Study public infomational meetings to be held in October and November
09/26/2023 Shiway and Sadie Barry Memorial Dedication Ceremony to be held at Chester Park playground on Friday, September 29 at 3:00 pm
09/22/2023 Temporary closure of the beach near the corner of Lake Superior/Endion Station
09/13/2023 Temporary Lakewalk detour announced due to shoreline restoration work
08/25/2023 Portion of Blackmer Park temporarily closed for construction
08/15/2023 Media Advisory: Duluth Parks & Recreation and Northland Adaptive Recreation host inclusive biking educational event Thursday, August 17
08/14/2023 Parks and Recreation to host Bike Night on Thursday, August 17
08/02/2023 Reminder: Kitchi Gammi Park (Brighton Beach) construction is underway
08/01/2023 CANCELLED: Chester Creek Concert Series concert for August 1, 2023
07/28/2023 Duluth Parks and Recreation announces fall programs
07/25/2023 Knotweed workshop to be held at Hartley Nature Center
07/25/2023 CANCELLED: Chester Creek Concert Series concert for July 25, 2023
07/19/2023 Playground at Chester Park closed for improvements July 26-28 (Barry Family Memorial Project)
07/03/2023 Duluth Parks and Recreation and CISMA are hosting five volunteer stewardship events in July
06/30/2023 Cross City Trail now open adjacent to Erie Pier
06/30/2023 Retaining wall at Cascade Park collapsed, public asked to stay away from immediate vicinity
06/26/2023 Minnesota Recreation and Park Association to Present Award of Excellence for the Essential Spaces: Duluth Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails Plan at Tonight’s City Council Meeting
06/20/2023 ***RESCHEDULED*** Chester Bowl bridge ribbon cutting to be held Monday, July 10 at 3:00 PM
06/16/2023 Portion of Waabizheshikana: The Marten Trail closed for construction
06/15/2023 Public comment period for the proposed commemorative naming of the historic pavilion at Lincoln Park
06/15/2023 Public comment period for the draft Hillside Sport Court Park Plan
06/08/2023 City invites public to community update on Waabizheshikana: The Marten Trail on Wednesday, June 21 at 6:00 PM
05/26/2023 Kitchi Gammi Park (Brighton Beach) construction to resume next week
05/26/2023 Lifeguarding Services return to Park Point Beach House
05/25/2023 Duluth Parks and Recreation to launch new Youth on Trails mountain bike program
05/23/2023 Media Advisory: Duluth Parks and Recreation to launch new Youth on Trails mountain bike program at media event on Thursday
05/19/2023 Reminder: Cross City Trail detour still in place around Erie Pier
05/19/2023 Playground fall zones to be replaced between May 22-26 at Morgan Park, Blackmer Park, and Portland Square
05/12/2023 Duluth natural surface trails to open to users Saturday, May 13
05/11/2023 Portion of Lincoln Park to close until further notice to accommodate construction
05/09/2023 City invites public to community input session for Hillside Sport Court Park on Wednesday, May 17 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
05/04/2023 Controlled burns to take place in three pollinator meadows at Hartley Park and along Waabizheshikana: The Marten Trail at Spring Street
04/21/2023 UPDATED: 2023 Annual Raising of the Roses event scheduled for April 24
04/20/2023 Public comment period open for the draft Lakewalk Interpretive Plan
04/20/2023 2023 Annual Rose Raising events scheduled for April 22 and April 24
04/16/2023 Chambers Grove Park closed due to flooding
04/14/2023 Controlled burns to take place in three pollinator meadows at Hartley Park and along Waabizheshikana: The Marten Trail at Spring Street
04/13/2023 All natural surface trails temporarily closed
04/07/2023 Duluth Parks and Recreation announces summer programs
04/03/2023 Duluth Parks and Recreation announces the 40th Annual Chester Creek Concert Series
02/22/2023 Morning Parks and Recreation activities cancelled due to weather
02/16/2023 Tischer Creek and Hartley Pond Feasibility Study public meeting to be held February 23
02/07/2023 Lakewalk Interpretive Plan public meetings to be held February 15 and 16 at 6:00 pm
01/23/2023 Band applications now open for the 2023 Chester Creek Concert Series
12/14/2022 Notice: Parks Commission meeting tonight is canceled
12/01/2022 City of Duluth to receive $1,493,434 Legacy Fund grant to enhance Waabizheshikana: The Marten Trail
11/14/2022 Public Notice: Public comment period open for the proposed revisions to the City of Duluth Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan
11/10/2022 Duluth's natural surface trails closed during annual freeze/thaw cycle
11/10/2022 Lincoln Park playground construction to begin next week
10/28/2022 Enger Park Golf Course closing for season
10/24/2022 Gitchi Ode’ Akiing Access from East Michigan Street and East Superior Street closed beginning Monday, October 24
10/19/2022 2022 Annual Rose Tipping event scheduled for October 22 and October 25
10/19/2022 Duluth Traverse 2022 construction ribbon cutting to be held October 19 at 4:00 pm
10/14/2022 Hartley Nature Center expansion and park improvements ribbon cutting to be held October 17 at 4:00 p.m.
10/05/2022 Public engagement opportunity for St. Louis River restoration projects from 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. on October 6 at Chambers Grove Park
09/27/2022 Public Notice: City of Duluth public meeting on the Cross-City Trail and Shared Use Paths
09/26/2022 National Water Trail ribbon cutting from 5 to 7 pm September 28 at Chambers Grove Park
09/23/2022 Lakewalk closed at Corner of the Lake September 26-27
09/23/2022 Brighton Beach (Kitchi Gammi Park) construction activities to begin September 26, 2022
09/19/2022 Bayfront Festival Park and multiple parking lot closures for maintenance September 20-23
09/14/2022 8th Street Beach access on Minnesota Avenue closed for maintenance through September 16
09/14/2022 City of Duluth invites public to outreach meetings regarding FEMA Advanced Assistance Coastal Resilience and Mitigation
09/12/2022 Chester Park ski hill to receive upgrades beginning September 14
08/29/2022 Portion of Hartley Park parking lot and Old Hartley Road trailhead closed through September 9
08/25/2022 Lakewalk shoreline restoration work to take place until November 1
08/25/2022 Portion of Waabizheshikana: The Marten Trail closed for construction
08/24/2022 Lincoln Park Ground Breaking Ceremony to be held August 26, 2022 at 3:00 pm
08/23/2022 E Skyline Parkway closed between Chester Parkway and W Kent Road on August 30
08/19/2022 Washington Square Park Closed August 22-26 for Playground Maintenance
08/11/2022 Public comment period for the draft Essential Spaces: Duluth Parks, Recreation, Open space, and Trails Plan
07/13/2022 Perch Lake Landing Closed to Vehicles during Construction
07/01/2022 Portion of Cross City Trail reopens after construction
06/29/2022 Parks and Recreation and CISMA are hosting three volunteer stewardship events in July
06/21/2022 Wheeler Athletic Complex ribbon cutting and guided recreation activities to be held June 30, 2022 at 4:00 pm
06/17/2022 Munger Landing to Close until Spring 2024 for Construction
06/16/2022 Keene Creek Dog Park closed June 17 and 18 for weed spraying
06/13/2022 SUBJECT: Brighton Beach (Kitchi Gammi Park) remains closed to vehicular traffic until further notice
06/06/2022 Portions of Chester Park trails to close temporarily beginning June 8, 2022 during communications tower maintenance activities
06/02/2022 Invasive Species Removal Volunteer Opportunity - Central Park, Wednesday June 08, 4:30 pm
06/01/2022 Sport court at Wheeler Athletic Complex closed June 1 – June 6 for coating and striping
05/27/2022 Portion of downtown Gichi-ode’ Akiing Connector Trail to close temporarily due to safety
05/27/2022 Lifeguarding Services return to Park Point Beach House
05/27/2022 Merritt Park sport court closed June 2, 2022 for striping
05/13/2022 Duluth Natural Surface Trails Now Open to Users
05/11/2022 City of Duluth Goose Management Plan Informational Public Meeting – May 23 (4:30 PM) City Hall Rm. 330
05/10/2022 Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve Education Facilities Master Plan Final Draft and Public Comment Period
05/09/2022 Portion of Cross City Trail to close temporarily due to construction
05/06/2022 The City of Duluth Parks and Recreation is seeking a concessionaire for the Wheeler Athletic Complex
04/14/2022 Duluth Parks and Recreation announces summer programs
04/05/2022 City of Duluth temporarily closes all natural surface trails
03/31/2022 Grassy Point Recreation Area to Close for Habitat Restoration
03/31/2022 Parks and Recreation ask for public feedback to guide the future of essential spaces in Duluth
03/23/2022 City asks for public participation in Lake Superior Shoreline Resilience Survey
03/17/2022 2022 Busker Permits now available through Parks and Recreation
02/23/2022 City to host Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve Master Plan on March 2
02/10/2022 CORRECTED: City to host public meeting on coastal resilience and mitigation study on February 16
01/28/2022 Band applications now open for the 2022 Chester Creek Concert Series
12/21/2021 ESports coming to Duluth Parks and Recreation
12/08/2021 $167,783 grant to fund a Mobile Mountain Bike Fleet in Duluth
12/03/2021 Like stomping on snow? Become a Snow Stomper!
12/03/2021 Ribbon Cutting for St. Louis River Corridor Snowmobile Trails to be held December 17
12/03/2021 Duluth natural surface trails to reopen Saturday, December 4
12/02/2021 Portion of Cross City Trail previously closed for maintenance reopens
11/12/2021 Duluth natural surface trails closed during annual freeze/thaw cycle
11/03/2021 Portion of Cross City Trail to close for the month of November due to construction
10/29/2021 Parks and Rec is creating Duluth’s first Natural Resource Management Program Plan – public input wanted
10/19/2021 2021 Annual Rose Tipping Event Scheduled for October 23
10/18/2021 Kitchi Gammi (Brighton Beach) Park Lakewalk Trail Extension Now Open
10/12/2021 Parks & Rec launch essential spaces community survey to shape the future of Duluth’s parks
09/27/2021 Portion of the Lakewalk to close in preparation for the fifth phase of Reconstruction Project
09/27/2021 Lakewalk – Brighton Beach Resiliency Project Public Meeting October 7
09/20/2021 Lakewalk detour between N. 45th and N. 51st Avenue East to begin tomorrow, September 21
09/16/2021 Public comments sought on the final concept plan for proposed improvements in Lincoln Park
09/10/2021 DWP Trail Corridor Ribbon Cutting & Bike Ride to be held Tuesday, September 21, at 4:00 p.m.
09/09/2021 Improvements at Merritt Park to begin on September 13
09/07/2021 Parks and Recreation Division announces new and returning Senior Programs
09/01/2021 Wheeler Athletic Complex Sport Court improvements begin today, September 1
08/19/2021 Media Alert: Hartley Nature Center breaking ground on building expansion
08/13/2021 City to share preliminary design concepts for Harbor Plaza with the public next week
08/06/2021 Brighton Beach (Kitchi Gammi Park) to close on Monday, August 9
08/02/2021 Parks and Recreation to offer new league – Adult Kickball!
07/09/2021 City to remove Cork trees from 4th Street due to invasive classification
07/02/2021 Brighton Beach to temporarily remain open due to change in construction plan
07/01/2021 Brighton Beach (Kitchi Gammi Park) to close due to construction beginning July 6
06/24/2021 Parks and Recreation launch summer programs
06/22/2021 Duluth Parks and Recreation begin Senior Programming with Summer Celebration
06/21/2021 Parks and Rec to host Enger Park Golf Course Renovation Public Engagement Meeting on June 29
06/10/2021 Duluth Parks and Recreation partner with Leadership Duluth on National Get Outdoors Day
06/01/2021 Portions of the St. Louis River and Valley West Trails to close for maintenance
05/23/2021 Carriage path along the Lakewalk to close this week due to construction
05/20/2021 Lifeguarding Services to resume at Park Point Beach House
05/17/2021 City, EPA announce Cross City Trail detour during sediment remediation project
05/14/2021 Duluth Parks & Recreation announces the Chester Creek Concert Series
05/10/2021 Keene Creek Park and Dog Park to close until further notice due to construction
05/04/2021 Parks and Rec to host Enger Golf Course Renovation Public Engagement Meetings on May 18 & June 1
05/03/2021 Lester River Trail (Duluth Traverse) Closed Until June for Maintenance
04/23/2021 Vegetation and loose rock to be removed to prepare for ice farming at Quarry Park
04/23/2021 Duluth Natural Surface Trails Now Open to Users
04/21/2021 Registration is now open for Parks and Recreation Adult Softball Leagues!
04/01/2021 City of Duluth, CHUM Partner with Community Organizers to clean the Point of Rocks area
03/19/2021 Parks and Recreation announces updates to recreational amenities
03/18/2021 Parks and Recreation launches Agents of Discovery educational app
03/15/2021 Portion of Old Hartley Road at Hartley Nature Center to close temporarily
03/11/2021 Jean Duluth and Keene Creek Dog Parks to Temporarily Close Due to Wet Conditions
03/05/2021 Tischer Creek bridge reopens, additional bridge work to begin Monday, March 9
03/05/2021 A portion of Keene Creek Dog Park to close due to spring snowmelt
03/02/2021 Portion of the Cross City Trail has reopened
03/02/2021 Portion of the Cross City Trail closed due to flooding
02/27/2021 Bridge Work scheduled along Lester and Tischer Creeks to begin on March 1
02/25/2021 Bayfront Ice Rink to close for the season due to warm temperatures
02/18/2021 Boulevard Tree Pruning Scheduled for Morgan Park Neighborhood
02/15/2021 Bayfront Warming House to resume regular hours
02/09/2021 Additional Cold Front Event Postponements Announced due to Cold
02/05/2021 Bayfront Warming House to close due to cold weather until February 8
02/04/2021 Cold Front activities postponed due to dangerously cold temperatures
02/03/2021 City launches free sled rentals at local parks
01/28/2021 City to host Forest Revitalization Public Meeting on February 11
01/22/2021 City to host Interpretive Plan for the Waabizheshikana: The Marten Trail on February 2
01/19/2021 Parks and Rec to host Lincoln Park Concept Plan Public Meeting on January 28
01/15/2021 City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Announces 2021 Cold Front Activities
01/13/2021 City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Programming Resumes
01/08/2021 Bayfront Ice Rink opens for skating tomorrow, January 9
01/08/2021 Washington Center Gym now reopen for rental use
12/10/2020 City of Duluth Parks and Recreation announce winter outdoor recreation activities
12/08/2020 Trail capping, grading, and hauling work to begin on the DWP Trail
12/07/2020 Temporary Lakewalk Closure at Tischer Creek for Bridge Repair
12/03/2020 Parks and Rec to hold public meetings on the Interpretive Plan for the Waabizheshikana: The Marten Trail
11/30/2020 Bridge Repair results in temporary Lakewalk closure at Tischer Creek
11/25/2020 Duluth natural surface trails reopen to users when frozen
11/24/2020 Parks and Recreation launch Turkey Search through the Weekend
11/20/2020 Parks and Recreation to Dial Back Programming during Executive Order
11/13/2020 Duluth Natural Surface Trails Extremely Vulnerable During Annual Freeze/Thaw
11/03/2020 City of Duluth Parks and Recreation November Program Schedule
10/15/2020 City to reopen three Park facilities for programs and rentals
10/15/2020 Public Meeting to address Hartley Natural Area Native Plant Community Management Plan
09/25/2020 A Portion of the New Cross City Trail Segment will Temporarily Close for Contaminant Remediation Work
07/31/2020 City of Duluth Parks and Recreation August Program Schedule
07/22/2020 Merritt Park Improvements to begin on Tuesday, July 28
07/16/2020 City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Announces Sand Modeling Contest
07/13/2020 Ely’s Peak tunnel and portion of DWP Trail Reopen
07/02/2020 Lifeguards to return to Park Point on July 10
06/26/2020 City Parks and Recreation division announces July events and programs
06/23/2020 City to host public meeting on planned Park Point beach nourishment project
06/19/2020 Wade Stadium is now open for Private Rentals
06/17/2020 Parks and Recreation In-person Programming Resumes
06/16/2020 Construction at West Duluth Sports Complex to begin Monday, June 22, 2020
06/12/2020 City asks residents for help to Pack out Trash at City Parks and Beaches
06/12/2020 A Portion of the Lakewalk will temporarily close on June 15-16
06/11/2020 Parks and Recreation Division Updates COVID-19 Park Policies
06/09/2020 Mission Creek trails parking lot off of Becks Road to temporarily close
06/05/2020 Parks and Recreation to host Public Meeting on Upcoming Improvements to Piedmont Park
05/26/2020 City to host Virtual Meeting on new Keene Creek Playground design
05/22/2020 A portion of the DWP Trail around the Ely’s Peak Tunnel to close for three-weeks for rock-scaling
05/20/2020 Tischer Creek Pedestrian Bridge Repaired, Now open
05/04/2020 Duluth Natural Surface Trails Now Open to Users
04/27/2020 City Asking the Public the Report Illegal Trail Use
04/23/2020 West Skyline Vehicular Road Closure and Parking Adjustments made to Prepare for Golf
04/16/2020 Construction to Begin on New Segment of the Cross City Trail
04/08/2020 City of Duluth Dedicates Additional Section of West Skyline Parkway to Bike/Pedestrian Use
04/07/2020 Jean Duluth Dog Park to Temporarily Close due to Wet Conditions
04/03/2020 City of Duluth to Temporarily Close All Natural Surface Trails, and a Section of West Skyline Parkway
04/03/2020 City of Duluth Announces Limited Smelting Season
04/02/2020 City of Duluth to be featured on National Webinar for Creating Spaces to Recreate during COVID-19
03/26/2020 City of Duluth Dedicates Two Park Roads to Bike/Ped and Plows Munger Trail to Disperse Trail Use
03/24/2020 City of Duluth Announces Guidelines for Use of City Parks and Trails during COVID-19
03/17/2020 Duluth Parks and Recreation COVID-19 Update: All Public Facilities Closed, Upcoming Meetings and Events Postponed
03/16/2020 March 17th Public Golf Committee Meeting Cancelled
03/12/2020 City to Hold Public Informational Meeting on Cross City Trail Construction
03/09/2020 Parks and Recreation Announces Summer Camp Programs
03/06/2020 City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Upcoming Events and Programs
03/03/2020 POSTPONED: Piedmont Park Public Meeting
02/26/2020 City to Hold Public Meeting to Discuss Improvements at Piedmont Park
02/12/2020 UPDATE: Public Informational Meeting to Discuss Keene Creek Park Improvements
01/28/2020 Third Annual Cold Front Event to be Held This Saturday
01/23/2020 City Seeks Applications for Public Golf Committee
01/21/2020 City Seeks Musicians for 2020 Chester Creek Concert Series
01/21/2020 Parks and Recreation Opportunities for Active Seniors 55+
01/17/2020 Duluth Parks & Recreation Receives No Child Left Inside Grant
01/07/2020 City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Upcoming Events and Programs
12/03/2019 City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Program Updates
12/02/2019 Parks & Recreation to Resume Programs
12/01/2019 Parks & Recreation Community Centers and Programs Cancelled on December 2
11/27/2019 Skating Programing at Essentia Duluth Heritage Center Cancelled
11/26/2019 Play Gym Cancelled for Wednesday, November 27 at the Washington Center
11/15/2019 Annual Turkey Bowl Happening Next Week!
11/07/2019 Media Advisory: Hartley Nature Center $1 Million Closer to Expansion after Grant Award
11/05/2019 Duluth Natural Surface Trails Reopen to Users
11/05/2019 Portions of the Western Waterfront Trail are Temporarily Closed
10/31/2019 City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Upcoming Events and Programs
10/24/2019 Duluth Natural Surface Trails Temporarily Closed to Users
10/24/2019 2019 Annual Rose Tipping Event Scheduled for October 24 and October 26
10/10/2019 UPDATED: Media Advisory, Lester Park Pedestrian Bridge Ribbon Cutting
10/07/2019 Western Waterfront Pulaski Street Trail Head to Close for Restoration Project
10/07/2019 City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Division Announces Upcoming Events and Programs
09/20/2019 Over 100 People Volunteer to Participate in Duluth’s September Adopt-a-Beach Event
09/17/2019 City of Duluth Parks and Recreation Upcoming Events and Programs
09/17/2019 Today’s Women Hike Duluth Event Cancelled Due to Rain
09/17/2019 Calling all Centenarians!
09/17/2019 Sargent Creek Bridge Restoration to Begin on October 1
09/13/2019 Merritt Park Community Center Building Removal Scheduled
09/10/2019 Twin Ports Collaborates for Coastal Clean-Up
08/29/2019 City and Partners to Treat Invasive Knotweed in September
08/23/2019 Merritt Creek Bridge Replacement to begin Monday
08/23/2019 Downer Park Trail Construction to begin next week
08/19/2019 Parks and Recreation to Host All City Senior Picnic
08/19/2019 Final Chester Creek Concert Series to feature Whisky Trail
08/12/2019 Parks to Host Open House on Mini-Master Plan for Campus Connector Trail
08/12/2019 Honest Maude featured at Chester Creek Concert Series
08/06/2019 City partners with Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa and ALLETE, Inc. to Improve Trail
08/05/2019 Big Waves and Bonfires to headline Chester Creek Concert Series
08/02/2019 City Unveils WWI Memorial at Memorial Park
08/02/2019 City Unveils WWI Memorial at Memorial Park
08/01/2019 Learn how to fight Knotweed in free workshop
08/01/2019 Quarry Park Ribbon Cutting and Opening Celebration to be held on August 2, 2019
07/29/2019 Chester Creek Concert Series presents The Hillions
07/22/2019 Tacky Annie to Perform at Chester Creek Concert Series
07/15/2019 Taj Weekes & Adowa to Perform at Chester Creek Concert Series
07/09/2019 Tonight's Chester Creek Concert Cancelled due to Weather
07/01/2019 Information Session on Wild Parsnip and Removal Event to be Held
06/25/2019 Chester Creek Concert Cancelled due to Weather
06/18/2019 Free Open Skate to begin June 19, 2019
06/17/2019 Chester Concert Series on June 18th to Feature Eira
06/11/2019 Tonight’s Chester Creek Concert Canceled due to Predicted Storms
06/10/2019 37th Annual Chester Creek Concert Series Begins Tomorrow
06/10/2019 Riverside Park Ribbon Cutting for Completion of Phase I to be held on June 25th, 2019
06/07/2019 Parks Staff Warn Public to Not Swim in Lake Superior this Weekend due to Cold Water Temperatures
06/03/2019 Public Input Requested for Brighton Beach Improvements, Open House Tonight????
05/28/2019 City to Host Mud Lake Open House on May 30th, 2019
05/24/2019 Rock Wall at Harrison Park to begin Restoration Process on May 29, 2019
05/24/2019 Construction on WWI Memorial at Memorial Park to begin Tuesday, May 28, 2019
05/20/2019 City of Duluth to Host Free Invasive Knotweed Workshops for Contractors and Land Managers
05/17/2019 Weather Changes Parks Day Event Locations
05/17/2019 Duluth Natural Surface Trails Open to Users
05/16/2019 Duluth Parks and Recreation to host Duluth Parks Day on May 18, 2019
05/15/2019 Duluth Parks & Recreation Host Ribbon Cutting for Canoe and Kayak Rack Rental Program
04/29/2019 Parks and Recreation Announces New Ice Skating Opportunities at the Essentia Duluth Heritage Center
04/23/2019 Mayor Larson to Recognize National Service Recognition Day and National Volunteer Week
04/18/2019 Help “Raise the Roses” at Duluth Rose Garden April 20 and April 23
04/16/2019 City of Duluth Parks Commission Annual Meeting is April 17th, 2019
04/12/2019 Duluth Parks to Host "Clean and Green" Clean-up Projects Volunteers Needed
04/11/2019 City of Duluth Removes Merry-Go-Round at Chester Park
04/05/2019 Duluth Natural Surface Trails Temporarily Closed to Users
03/08/2019 Duluth Parks and Recreation Closes Portion of Duluth Heights Community Center
01/29/2019 Bayfront Family Center and Rink Temporarily Closing January 29 & 30 Due to Weather Conditions
01/25/2019 Women Hike Event at Seven Bridges Road Cancelled Due to Weather Conditions
01/24/2019 Duluth reLEAF Program Seeking Volunteer Citizen Foresters
01/24/2019 Bayfront Family Center and Rink Temporarily Closing January 24 and 25 Due to Weather Conditions
01/18/2019 Bayfront Family Center and Rink Temporarily Closing January 19 Due to Weather Conditions
01/17/2019 City Seeks Musicians for 2019 Chester Creek Concert Series
01/16/2019 Public Information Meeting on Harbor Dredging and Proposed Beach Nourishment Project
01/16/2019 Hartley Park Invasive Removal and Ecological Restoration Ongoing
01/08/2019 Cold Front February Returns to Canal Park February 1-3!
12/21/2018 Duluth Parks Offers Free Skating Events
12/18/2018 Duluth Play Gym Hosts Holiday Party December 19
12/13/2018 Public Meetings to Discuss Duluth Winnipeg and Pacific Trail Restoration
11/29/2018 Duluth Parks Closes Wooden Pedestrian Bridge Over Amity Creek in Lester Park
11/28/2018 Duluth Parks Hosts Skate with Santa and Rudolph Event
11/21/2018 Duluth Hosts Senior Holiday Parties
11/05/2018 Duluth Parks to Host Turkey Bowl Skating Event November 14
10/18/2018 2018 Annual Rose Tipping Event Scheduled for Thursday, October 25 and Saturday, October 27
10/17/2018 Free Skating Events Offered by Duluth Parks and Recreation
10/16/2018 Celebration of Completed Stewart Creek Railroad Bridge and the Clyde Connector Trail Planned for October 19th
10/12/2018 Centenarian Birthday Party To Be Held October 18 In Duluth
10/08/2018 Media Advisory: Celebration of Ely's Peak Equestrian Trail Planned for October 12, 11 AM
09/28/2018 Invasive Plant Removal at Lincoln Park Planned This Fall
09/19/2018 reLEAF Duluth Kicks Off Citizen Forestry Initiative with Volunteer Tree Planting
09/19/2018 Duluth Welcomes Back Students with Weekly Open Skating Events, First Event Starts Tonight
09/15/2018 Quarry Park Access Improvements to Start September 17, Park to Temporarily Close for at Least One Week
09/12/2018 Women Hike Duluth Planned for September 18 in Chester Bowl Park
09/12/2018 34th Annual Chester Bowl Fall Fest is September 15
09/11/2018 Duluth is Calling All Centenarians!
09/05/2018 City of Duluth Steps Up the Fight Against Aquatic Invasive Species - Demonstration Planned for September 7 at 2 pm
08/27/2018 Quarry Park Parking and Access Improvements to Start Early September
08/23/2018 Women Hike Duluth Event Rescheduled to August 28 in Hartley Park
08/21/2018 Women Hike Duluth Event in Hartley Park Cancelled Tonight Due to Wet Conditions
08/16/2018 Women Hike Duluth Hosts 2nd Event At Hartley Park on August 21
08/06/2018 Bayfront Family Center To Close Temporarily
08/03/2018 Duluth Parks and Recreation Announces Grand Reopening of Disc Golf Course at Morgan Park
08/03/2018 Invasive Bohemian & Japanese Knotweed Field Workshop
08/01/2018 Duluth Parks and Recreation Announce All City Senior Picnic
07/20/2018 Public Meeting to Address Interpretive Trail and Signage at Chambers Grove Park
07/20/2018 Soil Boring to Take Place Week of July 23 on the Lakewalk Trail
07/16/2018 New Monarch Waystation Planting Event on July 17 in Need of Volunteers
07/16/2018 Duluth Hosts Women Hike Duluth Events - First Hike is July 17 in Lincoln Park
07/10/2018 Annual Water Safety Expo and Sand Modeling Contest at Park Point Beach to take place July 19
06/27/2018 Duluth Parks and Recreation Offers Free Fun Activities for All Ages All Summer
06/26/2018 Duluth to Nominate Hartley Park for Natural Areas Program, Public Open House to be Held June 28
06/25/2018 Public Meeting June 28 to Discuss Lincoln Park Improvements
06/19/2018 Bayfront Family Center Closed June 20th
06/12/2018 Duluth Community and City to Celebrate Completion of Phase 1 Improvements in Harrison Community Park
06/06/2018 Duluth Chester Creek Concerts to Incorporate Sustainability Initiative
05/30/2018 Celebration of New Superior Hiking Trail 3 mile Connector at Spirit Mountain Planned for June 1
05/26/2018 Bayfront Family Center Opens May 29 Offering Free Games and Activities
05/25/2018 Duluth Seeks Public Input on Design Ideas for New WWI Memorial
05/23/2018 Duluth to Celebrate Arbor Day with Tree Planting Along Western Waterfront Trail on May 31
05/22/2018 Boy Scout Landing Fishing Pier Relocated to Perch Lake
05/22/2018 Duluth Officials and Community to Celebrate Addition of New Restrooms For Beach Users
05/17/2018 Workshop on Treating Invasive Garlic Mustard Plants Scheduled for June 5
05/15/2018 Duluth community partners to create habitat for monarchs
05/14/2018 12th Street Beach Access on Park Point to Undergo Improvements This Week
05/09/2018 Celebrate Duluth Parks Day on May 19 (revised information)
05/09/2018 36th Annual Chester Creek Concert Series Kicks off June
05/04/2018 Duluth to host volunteer clean up event for Lakewalk Trail on May 12
05/02/2018 Duluth's Irving Park to Undergo Renovations
04/30/2018 May 1 Raising of the Roses Volunteer Event at Duluth Rose Garden Canceled
04/27/2018 Help Raise the Roses at Duluth Rose Garden
04/23/2018 Public Meeting to Discuss WWI Memorial at Memorial Park in West Duluth
04/05/2018 Public Meeting to Obtain Ideas for the Design of a New WWI Memorial at Memorial Park
03/30/2018 Duluth Parks Offering Free Activities April 2-6
03/28/2018 Duluth Parks to Host Clean and Green Clean up Projects, Volunteers Needed
03/26/2018 Duluth Parks Commission Annual Meeting is April 11, Legacy of Duluth Parks. Past, Present and Future
03/22/2018 Public Information Meeting to Address DWP Trail Restoration Project
03/17/2018 Utilities Work Scheduled near Lakewalk Trail at 18th Ave East on March 20
03/12/2018 Public Meeting to Discuss Shared Use Ski Trail in Chester Bowl Park
03/05/2018 Bayfront Family Center Warming House closes for the winter season
03/02/2018 Duluth Community Parks and Recreation Funds Available Applications due April
03/01/2018 Spring Ultimate Frisbee Youth League Open for Registration
02/21/2018 Public Meeting to Discuss Riverside Park Mini-Master Plan
02/13/2018 Public Meeting to Discuss Shared Use Trail in Chester Bowl Park
02/09/2018 Duluth Parks Offering Free Valentine's Skating Party and Two events for Preschoolers
01/18/2018 Lower Chester Park Mini Master Plan Update and Lower Spirit Mountain Riverfront Park Site Plan Available for Public Comment
01/17/2018 City of Duluth Seeks Musicians for 2018 Chester Creek Concert Series!
01/08/2018 Duluth Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting is January 10
01/03/2018 Bayfront Family Center Programs Closed Today Due to Windchill
12/29/2017 Bayfront Park Skating Rink and Family Center Programs Open to the Public on January 2
12/27/2017 Duluth Parks neighborhood grant program awards $46,150 to community organizations
12/15/2017 Duluth Play Gym Offers Fun Free Activities December 18 and 20
12/12/2017 Duluth Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting is December 13
12/07/2017 Duluth to Host Free Skate with Santa and Rudolph Event on December 13!
11/29/2017 Duluth Parks to Host Informational Meeting about Commercial Operations Permitting in City Parks
11/20/2017 Duluth Parks Hosts Winter Skating Parties With UMD Bulldogs at AMSOIL Arena
11/20/2017 Duluth Parks Hosting Senior Holiday Parties
11/17/2017 Duluth Hires William Roche as New Parks Manager
11/15/2017 Duluth Beach Clean up for November 19 Canceled
11/09/2017 Duluth Hosts Turkey Bowl on Ice Skating Party!
11/09/2017 Lakewalk Trail Boardwalk by Fitgers Complex Temporarily Closed to the Public
11/08/2017 City Seeks Volunteers For Beach Clean Up November 12
11/06/2017 Duluth Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting is November 8
10/28/2017 City reopens segment of Lakewalk Trail by Fitgers Complex
10/27/2017 City advises no use of Lakewalk Trail in Canal Park due to debris
10/19/2017 Annual Rose Tipping Event Scheduled for Saturday, October 21 and Tuesday, October 24 (revised date)
10/17/2017 Duluth Parks and Recreation Hosting Free Skating Events, Open Skate for school release this week and Boo Bash party on October 25
10/11/2017 U of MN Scientist Dr. Lee Frelich Comes to Duluth, Will Deliver Invasive Species Presentation
09/20/2017 Free Open Skate for the Public Starts Today, September 20
09/19/2017 Public Meeting to Discuss Chester Creek Restoration Project, September 27 at 5:30 pm
09/06/2017 33rd Annual Chester Bowl Fall Fest is September 16
09/05/2017 Duluth Community Parks and Recreation Funds Available, Applications due October 1
09/01/2017 Public Meeting to Discuss Bridge Restoration over Stewart Creek
08/30/2017 Portion of Chester Park Trail Closed Due to Washout
08/29/2017 Media Advisory, News conference to be held August 30, 2017 at 10 AM at Hartley Park by the Hartley Nature Center
08/24/2017 CALLING ALL CENTENARIANS, Annual Birthday Party to be held October 18
08/22/2017 Additional Storm Damage Clean Up Planned in Hartley Park This Winter
08/18/2017 New Lighting Along Lakewalk Trail to Improve Efficiency and Visibility
08/18/2017 Community Invited to a Special Concert with 34th Infantry Division Band
08/17/2017 Final 2017 Chester Creek Concert is August 22 with Plucked-Up String Band (showtime is 6 PM)
08/11/2017 Miller Creek Restoration Starts in Lincoln Park
08/10/2017 Chester Creek Concert on August 15 to Feature Mary Bue & the Holy Bones (show time is 6:30 PM)
08/03/2017 Chester Creek Concert on August 8 to Feature Emily Haavik & Friends (6:30 pm show time)
08/02/2017 Public Meeting on August 15 to Discuss Ely Peak Equestrian Trail
08/02/2017 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is August 9
07/27/2017 Chester Creek Concert on August 1 to Feature Breanne Marie and the Front Porch Sinners
07/21/2017 Chester Creek Concert on July 25 to Feature Boku Frequency
07/19/2017 Duluth is Awarded National Parks Service Grant of $750,000 for Lincoln Park Restoration
07/19/2017 60 new recycling bins installed in Duluth Parks, through the Keep America Beautiful Dr.Pepper/Snapple Program
07/13/2017 Chester Creek Concert on July 18 to Feature Listening Party
07/11/2017 Miller Creek in Lincoln Park to Undergo Restoration
07/11/2017 Section of Lakewalk Trail in Lakeside To Temporarily Close for Utility Repairs
07/07/2017 Chester Creek Concert on July 11 to Feature Crescent Moon
06/30/2017 Annual Water Safety Expo and Sand Modeling Contest at Park Point Beach to take place July 20
06/22/2017 Chester Creek Concert on June 27 to Feature Fish Heads
06/20/2017 Duluth Parks Offers Free Indoor Sports Programs at Essentia Duluth Heritage Sports Center
06/15/2017 Chester Creek Concert on June 20 to Feature Pot Bellied Stallions
06/09/2017 Public Meeting to Discuss Improvements to Irving Park
06/08/2017 Chester Creek Concert on June 13 to Feature A Band Called Truman
06/07/2017 Duluth Parks Commission Monthly Meeting is June 14
06/05/2017 Public Meeting to Discuss Western Waterfront Park and Trail Master Plan
05/31/2017 Duluth Parks Fund Neighborhood Grant programs awards $55,500 to community organizations
05/30/2017 Duluth Parks Offering Free Recreational Equipment for Public Use at Bayfront Family Center
05/30/2017 Duluth Invaders seeks help tackling invasive plants - Volunteer events planned
05/26/2017 Duluth receives Bronze Bicycle Friendly Community award by the League of American Bicyclists
05/11/2017 Public Invited to Discuss Improvements to Harrison Park
05/05/2017 Duluth Natural Surface Trails Open
05/03/2017 Public Invited to Help Design Lincoln Park Amenities
04/28/2017 City Offering Ultimate Frisbee Skills Sessions and Games
04/26/2017 Tonight's Open Ice Skating at Essentia Heritage Sports Center Cancelled
04/21/2017 Hartley Park Improvements Underway
04/18/2017 Raise the Roses event at Duluth Rose Garden Canceled Tonight, April 18 Due to Weather
04/17/2017 60 new recycling bins coming to Duluth Parks Thanks to Keep America Beautiful Dr. Pepper-Snapple Program
04/14/2017 Duluth's Quarry Park Soon to Have More Amenities
04/14/2017 Help “Raise the Roses” at Duluth Rose Garden
04/13/2017 36th Annual Chester Creek Concert Series Kicks off on June 13 with Band Called Trueman
04/10/2017 Duluth Parks Commission to hold Annual Meeting on April 12 to Celebrate Partnerships in Park Planning and Stewardship
04/07/2017 Lakewalk Trail Detour Planned for April 11-12 for Utility Project
04/07/2017 Duluth Dog Parks to Reopen
04/04/2017 Duluth Natural Surface Trails Temporarily Closed to Users
03/31/2017 Duluth Parks Commission to hold Annual Meeting on April 12 to Celebrate Partnerships
03/28/2017 Adult Softball League Registration Now Open
03/28/2017 Jean Duluth and Keene Creek Dog Parks Temporarily Closed Due to Wet Soil Conditions
03/17/2017 Duluth Traverse Mini-Master Plan Draft Available for Public Review and Comment
03/10/2017 Duluth Community Parks and Recreation Funds Available, Applications due April 1
03/07/2017 Duluth Parks Launches New Online Reservation Tool
03/02/2017 Duluth Parks and Recreation Clean and Green 2017, Volunteers needed for annual clean-up efforts
02/21/2017 City Closing Bayfront Park Ice Rink for the Rest of the Winter Season
02/14/2017 Draft Cross City Trail Mini-Master Plan Available for Public Comment (a St. Louis River Corridor Initiative)
01/31/2017 Public Invited to Duluth Traverse Trail Master Planning Meeting
01/30/2017 Duluth Parks Hosting Indoor Skating Event with UMD Figure Skating Club February 5
01/26/2017 Duluth Parks Outdoor and Indoor Skating Rinks Open to the Public
01/20/2017 City of Duluth Cautions Against Use of Trails and Ice Rinks Due to Warm Weather
01/20/2017 City Seeks Musicians for 2017 Chester Creek Concert Series
01/09/2017 City offering free winter recreation fun at Bayfront Park
01/09/2017 City of Duluth seeks input on St. Louis River Corridor Western Waterfront recreation plan
01/04/2017 Bayfront Family Center and Rink Temporarily Closed Due to Weather Conditions
12/21/2016 Duluth Parks Offering Open Skating for Students During Winter Break
12/09/2016 Duluth Parks Fund Neighborhood Grant Program Issues $39,100 to community organizations
12/02/2016 Community Skating Party to Feature Santa and Rudolph December 14
12/01/2016 Media Advisory: City and Community to Celebrate Piedmont Community Recreation Area Improvements, December 3rd at 1:00 PM
11/22/2016 Public Invited to Skate with the UMD Bulldogs on December 4
11/21/2016 Lakewalk Trail in Canal Park Undergoing Maintenance
11/16/2016 Telecommunications Repair Work Planned in Chester Bowl
11/10/2016 Gobbler Glide Skating Event for Families on November 16
11/10/2016 Hartley Park Mini-Master Plan Improvements in Progress
11/10/2016 MEDIA ADVISORY - Gary New Duluth Community Center Celebration of Improvements, November 10 at 4 PM
11/07/2016 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is November 9
11/04/2016 Western Waterfront Trail Master Planning Process Kicks off November 15 (A St. Louis River Corridor Initiative Project)
11/03/2016 Bagged Leaves No Longer Needed for Duluth Rose Garden This Year
10/25/2016 Jean Duluth Dog Park to Temporarily Close for Maintenance October 27 in the Afternoon
10/17/2016 Public Invited to Boo Bash Ice Skating Party
10/17/2016 Draft St. Louis River Estuary National Water Trail Master Plan Available for Public Comment
10/06/2016 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is October 12
10/06/2016 2016 Annual Rose Tipping Event Scheduled for Saturday, October 22 and Tuesday, October 25
10/04/2016 Duluth Dog Parks to Undergo Maintenance, Temporary Closures Planned This Week
09/30/2016 Quarry Park Main Access Trail Project Starts September 30, a St. Louis River Corridor Initiative project
09/26/2016 Duluth Parks Seeking Input on Proposed Dog Park Name
09/19/2016 Duluth Parks Grants Available, Applications due October 1
09/16/2016 Western Waterfront Trail Renewal Project Starts September 19, a St. Louis River Corridor Initiative
09/13/2016 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is September 14
09/09/2016 Duluth Parks Wayfinding and Trail Orientation Project Hones in on Final Design Options, Public Input Needed
09/09/2016 32nd Annual Chester Bowl Fall Fest is September 17
08/26/2016 Free Open Skate Summer Schedule to End August 31, School Year Open Skate Starts September 14
08/26/2016 Final 2016 Chester Creek Concert to be held August 30 featuring Teague Alexy
08/25/2016 Duluth Parks Wayfinding and Trailhead Orientation Plan Seeking Additional Public Input
08/11/2016 Chester Creek Concert on August 16 to feature Mary Bue and the Holy Bones
08/05/2016 Duluth Seeking Input on Western Trails Plan
08/04/2016 Chester Creek Concert on August 9 to feature Mama's Stolen Horses
08/04/2016 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is August 10
07/29/2016 Chester Creek Concert on August 2 to feature SplinterTones
07/25/2016 Annual Water Safety Expo and Sand Modeling Contest at Park Point Beach to take place July 28
07/25/2016 Chester Creek Concert on July 26th to feature The Adjustments
07/25/2016 Cross City Trail Maintenance To Take Place Today
07/21/2016 Water Expo and Sand Modeling Contest Postponed Today
07/15/2016 Chester Creek Concert on July 19th to feature Plucked Up String Band
07/14/2016 Duluth Seeking Input on Future Parks Signage and Wayfinding Plan
07/13/2016 Annual Water Safety Expo and Sand Modeling Contest at Park Point Beach to place July 21
07/08/2016 Chester Creek Concert on July 12th to feature Boku Frequency
07/08/2016 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is July 13
07/01/2016 Chester Creek Concert on July 5th to feature Listening Party
06/30/2016 Duluth Parks Fund Neighborhood Grants Award $50,000 to 13 Community Organizations
06/27/2016 Hartley Park forest management project commences
06/27/2016 Chester Creek Stream Restoration Commences
06/27/2016 Chester Creek Concert on June 28 to feature A Band Called Truman
06/22/2016 Volunteers are needed for Trail Work in Hartley Park
06/22/2016 Duluth Parks Commission Approves Mini-Master Plan for 11 Neighborhood Parks, Plan to be Presented to City Council for Approval
06/19/2016 Public invited to try new sport, Pickleball
06/16/2016 Public Input Needed on New Duluth Parks Signage Project
06/15/2016 Duluth Parks and Recreation Opens Registration for Youth Flag Football League
06/14/2016 Chester Creek Concert Scheduled for Tonight is Canceled due to Weather
06/10/2016 Duluth City Council to get progress report on St. Louis River Corridor Initiative
06/10/2016 Public Comment Needed on Environmental Assessment Worksheet for Spirit Mountain Recreation Area Improvements
06/09/2016 Restoration Projects to Enhance Duluth Trails and Stream Habitat
06/01/2016 Free Football Clinics and Week long Camp Offered for Youth with Denfeld Junior Football League
06/01/2016 Duluth Parks Offering Free Recreational Equipment for Public Use at Bayfront Family Center
05/31/2016 35th Annual Chester Creek Concert Series Kicks off on June 14 with Teague Alexy
05/24/2016 Ultimate Frisbee Program on May 29 at Duluth Heritage Sports Center Canceled
05/17/2016 Minnesota Power partners with City and Hartley Nature Center to plant 100 trees in Hartley Park
05/12/2016 Ultimate Frisbee Sports Offered at Duluth Heritage Sports Center for Youth
05/12/2016 Duluth Invaders seeks help tackling invasive plants
05/09/2016 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting Scheduled for May 11
05/06/2016 Flood Damaged Trail Restoration in Western Corridor to be Completed This Summer
05/03/2016 Public input needed on updates to the 2011 Trail and Bikeway Plan, Public Meeting is May 10
04/29/2016 Trail Construction Along College Street Starts May 2
04/28/2016 Brush Drop off Site on Park Point - May Schedule Set
04/21/2016 Ultimate Frisbee Sports Offered at Duluth Heritage Sports Center for Youth
04/20/2016 Hartley Park Mini Master Plan Implementation to Start this Summer Open House Scheduled for April 28
04/18/2016 Cross City Trail Construction at 63rd Ave West Starts This Week
04/14/2016 Duluth Parks Commission to hold Special Meeting on April 20
04/13/2016 Help Raise the Roses at Duluth Rose Garden
04/11/2016 Public Comment Needed on Draft of 11 Neighborhood Parks Mini-Master Plans
04/06/2016 Meet and Greet for Seniors at Portman Community Center April 12
04/06/2016 Ultimate Frisbee Sports Offered at Duluth Heritage Sports Center for Youth
04/01/2016 Duluth Parks Commission Annual Meeting is April 13, Partners to be recognized
04/01/2016 Enger Park Golf Course to Open Tuesday, April 5th
03/31/2016 Free Spring Break Sports Programs Offered for Kids
03/30/2016 Brush Drop off Site on Park Point Will Reopen to Park Point Residents
03/24/2016 Quarry Park Mini Master Plan Final Draft Available for Public Comment
03/09/2016 Hartley Park Mini Master Plan Phase I Implementation Underway with Removal of Invasive Plants
03/08/2016 Boardwalk repairs taking place on Lakewalk Trail
03/07/2016 $50,000 Available to the Community from Parks Fund, Neighborhood Grants
03/07/2016 Public invited to open house for St. Louis River Water Trail Plan
03/03/2016 Habitat Restoration Work to Start Along Western Waterfront Trail
03/03/2016 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is March 9
03/02/2016 Play Gym offers free indoor recreation for young children - New session added
03/01/2016 Volunteers Needed for 2016 “Clean and Green” Clean-Up and Park Beautification Projects
02/25/2016 Bayfront Family Center Final Programming Offered February 25-28
02/25/2016 Hartley Mini-Master Plan implementation to start in spring, two public open houses planned
02/19/2016 Bayfront Family Center and Ice Rink To Temporarily Close
02/12/2016 Second Public Meeting on Cross City Trail Scheduled for February 25 (A St. Louis River Corridor Project)
02/11/2016 Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan to be presented to Urban Forest Commission February 16
02/11/2016 Public Invited to Date Night/Skate Night at Bayfront Family Center Rink
02/11/2016 Newest Fairmount Park/Lake Superior Zoo Concept Available for Public Review - Public input needed - Next Public Meeting is February 22
02/10/2016 Bayfront Family Center Program Hours Extended for Mid-Winter Break
02/09/2016 Site Plan to be Presented at Public Meeting for New 30 Acre Park in West Duluth (meeting location changed to Harrison Community Center)
02/08/2016 Public Invited to Free Valentine's Skating Party February 10
02/08/2016 Duluth Parks Commission to hold Public Hearing on Fairmount Park and Lake Superior Zoo Concept Plan
02/04/2016 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is February 10
02/04/2016 City programs and ice rink activities at Bayfront Family Center to be suspended February 6 in recognition of Hockey Day Minnesota 2016
02/02/2016 Bayfront Family Center Ice Rink Reopens February 3
02/01/2016 Bayfront Family Center Skating Rink Temporarily Closed
01/27/2016 Public Meeting to Discuss Use of Old Main Park
01/26/2016 Public Meeting to Discuss Chester Bowl Chalet Improvements
01/26/2016 Free Ice Skating Event at the DECC January 31 Open Skating also Offered at Duluth Heritage Center During Mid-Winter Break
01/21/2016 Media Advisory: Press Conference - Duluth to showcase new "Fun Slope" and initial phase of Chester Park improvements January 22, 2016, 10:30 AM at Chester Bowl Park, 1800 Skyline Parkway
01/21/2016 11 Duluth Neighborhood Park draft plans to be presented at February 4 public meeting (Part of the St. Louis River Corridor Initiative)
01/20/2016 Lake Superior Zoo Proposed Concepts Available for Public Review - Public encouraged to provide input
01/19/2016 Public Meeting to Discuss Proposed Concepts for Lake Superior Zoo and Fairmount Park is Today at 5 PM (A St. Louis River Corridor Project)
01/16/2016 Bayfront Family Center Activities Suspended Today and Sunday due to Weather Conditions
01/14/2016 City Seeks Musicians for Chester Creek Concert Series
01/12/2016 Bayfront Family Center Activities Suspended Today due to Weather Conditions
01/11/2016 Public Meeting to Discuss Proposed Concepts for Lake Superior Zoo and Fairmount Park (A St. Louis River Corridor Project)
01/08/2016 Public Meeting to Discuss Vision for a 30 acre Park in West Duluth (A St. Louis River Corridor Project)
01/07/2016 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is January 13
01/07/2016 Brush Drop off Site on Park Point Will Temporarily Close – Accessible to Park Point Residents by Request
01/05/2016 Public Invited to Community Meeting on Chambers Grove Park Improvements
01/01/2016 Winter Recreation Activities Offered at Bayfront Family Center
12/29/2015 Public Invited to Meeting on Western Waterfront Trail Habitat Restoration (St. Louis River Corridor Initiative Project)
12/22/2015 Free Skating Event at the DECC December 27 - Open Skating also Offered at Duluth Heritage Center During Winter Break
12/16/2015 Emerald Ash Borer Park Point Quarantine – brush drop off site to open next week, City also seeking input on Draft Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan
12/14/2015 Free Holiday Party December 16 (Open to families with young children)
12/11/2015 Public Input Sought on Cross City Trail Connection (A St. Louis River Corridor Project)
12/09/2015 Lakewalk Trail Extension Public Meeting is December 17
12/09/2015 Community Skating Party to Feature Santa and Rudolph
12/07/2015 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is December 9
11/24/2015 Cross City Trail Mini Master Plan Meeting Scheduled for December 10 (A St. Louis River Corridor Project)
11/23/2015 Free Skating Events at the DECC
11/18/2015 City of Duluth Seeking Input on 11 Neighborhood Parks (A St. Louis River Corridor Initiative Project)
11/13/2015 Gobbler Glide Skating Event for Families November 18
11/10/2015 Enger Golf Course Season Extended, Lester Park Golf Course Closes for the Season
11/03/2015 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is November 4
11/02/2015 Lincoln and Memorial Parks Planning Meeting Scheduled for November 10
10/23/2015 Rose Tipping Event for October 24 Canceled
10/15/2015 Public Asked to Provide Input on Lakewalk Trail Commercial Activity
10/14/2015 Duluth Parks Commission October Meeting Cancelled
10/13/2015 Public Invited to Attend October 20th Informational Meeting on Western Waterfront Trail
10/13/2015 Annual Rose Tipping Event Scheduled for October 20 and 24
10/13/2015 Free Open Skating Events Planned During School Year
10/12/2015 Work to Continue to Prepare Chester Bowl Park's "Fun Slope" for the Upcoming Winter Season
09/29/2015 Duluth Awarded $400,000 in Trail Grants
09/28/2015 Lake Superior Zoo October Programs
09/24/2015 Lindsay Dean Selected as New Parks & Recreation Manager for the City of Duluth
09/21/2015 Trail Restoration Projects Due to Flood Damage to be Completed This Fall
09/17/2015 Community Parks and Recreation Funds Available - Deadline for submittals is October 1
09/14/2015 City of Duluth Parks and Recreation to Sponsor Free Open Skating at Heritage Sports Center
09/11/2015 City to Pilot New Shared Use Trail in Chester Park, A Component of Chester Park Mini-Master Plan
09/09/2015 Next Phase of Cross City Trail Extension Starts This Week
09/08/2015 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is September 9
09/03/2015 Community Parks and Recreation Funds Available Deadline for submittals is October 1
09/02/2015 31st Annual Chester Bowl Fall Fest is September 19
08/31/2015 2015 Outdoor Duluth Recreation Map Now Available to the Public
08/27/2015 Summer Open Skating Events Concluded - Fall Open Skating to start September 16
08/18/2015 Community invited to Duluth Parks Mini-Master planning meeting for Lincoln Park
08/07/2015 Duluth Traverse Trail to Expand This Year
08/07/2015 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is August 12
08/03/2015 Chester Creek Concert to Feature "Charlie Parr" on Tuesday - August 4th
07/28/2015 Duluth Parks Sponsors Free Activities for the Public
07/27/2015 Chester Creek Concert to Feature "Sound, Inc." on Tuesday - July 28th
07/22/2015 Chester Park Mini-Master Plan Implementation Underway
07/20/2015 Public Invited to Help Craft Vision for Irving Park and Memorial Park
07/20/2015 Chester Creek Concert to Feature "Gentleman's Anti-Temperance League" on Tuesday - July 21st
07/17/2015 Community Bike Ride to Celebrate Duluth’s Newest Trail! Press Conference July 22, 2015 at 4:45 PM
07/13/2015 Chester Creek Concert to Feature “Fishheads” on Tuesday – July 14
07/10/2015 Public Invited to Submit Ideas for Trail Naming Project
07/09/2015 Annual Park Point Sand Modeling Contest and Water Safety Expo Thursday, July 16 • Park Point Beach
07/06/2015 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting is July 8
07/06/2015 Chester Creek Concert to Feature “Borderstone” on Tuesday – July 7
07/06/2015 Free Open Skating at Heritage Sports Center Through August 26
06/30/2015 Storm Sewer Project to Start in Lower Chester Park - Some Trails Impacted
06/29/2015 Chester Creek Concert to Feature “Brothers Burn Mountain” on Tuesday – June 30
06/22/2015 Chester Creek Concert to Feature “Woodblind” on Tuesday – June 23
06/17/2015 Champions Building Champions Program to Benefit Youth
06/15/2015 Chester Creek Concert to Feature Pot Bellied Stallions on Tuesday - Special Tribute to Thom Storm at 7 PM
06/08/2015 Chester Creek Concert to Feature Hobo Nephews of Uncle Frank on Tuesday
06/05/2015 Duluth Parks Commission Monthly Meeting Scheduled for June 10
06/04/2015 June 6 is National Trails Day, public invited to participate in events
06/02/2015 Volunteers Needed for 13th Annual “Dig in for the Downtown Waterfront” - TOMORROW from 10-Noon at Bayfront Park
06/01/2015 Duluth Parks Commission to Hold Special Meeting June 4, Public Invited to Attend
05/29/2015 Free Youth Football Clinics to be Held May 30 and June 2
05/29/2015 33rd Chester Creek Concert Season Kicks Off on June 2nd Featuring the “North Shore Big Band”
05/22/2015 Duluth Parks Offering Free Recreational Equipment for Public Use at Bayfront Family Center
05/21/2015 Bus Bike Walk Volunteer Tree Planting Along the Cross City Trail – Saturday, May 30
05/19/2015 33rd Chester Creek Concert Season begins June 2nd featuring the “North Shore Big Band”
05/11/2015 Duluth Parks and Recreation Commission Monthly Meeting Schedule for May 13
04/29/2015 Duluth Parks to Hold Second West Duluth Sports Corridor Open House
04/29/2015 Ultimate Frisbee Sports Offered at Duluth Heritage Sports Center for Youth
04/21/2015 Raising of the Roses Event Canceled Today Due to Weather (Next event is April 26)
04/16/2015 Duluth Awarded Over $500,000 for Western Waterfront Trail Restoration
04/14/2015 Public Meeting to Discuss Proposed Nordic Ski Center
04/13/2015 Duluth Parks Commission Annual Meeting to Highlight Progress and St. Louis River Corridor Initiative
04/10/2015 Sprint Telecommunications Project to Start April 13
04/08/2015 Help “Raise the Roses” at Duluth Rose Garden
04/02/2015 Public Invited to Duluth Parks Commission Annual Meeting
03/31/2015 Free Spring Break Activities for Kids in Duluth
03/31/2015 "Edible Duluth" Promotes Community Gardening, Seeks Volunteers for Orchards
03/24/2015 Volunteers invited to register for 2015 Duluth Clean and Green Projects
03/20/2015 Play Gym Offers Extended Hours in Duluth Heights for Kids
03/18/2015 Duluth Parks Seeks Volunteers to Help Eradicate Invasive Plants
03/16/2015 Enger Driving Range Opens for the Season
03/11/2015 $50,000 Available to the Community in Parks Fund Neighborhood Grants
03/03/2015 Public Invited to Free Skating Party at the DECC AMSOIL Arena
02/13/2015 Bayfront Family Center Closed February 14 Due To Expected Freezing Temperatures
02/09/2015 Duluth Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting is February 11
02/06/2015 Public Invited to Free Valentine's Skating Party February 11
02/05/2015 Public Invited to View Concepts for Chester Ski Jump Commemorative Art
01/28/2015 Bayfront Festival Park Ice Rink Open to the Public
01/24/2015 Public Advised to Stay Off Ice Rink in Bayfront Festival Park
01/23/2015 Free Skating Party this Sunday at the DECC
01/12/2015 City Seeking Chester Creek Concert Performers
01/09/2015 Bayfront Family Center Closed Today Due to Extreme Cold
01/08/2015 Duluth Awarded $600,000 Legacy Grant for Hartley Park Improvements
01/07/2015 Media Advisory: News Conference January 8 at 11:00 AM at Hartley Nature Center, 3001 Woodland Ave, Duluth
01/06/2015 Bayfront Family Center Closed Today and Tomorrow Due to Extreme Cold
01/04/2015 Bayfront Family Center Closed Today Due to Frigid Conditions
12/30/2014 Bayfront Family Center Closed Today Due to Extreme Cold
12/22/2014 Duluth Parks and Recreation Offers Free Recreational Activities to the Public
12/16/2014 Holiday Party Tomorrow at "Play Gym" Duluth Heights Community Center
12/09/2014 Community Skating Party to Feature Santa and Rudolph
12/08/2014 Public Input Needed for Chester Park Ski Jump Memorial
12/04/2014 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting Scheduled for December 10
12/03/2014 Duluth Officially Opens Its Second Fenced, Off-Leash Dog Park
12/03/2014 Free Skating Parties for Community at the DECC
11/21/2014 Free Gobbler Glide Ice Skating Event on November 26
11/20/2014 City Preparing Trails for Cross Country Skiing
11/12/2014 Improvements to Chester Bowl Park Starting November 13
11/03/2014 Family Volunteer Day Kicks off the Holiday Season on Saturday Nov. 22
10/23/2014 Final Draft of Chester Park Mini-Master Plan Available for Public Review and Comment
10/22/2014 City Accepting Requests for Qualifications from Artists for Chester Ski Jumps Memorial
10/16/2014 Public Invited to Free Skating Events
10/15/2014 Come Tip the Roses at the Rose Garden
10/03/2014 Volunteers Needed to Help Tackle Invasive Plants
10/01/2014 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting Scheduled for October 8
09/30/2014 Today's "Bamboo Blasting" Event Canceled
09/23/2014 Chester Park Mini-Master Plan Public Meeting Scheduled for September 30
09/17/2014 Duluth Tree Planting Party Scheduled for September 22
09/16/2014 $54,350 in grants available to the community from Duluth Parks Fund-Neighborhood Grant Program
09/15/2014 30th Annual Chester Bowl Fall Fest to Take Place September 20
09/11/2014 Duluth Tree Planting Parties Today and Monday To be Rescheduled
09/10/2014 Free Open Skating Events at Duluth Heritage Sports Center
09/09/2014 Bayfront Family Center Open to Public until September 19
09/09/2014 Bayfront Family Center Open to Public Until September 18 (revised)
09/08/2014 30th Annual Chester Bowl Fall Fest to Take Place September 20
09/03/2014 Help Tackle Invasive Bamboo at Upcoming Events
09/03/2014 Public Invited to Help Plant Trees in September
09/03/2014 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting Scheduled for September 10
08/25/2014 2014 Chester Creek Concert Series Finale to Feature Busterville
08/20/2014 Public Meeting to Discuss Improvements to Central Hillside Park
08/19/2014 Chester Creek Concert Tonight Cancelled
08/11/2014 Public Invited to Additional Chester Creek Concerts
08/07/2014 Media Advisory: Press Event on August 8, 2014 at 4:00 PM (Jean Duluth Soccer Complex)
08/06/2014 Citywide Cross Country Ski Trail Master Plan Available for Public Review and Comment
08/04/2014 Bayfront Family Center Closed This Week, August 4-7
07/31/2014 Repairs on Skyline Parkway, at Chester Bowl Park, to close west entrance until fall (revised start date)
07/31/2014 Chester Creek Concert to Feature Pot Bellied Stallions and Celebration of Chester Park Ski Jumping (revised information)
07/29/2014 Chester Creek Concert Canceled Due to Weather
07/28/2014 Duluth Parks Commission Accepting Grant Applications
07/21/2014 Chester Creek Concert Tomorrow to Feature Sound Incorporated
07/18/2014 Duluth Parks Division Offers New Volunteer Opportunities
07/16/2014 Annual Park Point Sand Modeling Contest and Water Safety Expo is Thursday, July 17
07/14/2014 Chester Creek Concert Series Runs Through August 19
06/30/2014 Chester Creek Concert Tomorrow to Feature Saint Anyway
06/30/2014 Entry to Chester Bowl Park Only Accessible from West Until August 11
06/27/2014 Buckthorn Brigade Events to Start in July
06/25/2014 $45,650 in Neighborhood Parks Grants Awarded to Duluth Community Organizations (revised)
06/24/2014 Chester Creek Concert Tonight Canceled due to Weather
06/23/2014 Duluth Summer 2014 Activities for Kids and Families
06/19/2014 Public Meeting to Discuss Proposed Dog Park in Observation Park (map attachment)
06/13/2014 Two Duluth memorial park benches available for purchase (Enger Park location)
06/12/2014 Enger Tower and Park 75th Anniversary Community Celebration Events Take Place June 15
06/10/2014 Park Point Beach Opens This Week
06/06/2014 Public Invited to Upcoming Meeting on the Cross City Trail
06/05/2014 National Trails Day is June 7, Two Volunteer Events Planned
06/05/2014 Duluth Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting is June 11
06/02/2014 Public Input Needed on Duluth Cross Country Ski Trails
05/29/2014 Duluth Invasive Species Council seeks volunteers to help tackle Garlic Mustard and Japanese Knotweed
05/20/2014 32nd Chester Creek Concert Season begins June 3rd featuring the “Chmielewski Funtime Band”
05/20/2014 Enger Tower and Park 75th Anniversary Community Celebration and Clean Up Events to be Held in June
05/08/2014 Duluth Parks Commission Meeting on Hartley Mini-Master Plan is May 14; Public Comment Period Extended
05/07/2014 City's Youth Flag Football League Registration Open Until June 6
05/06/2014 Duluth Golf Courses Opening May 7
05/05/2014 Public Unveiling of Duluth’s First Bicycle Repair Station, May 6
05/02/2014 Celebrate Arbor Day 2014 by Planting Trees for Bus Bike Walk Month
04/29/2014 Special Parks Commission Meeting Scheduled for April 30
04/29/2014 Hartley Park Mini-Master Plan Comments Due April 30
04/28/2014 Raising of the Roses Cancelled for April 29
04/25/2014 Raising of the Roses changed to April 29 and May 3
04/23/2014 Enger Golf Course Driving Range Now Open
04/21/2014 Duluth Trails Closed due to Wet Conditions
04/16/2014 Open Skating at Duluth Heritage Center Cancelled Tonight
04/14/2014 Hartley Park Mini-Master Plan Meeting is April 15
04/10/2014 Champions Building Champions Sports Activities at Heritage Center
04/07/2014 Spring Break Activities Scheduled at Duluth Heritage Sports Center
04/04/2014 Hartley Mini-Master Plan Meeting Rescheduled for April 15
04/02/2014 Parks and Recreation Slow Pitch Softball Umpires Needed
03/31/2014 Parks and Recreation Annual Meeting Wednesday, April 2 Featuring “An Evening with Sam Cook”
03/27/2014 Public Meeting on Hartley Park Mini-Master Plan CANCELLED
03/24/2014 Hartley Mini-Master Plan to be Discussed March 27
03/24/2014 Duluth Parks Commission Lends Support for Proposed Recreation Plan in Gary New Duluth
03/21/2014 Public encouraged to take part in Duluth’s Clean and Green Effort
03/11/2014 Bayfront Skating Rink Closed for the Season
03/11/2014 Melting snow causes water to pool in Lakewalk tunnel under Highway 61
03/10/2014 MDA planning gypsy moth suppression treatments for Duluth and Ely areas in 2014
03/07/2014 Parks Commission March Meeting Held at Stowe Elementary School in Gary New Duluth
03/04/2014 Parks and Recreation Annual Meeting Featuring "An Evening with Sam Cook"
02/28/2014 $50,000 Available to the Community in Parks Fund Neighborhood Grants
02/26/2014 Bayfront Family Center Skating Rink Closed Tomorrow
02/21/2014 Parks and Recreation FREE DECC Skating Party Sunday, February 23
02/20/2014 Parks and Recreation Skating and Turf Time Cancelled
02/19/2014 Tour Duluth XC Ski Event Saturday, March 8th 2014
02/18/2014 Parks and Recreation FREE-DECC Skating Party Sunday, February 23rd
02/18/2014 $50,000 Available to the Community in Parks Fund Neighborhood Grants
02/14/2014 Valentine's Day Fireside Skate Date at Bayfront Skating Rink
02/14/2014 Parks and Recreation Winter Break Activities
02/06/2014 Valentine Skate at the Heritage Sports Center Wednesday, February 12th
02/06/2014 Valentine Skate at the Heritage Sports Center Wednesday, February 12th (revised)
02/03/2014 Parks Commission February Meeting Held at City Center West-Evergreen Senior Center
01/27/2014 Bayfront Park skating rink closed today due to frigid weather conditions.
01/27/2014 Bayfront Park skating rink closed today due to frigid weather conditions.
01/27/2014 Public Invited to Comment on Proposed Chester Park Mini Master Plan
01/17/2014 Parks and Recreation FREE- DECC Skating Party Sunday, January 26th
01/17/2014 Parks and Recreation FREE- DECC Skating Party Sunday, January 26th (updated)
01/14/2014 Duluth Legacy Endowment Fund Now Accepting Grant Requests
01/09/2014 Bayfront Family Center Skating Rink Now Open: Friday evenings bonfire and hot chocolate
01/07/2014 Nordic Spirit Ski Race Sunday, January 12th at Spirit Mountain (updated)
01/06/2014 Nordic Spirit Ski Race Saturday, January 12th at Spirit Mountain Nordic Center
01/03/2014 Parks Commission January Meeting Held at Central Hillside Center
01/02/2014 Bayfront Park skating rink closed today due to frigid weather conditions.
12/31/2013 Make Plans to Attend Winter Trails Day on Saturday, January 11th
12/30/2013 Indoor Holiday Break Skating Today at Heritage Sports Center
12/30/2013 City reminds the public: Hiking and Biking on City Cross Country Ski Trails is Prohibited
12/29/2013 Bayfront Skating and Family Center Closed Today
11/07/2013 Parks Commission Meeting Held Wednesday, November 13th
11/07/2013 2013 Holiday Banquet and Bentleyville Tour of Lights
11/04/2013 Bagged Leaves Needed at the Rose Garden
11/01/2013 Hartley Nature Center Celebrates 10 Years
10/29/2013 City of Duluth Golf Courses Closed for the Season
10/28/2013 Skate and Scare at the Duluth Heritage Sports Center, Wednesday, October 30th
10/14/2013 Park Point residents, visitors asked not to feed wild foxes.
10/07/2013 Calling all 100 year olds !
09/27/2013 Lester Park Rendezvous to be held on Sunday, September 29th: UPDATED
09/26/2013 $56,000 Available to the Community in Parks Fund Neighborhood Grants
09/25/2013 Lester River Rendezvous held Saturday, September 28th
09/19/2013 Public Invited to Attend Dog Park Task Force Meeting September 25th
09/19/2013 Annual Fall Fest at Chester Bowl Saturday, September 21st
09/19/2013 Calling all 100 year olds.
09/09/2013 Annual Chester Bowl Fall Festival Saturday September 21st fun for the whole family.
09/09/2013 Parks and Recreation Heritage Sports Center Fall Skating Begins
09/06/2013 Parks Commission September Meeting Held at Duluth Heights Community Center
09/05/2013 Lakewalk Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Scheduled for Friday, September 6th
09/05/2013 Lakewalk Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Scheduled for Friday, September 6th (revised)
09/05/2013 Public Invited to Help Plant Trees in September
08/30/2013 Park Point Beach Lifeguards
08/30/2013 $56,000 Available to the Community in Parks Fund Neighborhood Grants
08/28/2013 Electronic Rip Current Sign Now Operational
08/27/2013 Electronic Rip Current Warning Sign Temporarily Down
08/19/2013 New Electronic Rip Current Warning Sign on Park Point
08/16/2013 Final Chester Creek Concert Features the Pot Bellied Stallions Tuesday, August 20th at 6:30 PM
08/16/2013 Media Advisory: City unveils new addition to rip current warning system.
08/13/2013 City of Duluth Parks Fund Neighborhood Grants Announced
08/12/2013 Re-Leaf program encourages residents to plant affordable boulevard trees.
08/12/2013 Parks Commission August Meeting Held at Indian Point Campground
08/12/2013 Media Advisory: Parks Fund Grants to be Announced
08/12/2013 Chester Creek Concert Features "Fish Heads"
08/02/2013 5th Annual "Art and Me Festival" at Lester Park Sunday, August 11th
08/01/2013 Public Invited to Master Planning Meeting for Hartley Park Tuesday, August 13th
08/01/2013 Flag Football Registration Now Open
07/31/2013 Chester Creek Concert Features "Busterville" August 6th
07/26/2013 Chester Creek Concert Series Features Popular Local 70's Band "Sound Incorporated" Tuesday, July 30th at 7:00 PM
07/26/2013 Media Advisory: Grand Opening of New Lester Park Playground
07/19/2013 Chester Creek Concert Features "Rock-a-Billy Revue" July 23rd.
07/19/2013 Public Invited to Review Concept Plan for Irving Recreation Center
07/17/2013 Annual Park Point Sand Modeling Contest Summer Beach Bash and Water Safety Expo
07/16/2013 Chester Creek Concert Features "Matt Ray and Those Damn Horses" Tonight July 16th
07/15/2013 City of Duluth to host first educational and removal workshop on invasive species "bamboo"
07/12/2013 Lake Superior Rose Society presents "Rose Show and Rose Fest" Saturday, July 13th
07/11/2013 Chester Creek Concert Features "Matt Ray and Those Damn Horses" July 16th
07/11/2013 Help Shape Duluth's Bikeway System
07/11/2013 Volunteers Needed to Count Bike and Pedestrians
07/10/2013 Annual Park Point Sand Modeling Contest Summer Beach Bash and Water Safety Expo
07/09/2013 Chester Creek Concert Postponed Tonight
07/08/2013 Parks Commission July Meeting Held at Hartley Nature Center
07/08/2013 Chester Creek Concert featuring "Fish Heads"
07/08/2013 Youth Soccer Team from Colombia Visit Duluth's Heritage Sports Center Wednesday, July 10th
06/28/2013 Chester Creek Concert Features "Rage n' Country" Tuesday, July 2nd
06/27/2013 Hartley Pond Inspection Report Available
06/21/2013 Chester Creek Concert Featuring "Sarah Krueger" June 25th
06/20/2013 Public asked to help in Riparian Tree Planting
06/18/2013 Chester Creek Concert Features "Charlie Parr" Tonight
06/18/2013 Parks and Recreation 2013 Summer Fun
06/13/2013 Public input needed on new hockey rink. (UPDATED)
06/13/2013 Chester Creek Concert Features "Charlie Parr" Tuesday, June 18th
06/12/2013 Public input needed on the building of new soccer field and hockey rink.
06/11/2013 Public Meeting for Irving Park Plan Tonight at 6:30 PM
06/11/2013 Chester Creek Concert 31st Season begins Tuesday, June 11th featuring "Matt Wahl"
06/11/2013 Media Advisory: Mayor Ness Gets to Cleaning and Greening
06/06/2013 Parks and Recreation Summer Kick off Party Friday, June 7th Noon to 4:00 PM
06/06/2013 Parks Commission June Meeting Held at New Spirit Mountain Chalet
06/06/2013 Mayor Ness asks citizens to help clean up Duluth. Clean and Green 2013 needs your help !
06/04/2013 Duluth Invasive Species Team to Target Garlic Mustard
06/04/2013 Duluth Invasive Species Team to Target Garlic Mustard (updated)
06/04/2013 Chester Creek Concert Postponed Tonight
06/03/2013 Summer Kick-Off 2013 Party Friday, June 7th Noon-4:00 PM.
05/29/2013 Chester Creek Concert 31st Season begins Tuesday, June 4th featuring "Pot Bellied Stallions"
05/28/2013 Public Invited to Discuss Plan for Chester Park
05/28/2013 Duluth National Trails Day Celebration held Saturday, June 1st.
05/28/2013 Parks and Recreation Flag Football Registration Open Now
05/24/2013 Re-Leaf program encourages residents to plant affordable boulevard trees.
05/23/2013 Cross Country Skiers Invited to Public Planning Meeting
05/22/2013 Parks and Recreation Invites Public to Mini Master Plan Meeting for Chester Park
05/22/2013 Reminder: Duluth Trails Closed to Public Due to Wet Conditions: Please Help Protect our Trails
05/17/2013 Spring and Summer Turf Time at Heritage Sports Center
05/14/2013 State's Arbor Month Celebration in Duluth
05/14/2013 State's Arbor Month Celebration in Duluth Wednesday, May 15th
05/13/2013 Bike Route Tree Planting Party Saturday, May 18th 9:00-11:00 AM
05/09/2013 State's Arbor Month Celebration in Duluth on Wednesday, May 15th
05/09/2013 State's Arbor Month Celebration in Duluth
05/06/2013 Duluth trails closed to public due to wet conditions. "Please help us protect the trails"
05/03/2013 Parks Commission Meeting Held at Lake Superior Zoo May 8th
04/29/2013 Enger Golf Course Driving Range Opens Today
04/25/2013 Warm temperatures and melting snow means it is time to clean up our city.
04/22/2013 Parks and Recreation offers Spring Ultimate Frisbee at Heritage Sports Center
04/17/2013 Raising the Roses
04/16/2013 Parks and Recreation offers Spring Ultimate Frisbee and Turf Time at Heritage Sports Center
04/12/2013 Parks and Recreation's Turf Time and Skating Cancelled Today at the Heritage Sports Center
04/12/2013 When it's green, we'll be ready to clean!
04/11/2013 Parks and Recreation's Turf Time and Skating Cancelled Today at Heritage Sports Center
04/11/2013 Chambers Grove Clean Up Cancelled
04/08/2013 Clean and Green Kickoff Press Conference Cancelled Today Due to Snow.
04/08/2013 Parks and Recreation "Spring Break" Turf Time and Skating at Heritage Sports Center
04/02/2013 Duluth Parks and Recreation Commission to hold Annual Meeting Wednesday, April 3rd
04/02/2013 Duluth's annual Clean and Green week will kick off on Monday, April 8th
04/02/2013 Parks and Recreation Spring Break Turf Time
03/29/2013 Re-Leaf program encourages residents to plant affordable boulevard trees.
03/29/2013 Parks and Recreation Spring Break Skating Schedule at the Heritage Sports Center
03/26/2013 Duluth Parks and Recreation Commission to hold Annual Meeting Wednesday, April 3rd
03/26/2013 Parks and Recreation Adult Softball Team Registration Now Open: Deadline April 5th
03/08/2013 $86,000 Available to the Community in Parks Fund Neighborhood Grants
03/07/2013 Parks Commission March Meeting Held at Central Hillside Community Center
02/28/2013 Spring is near! Time to sign up for Duluth's Annual Clean and Green
02/26/2013 Parks and Recreation Softball Registration Now Open
02/25/2013 City reminds the public hiking on city cross country ski trails is prohibited.
02/22/2013 Public Invited to Discuss Plan for Chester Creek
02/22/2013 Public Invited to Discuss Plan for Gary Recreation Area
02/21/2013 Parks and Recreation DECC Skating Party Sunday, February 24th
02/19/2013 Chester Bowl Ski Hill Winter Break Schedule and Winter Carnival
02/19/2013 Winter Break Skating Schedule for Bayfront Park and Heritage Sport Center (updated)
02/12/2013 City of Duluth Cross Country Ski Trails in Excellent Condition
02/11/2013 Winter Break Skating Schedule for Bayfront Park and Heritage Sport Center
02/07/2013 School Early Release Skating at Heritage Sports Center-Friday, February 8th
02/07/2013 Parks Commission Meeting February 13th
02/01/2013 Park Maintenance Staff Begins Pruning of City Trees
01/30/2013 Last Chance to Sign up for Senior Billiard Tournament
01/22/2013 Parks and Recreation "Skate with the Bulldogs" Party Sunday January 27th
01/22/2013 Spirit Mountain Cross Country Ski Race Sunday, January 27th
01/22/2013 Bayfront Skating Closed
01/22/2013 $86,000 Available to the Community in Parks Fund Neighborhood Grants
01/15/2013 School Semester Break Skating at Heritage Sports Center Friday, January 18th
01/14/2013 Parks and Recreation Invites Parents and Young Children to "Play Time"
01/14/2013 Parks and Recreation "Skate with the Bulldogs" Party at Amsoil Arena
01/11/2013 Bayfront and Heritage Sports Center Skating Cancelled Today
01/07/2013 School Early Release Skating at Heritage Sports Center-Friday, January 11th
01/04/2013 Winter Trails Day Scheduled for January 12th
01/04/2013 Parks Commission Meeting January 9th
12/29/2012 DECC Skating Party Sunday December 30th
12/26/2012 "Warmer by the Lake" on Wednesday, December 26, 2012 closing day of Bentleyville Tour of Lights
12/26/2012 Parks and Recreation Holiday Break Skating
12/26/2012 Fireworks Display Tonight at Bentleyville 6:30 PM
12/20/2012 Media Advisory: Grand opening ceremony at Chester Ski Hill Today
12/20/2012 Chester Bowl Re-Opening Ceremony at 4:30 Today
12/19/2012 Skate with Santa and Rudolph at the Duluth Heritage Sports Center
12/17/2012 Warmer by the Lake Volunteers Needed
12/11/2012 "Warmer by the Lake" on Wednesday, December 26, 2012 closing day of Bentleyville Tour of Lights
12/10/2012 Parks and Recreation DECC Skating Party December 30th
12/06/2012 Skate with Santa and Rudolph at the Duluth Heritage Sports Center
12/05/2012 Parks Commission December Meeting Held at Central Hillside Community Center
11/21/2012 Calling all Seniors-Holiday Banquet and Bentleyville Tour of Lights
11/21/2012 Calling all Seniors-Holiday Banquet and Bentleyville Tour of Lights (revised)
11/21/2012 Parks Fund Neighborhood Grants Announced
11/15/2012 Parks and Recreation Free DECC Skating Party Sunday, November 18th
11/14/2012 New Trail will provide "Safe Route" to Lincoln Park Middle School
11/13/2012 School Early Release Skating at Heritage Sports Center-Friday, November 16th
11/13/2012 Parents and Pre-School Children Invited to Participate in Play Time at Duluth Heights
11/09/2012 Bagged Leaves Fill the Rose Garden
11/09/2012 Volunteers Needed on Saturday, November 17th to Construct Gravel Walking Trail to Lincoln Park Middle School
11/07/2012 Parks Commission November Meeting Announcement
11/07/2012 Parks Commission November Meeting Announcement (updated)
10/29/2012 Parks and Recreation Halloween Family Events
10/29/2012 Parks and Recreation Halloween Family Events (updated)
10/26/2012 City of Duluth Golf Courses Closed for the Season
10/26/2012 Duluth Awarded $25,000 Cities of Service Grant to Implement Let's Grow-Lincoln Park
10/25/2012 School Early Release Skating at Heritage Sports Center-Friday, October 26th
10/16/2012 School Early Release Skating at Heritage Sports Center-Friday, October 26th
10/16/2012 Rose Tipping at the Rose Garden
10/16/2012 MEA and Early Release Skating at Heritage Sports Center (REVISED)
10/15/2012 Flood Recovery Work to Temporarily Close Amity Creek Trail
10/11/2012 Media Advisory: New Enger Gazebo ribbon Cutting Ceremony
10/11/2012 School Early Release Skating at Heritage Center: Friday, October 26th
10/05/2012 Rose Garden Needs Bagged Leaves
10/04/2012 Parks Commission Meeting held at Duluth Heights Community Recreation Center
10/03/2012 Calling all 100 Year Olds !
09/27/2012 Bentleyville Transformation Begins at Bayfront Park: Volunteers Needed
09/27/2012 School Early Release Skating at Heritage Center Friday, September 28th
09/18/2012 Public Invited to Parks and Recreation Dedications Sept 19th and Sept 20th
09/12/2012 Calling all 100 Year Olds !
09/11/2012 Chester Park Mini Master Plan Open House Thursday, September 27th
09/10/2012 Parks and Recreation Heritage Fall Skating begins Wednesday, Sept 12th
09/10/2012 29th Annual Chester Bowl Fall Festival: Fun for the Whole Family -Saturday, September 15th
09/10/2012 $60,000 Available to the Community in Parks Fund Neighborhood Grants
09/06/2012 Parks Commission Meeting Location Changed
09/05/2012 Parks Commission Meeting Held at Laura MacArthur School Sept 12th
08/23/2012 29th Annual Chester Bowl Fall Festival fun for the whole family.
08/22/2012 Updated Release: Make Plans Now to Plant Trees in September
08/21/2012 Make Plans Now to Plant Trees in September
08/21/2012 Volunteers Needed to Plant White Pines in Chester Park
08/16/2012 No water contact recommended at Park Point Beach House area.
08/16/2012 Trail Recovery Corps to Begin Work on Various Trail Systems in Duluth
08/03/2012 "Sound Incorporated" Featured at Chester Creek Concert Tuesday, August 7th
08/02/2012 Review Memorial, Morgan Park and Gary New Duluth Preliminary Master Plan Concepts
08/02/2012 Parks Commission Meeting to be held at Indian Point Campground
08/01/2012 Volunteers Needed for Hartley Trail Re-Route
07/20/2012 Chester Creek Concert features "Sh-Boom" Tuesday, July 24th
07/18/2012 Sand Modeling Contest and Water Safety Expo Tomorrow at Park Point
07/16/2012 Chester Creek Concert Features 'Rock a Billy Revue', Tuesday, July 17th
07/06/2012 Parks and Recreation Trail Conditions Update
07/06/2012 Parks Mini Master Plan Meetings
07/06/2012 Parks Commission Meeting to be held Wednesday, July 11th
07/06/2012 Parks Summer Fun: Bayfront Family Center Reopens
07/06/2012 Chester Creek Concert Features "Circuit Breakers"
07/05/2012 Volunteers Needed for Miller Creek Disc Golf Cleanup
07/05/2012 Re-Leaf Tree Inventory Volunteers Needed
07/05/2012 Call for Volunteers: City of Duluth Trail Work
07/03/2012 Chester Creek Concert Tonight Featuring "Lester River Boys"
06/29/2012 City of Duluth and Superior Hiking Trail Update
06/29/2012 Summer Rink Rat Program Adds Second Session
06/27/2012 Public Invited to Watch Timber Framers Guild "Hand" Build Enger Gazebo
06/25/2012 City of Duluth Trail Update
06/25/2012 Park Point Beach Open
06/22/2012 Parks and Recreation Flood Related Announcements
06/22/2012 Storm Sand Debris Sites Open
06/21/2012 Disc Golf Work Day Cancelled
06/20/2012 Skating at Heritage Sports Center Cancelled Today
06/19/2012 Volunteers Needed at Lincoln Park Disc Golf Course Saturday, June 23
06/19/2012 Chester Creek Concert Postponed
06/19/2012 First Parks Fund Neighborhood Grants Announced
06/13/2012 Chester Creek Concerts Features Bluegrass Band "Fish Heads" June 19th
06/12/2012 Parks and Recreation Summer Fun
06/12/2012 Parks and Recreation Invites Public to Attend Mini Master Plan Meetings
06/12/2012 Parks Commission Meeting Held at City Hall Wednesday, June 13th
06/08/2012 Chester Creek Concert Features Mynx
06/07/2012 Park Point Beach Opens Friday, June 8th
06/07/2012 Public Invited to Mini Master Plan Meeting for Memorial Park
06/05/2012 30th Anniversary Chester Creek Concert Season Begins Tonight
06/05/2012 Parks and Recreation Invites Public to Mini Master Plan for Washington Square
06/01/2012 Duluth Celebrates National Trails Day on Saturday, June 2nd
05/29/2012 Media Advisory: New Web Woods Trail Dedication
05/29/2012 Duluth Dedicates New Web Woods Trail Today
05/25/2012 Chester Creek Concert 30th Anniversary Season
05/22/2012 Public Invited to Chester Park Open House May 23rd
05/17/2012 City of Duluth Celebrates Arbor Day 2012
05/16/2012 Media Advisory: Arbor Day May 17th
05/10/2012 Parks and Recreation Flag Football Registration Now Open
05/10/2012 Disc Golf Course Public Meeting
05/03/2012 Parks Commission Meeting Held at Duluth Heights Community Recreation Center
04/30/2012 Parks and Recreation Heritage Skating Schedule
04/27/2012 Public Invited to Chester Park Mini Master Plan Meeting
04/26/2012 City of Duluth Opens Trails to Public Use
04/26/2012 Turf Time at Heritage Sports Center
04/24/2012 Working on a Community Invasion: Hartley Nature Center and City of Duluth needs your help
04/20/2012 Global Youth Service Day Watershed Clean Up and City of Duluth Clean and Green Announcement
04/19/2012 Media Advisory: News Conference 10:30 Friday, April 20th
04/17/2012 Parks and Recreation Ultimate Frisbee now offered at Heritage Sports Center
04/11/2012 Parks and Recreation Office Moves to City Hall
04/10/2012 City of Duluth and Hartley Nature Center Working on a Community Invasion
04/09/2012 Volunteers Needed at Miller Creek Disc Golf Course Saturday
04/06/2012 Parks and Recreation Office Moves to City Hall
04/06/2012 New Heritage Sports Center "Rink Rat" Program Launched
04/05/2012 Parks and Recreation Spring Break Skating Schedule
04/04/2012 Parks Annual Meeting Today
04/02/2012 Parks and Recreation Annual Meeting Wednesday, April 4th
03/28/2012 Parks and Recreation Slow Pitch Softball Umpires Needed
03/28/2012 Parks and Recreation Softball Registration Now Open
03/08/2012 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting held March 14th
03/05/2012 City reminds the public hiking on city cross country ski trails is prohibited.
03/05/2012 Bayfront Skating Closed for the Season
03/01/2012 City of Duluth Cross Country Ski Trails Now Open
03/01/2012 Chester Ski Hill Open Today
02/29/2012 Chester Ski Hill Closed
02/24/2012 Final Parks and Recreation DECC Skating Party Sunday, Feb 26
02/17/2012 Parks and Recreation Mid Winter School Break Skating Schedule
02/13/2012 Parks and Recreation Mid-Winter School Break Skating Schedule
02/10/2012 Chester Bowl Ski Races Postponed
02/10/2012 Bayfront Skating Rink Reopened
02/02/2012 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Scheduled for February 8th
02/01/2012 Bayfront Skating Closed Due to Warm Weather
01/19/2012 Parks and Recreation DECC Skating Party Sunday, January 22
01/19/2012 Parks and Recreation Heritage Skating Schedule
01/19/2012 Bayfront Skating Rink Closed Today
01/19/2012 Chester Ski Hill Chairlift Closed Today-Open Tomorrow
01/10/2012 Parks and Recreation New Hours of Operation
01/06/2012 Bayfront skating rink closed due to warm weather.
01/05/2012 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to be held on Wednesday, January 11th
01/05/2012 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting January 11th at 5:00 PM (revised)
01/03/2012 Community input needed on design of trail and park directional sign system.
12/27/2011 Holiday Break Skating at Heritage Sports Center
12/16/2011 Parks and Recreation DECC Skating Party Sunday, December 18th
12/07/2011 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting December 14th
11/23/2011 Parks and Recreation DECC Skating Party Sunday, November 27th "Skate with the Bulldogs"
11/23/2011 Parks and Recreation DECC Skating Party Sunday, November 27th "Skate with the Bulldogs" (revised)
11/23/2011 Skyline Parkway Sign Sale Saturday, November 26th
11/21/2011 Parks and Recreation Commission Special Meeting
11/17/2011 Early Release School Day Skating at the Heritage Center
11/14/2011 Bentleyville Tour of Lights Opens Saturday, November 19th
11/03/2011 Parks Commission meeting scheduled for November 9th
10/25/2011 Trails and Parks Committee Meeting Scheduled for October 28th
10/18/2011 Keenes' Creek Trail Closed
10/12/2011 Public asked to comment on Indian Point Campground Improvements
10/05/2011 Yellow Flag Warning Issued for Park Point Beaches
10/03/2011 Yellow Flag Warning Issued for Park Point Beaches
10/03/2011 Bentleyville Transformation Begins: Volunteers Needed
09/30/2011 Public Hearing Scheduled for Indian Point Campground Improvements
09/29/2011 Yellow Flag Warning Issued for Park Point Beaches
09/28/2011 Skating at Heritage Center
09/27/2011 Calling all 100 year olds
09/27/2011 Lake Place Park Clean up Scheduled
09/26/2011 Red Flag Warning Today along Park Point Beach
09/21/2011 Enger Tower "Sound Point"
09/20/2011 Press Conference at Enger Park Wednesday, Sept 21 at 2:00 PM
09/19/2011 Parks and Recreation Fall Skating Schedule at Heritage Sports Center
09/19/2011 Enger Park closed due to trail/road preparation work.
09/16/2011 Parks and Recreation Commission Endorses Parks Referendum
09/14/2011 28th Annual Fall Festival at Chester Bowl Saturday, September 17th
09/13/2011 Lake Superior Zoo Achieves AZA Accreditation
09/13/2011 Yellow Flag Warning Issued for Park Point Beaches
09/13/2011 Parks Trails and Bikeways Master Plan Draft Discussed at Public Meeting Wednesday, Sept 14th
09/12/2011 Yellow Flag Warning Issued for Park Point Beaches
09/08/2011 Calling all 100 year olds
09/08/2011 Parks Trails and Bikeways Master Plan Draft Needs Public Input
09/02/2011 Parks Commission meeting scheduled for September 14th
09/01/2011 Park Point Beach Lifeguards
09/01/2011 Yellow Flag Warning Issued for Park Point Beaches
08/30/2011 Family Events Writing Class Offered
08/30/2011 Final Chester Creek Concert Canceled
08/25/2011 Final Chester Creek Concert Scheduled for August 30th
08/25/2011 (revised) Final Chester Creek Concert Scheduled for August 30th
08/12/2011 Skating and Turf Time at Heritage Sports Center
08/10/2011 Chester Creek Concerts extended to August 23rd.
08/08/2011 United State Air Force Band Brass in Blue Concert set for Sunday, August 21st.
08/01/2011 Chester Creek Concerts Feature "Sh-Boom" Tuesday, August 2
08/01/2011 Parks and Recreation Commission awards nearly $20,000 in grant money.
07/26/2011 Yellow Flag Warning Issued for Park Point Beaches
07/20/2011 Park Point Sand Modeling contest scheduled for Thursday, July 21st
07/19/2011 Chester Creek Concert Postponed Tonight
07/15/2011 Flag Football Registration Now Open
07/14/2011 Gypsy Moth Applications Planned for St Louis, Lake, Cook and Carlton Counties
07/13/2011 Yellow Flag Warning Issued for Park Point Beaches
07/11/2011 Chester Creek concert features Rock-a-Billy Revue tomorrow night July 12th.
07/07/2011 Miller Creek Disc Golf Course Public Meeting Scheduled July 13th
07/07/2011 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting scheduled for July 13th
07/07/2011 Water Expo
07/05/2011 Parks and Recreation Summer Skating at the Heritage Sports Center
07/05/2011 Park Point Sand Modeling contest scheduled for July 21st
06/30/2011 Yellow Flag Warning Issued for Park Point Beaches
06/30/2011 Online public input needed to prioritize park and trail needs.
06/29/2011 Yellow Flag Warning Issued for Park Point Beaches
06/24/2011 Parks and Recreation makes presentation at Lakeside-Lester Annual Meeting
06/23/2011 Duluth Gypsy Moth Eradication Friday, June 24th
06/22/2011 Public input needed to prioritize parks and trails needs. Meeting tonight.
06/21/2011 Red Flag Warning Today along Park Point Beach
06/21/2011 Chester Creek Concert Cancelled Tonight
06/15/2011 UMD Athletes to assist in Parks and Recreation Summer Turf Time program at Heritage Sports Center
06/14/2011 Parks and Recreation New Initiative
06/10/2011 Press Conference Monday, June 13th at 1:30 PM
06/08/2011 Temporary Detour of Keene Creek Trail
06/07/2011 Schools out Skating Marathon at Heritage
06/06/2011 Chester Creek Concerts begin tomorrow, June 7th
06/03/2011 Park Point Beach Opens Saturday, June 4th
06/02/2011 Parks Commission meeting June 8th
05/31/2011 City of Duluth Celebrates Arbor Day Today
05/31/2011 Summer Pick a Day Volunteer program begins.
05/27/2011 City of Duluth celebrates Arbor Day Tuesday, May 31st
05/24/2011 Teen Skate at Heritage Sports Center Friday, May 27th
05/24/2011 29th Chester Creek concert series begins June 7th
05/04/2011 Parks and Recreation offers Ultimate Frisbee
04/22/2011 Solar Powered Trash Compactors Installed Along Lakewalk
04/21/2011 Royal Easter Egg Hunt at Enger Park Saturday, April 23
04/20/2011 Miller Creek Disc Golf Course Public Meeting Scheduled April 29th
04/20/2011 Golf Courses Open
04/19/2011 Clean and Green Duluth week extended to Saturday, April 30th due to forecasted rain and snow.
04/14/2011 Parks and Recreation Commission Resumes Recreation Grant Program for 2011
04/14/2011 Clean and Green Week April 15-23. Help Clean up Duluth
04/14/2011 Parks and Recreation offers Spring Break Lacrosse, Rugby, Ultimate Frisbee and More
04/12/2011 Parks and Recreation Annual Meeting April 13th at 5:00 PM
04/12/2011 Cleaning and Greening Enger Park on Global Youth Service Day
04/08/2011 Parks and Recreation Annual Meeting Held April 13th
04/06/2011 16th Annual Clean and Green scheduled for April 15-23
04/06/2011 Golf Driving Ranges Open Tomorrow April 7th
04/06/2011 Parks and Recreation offers Turf Time at Heritage Sports Center
03/30/2011 Lower Chester Parks and Recreation Mini Master Plan Meeting Scheduled
03/23/2011 Precious Memories Writing Class Offered
03/10/2011 Bayfront Park Skating Rink Closed
03/08/2011 Parks Commission meeting Wednesday, March 9th
03/08/2011 Parks and Recreation sponsors Teen Skate at Heritage Center
02/18/2011 Parks and Recreation Winter Break Skating
02/11/2011 Warmer by the Lake tomorrow Saturday, February 12th
02/11/2011 Trails and Bikeways Master Plan Public Meeting Scheduled
02/04/2011 Parks and Recreation Adult Softball Registration Now Open
02/04/2011 Parks and Recreation Slow Pitch Umpires Needed
02/04/2011 DECC Skating Party Sunday, February 6th
01/31/2011 DECC Skating Party Sunday, February 6th
01/28/2011 Warmer by the Lake
01/28/2011 Parks Commission Meeting February 9 at 4:00 PM
01/20/2011 Bayfront Skating Closed Tonight
01/11/2011 DNR Park Point Camping Assessment Discussed
01/10/2011 DECC Skating Party Amsoil Arena January 23rd
12/23/2010 DECC Skating Party Sunday, December 26th
12/22/2010 Bentleyville Tour of Lights New Year's Eve Celebration
12/21/2010 Parks and Recreation Offers Holiday Skating at DECC, Bayfront and Heritage Sports Center
12/13/2010 Duluth Parks and Recreation Master Plan Unveiled
12/08/2010 Chester Bowl Skiing Opens Saturday, December 11
12/08/2010 Bentleyville Tour of Lights New Years Eve Celebration and Fireworks
12/03/2010 City Cross Country Ski Trails Open
12/01/2010 Lower Chester Community Meeting
12/01/2010 Citizen input sought for Parks and Trails Legacy Plan
11/30/2010 Bentleyville Tour of Lights closed today due to weather conditions
11/23/2010 Parks and Recreation DECC Skating Party Sunday, November 28th
11/23/2010 Parks and Recreation DECC Skating Party Sunday November 28th (revised)
11/15/2010 Bentleyville Naughty List
11/15/2010 Bentleyville Volunteers Needed
11/12/2010 Park Point Camping Site Visit Scheduled
11/04/2010 Parks Master Plan Online
11/04/2010 Parks Commission Meeting Wednesday, November 10th
11/03/2010 Duluth Parks and Recreation Master Plan Unveiled
10/21/2010 Lakewalk Ribbon Cutting Scheduled for Friday, October 22
10/20/2010 Open Skating at Heritage Center Tomorrow
10/18/2010 Heritage Adult Skating Moved to Thursdays
10/18/2010 Duluth Parks and Recreation Master Plan Unveiled
10/11/2010 Park Point Camping to be discussed at November Parks Commission Meeting
10/06/2010 100 Year Old Birthday Party: Are you 100 years or older?
10/06/2010 100 Year Birthday Submissions Extended to Oct 11
10/06/2010 Parks Commission Meeting to be held October 13th
09/30/2010 City to save money with solar powered trash compactors
09/21/2010 Volunteers Needed for Installation of Bentleyville Lights
09/03/2010 Free Fall Open Skate at Heritage Sports Center
09/01/2010 Annual 100 Year Birthday Party Set
09/01/2010 Parks Commission Monthly Meeting Held Sept 8th
09/01/2010 Final Park Point Camping Task Force Meeting Scheduled
08/30/2010 Park Point Beach Lifeguards
08/30/2010 Lakewalk Detour Removed
08/30/2010 Public invited to comment on Parks Master Plan Draft
08/19/2010 Duluth Parks and Recreation Master Plan Review Meeting
08/12/2010 New Morley Heights Playground Dedication
08/05/2010 Parks Commission Meeting to be held August 11th
08/02/2010 Chester Creek Concerts Continue to August 24th
07/27/2010 Chester Creek Concert Postponed Due to Weather
07/22/2010 Yellow Flag Warning Issued Today for Park Point Beach
07/14/2010 Movies in the Park Opens Friday
07/13/2010 Red Flag Warning Issued for Park Point Beach
07/08/2010 Flag Football Registration Open Now
07/08/2010 Chester Creek concert featuring "Rough Roads"
07/08/2010 Sand Modeling Contest Beach Bash Scheduled for July 22
07/07/2010 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to be held July 28th.
06/29/2010 July Parks Commission Meeting Canceled
06/29/2010 Park Point Camping Task Force Meeting June 30th
06/21/2010 Free Summer Skating at Heritage Sports Center
06/15/2010 Chester Creek Concert Postponed Tonight
06/11/2010 2010 Chester Creek Concert Schedule
06/11/2010 Press Conference Monday, June 14th at 2:00 PM
06/08/2010 Chester Creek Concert Cancelled Tonight Due to Rain
06/08/2010 City of Duluth Softball and Fast Pitch Games Cancelled Tonight
06/08/2010 Parks Commission Meeting to be held June 9th
06/08/2010 Park Point Beach Open Tomorrow
06/04/2010 Chester Creek Concert June 8th Pot Bellied Stallions
06/03/2010 Bentleyville searching for theme song.
06/02/2010 Flag Football Registration Now Open
06/02/2010 Flag Football Registration Open (revised)
06/01/2010 Chester Creek Concerts Begin Tonight with Sh-Boom
05/27/2010 Greater Downtown Council to produce "Movies in the Park"
05/26/2010 "Pick-a-Day" Volunteer Program Starts for Summer 2010
05/25/2010 Public Invited to Chart the Future of Parks and Trails
05/18/2010 New Playfront Park to be built starting Friday-Sign up to volunteer.
05/14/2010 Arbor Day Celebrated on Monday, May 17th
05/06/2010 Parks Commission Monthly Meeting May 12th
04/29/2010 Lakewalk Closed May 5th and 6th
04/20/2010 Skyline Parkway Clean Scheduled for Friday, April 23rd
04/16/2010 Playfront Park Temporarily Closed
04/15/2010 Volunteers Needed to Raise the Roses
04/15/2010 Writing Class Offered: Focus on Life Stories
04/15/2010 Additional day added to "Raise" the Roses Effort
04/13/2010 City Trails Open
04/07/2010 Seven Bridges Road and Skyline Parkway Now Open
04/05/2010 Citywide Clean and Green Set for April 17-24th
04/05/2010 Spring Break Skating at Heritage Center
03/29/2010 Duluth Golf Courses Open In March!
03/29/2010 Slow Pitch Softball Umpires Needed for 2010 Season
03/26/2010 Damaged Lakewalk Repaired
03/26/2010 Dog Park Now Open
03/24/2010 Lester and Enger Driving Range Opens Today
03/23/2010 Youth Needed to Help Clean Skyline Parkway on Global Youth Service Day
03/11/2010 Lakewalk Damaged
03/10/2010 Chester Bowl Ski Hill Closed for Season
03/10/2010 City Trails, Dog Park and Disc Golf Course Closed
03/10/2010 Parks and Recreation Needs Umpires for 2010 Season
03/04/2010 Parks Commission meeting to be held on March 10th
03/01/2010 Parks and Recreation Final DECC Family Skating Party Sunday, March 7th
03/01/2010 Bayfront Park Skating Closed
02/11/2010 Winter Break Skating Schedule
02/09/2010 Warmer by the Lake Saturday, February 13th
02/01/2010 Parks and Recreation Neighborhood Playground Equipment Grants Now Available
01/28/2010 Chester Chairlift and Bayfront Skating Closed Today
01/22/2010 Register for 36th Annual Senior Billiard Tournament
01/21/2010 Warmer by the Lake Volunteers Needed
01/21/2010 Warmer by the Lake Volunteers Needed
01/20/2010 City of Duluth DECC Skating Party Sunday, January 24th
01/12/2010 New Playfront Park to be built in spring.
01/07/2010 Chester Bowl Chairlift Closed Tonight
12/30/2009 Warmer by the Lake to be held February 13th
12/28/2009 Duluth Cross Country Ski Trails Open
12/22/2009 Free Skating Party at DECC on Saturday, December 26th
12/22/2009 Holiday Break Free Skating at the Heritage Sports Center
12/17/2009 Bentleyville Tour of Lights Weekend of Excitement
12/17/2009 Chester Bowl Ski Hill Opens December 19th
12/15/2009 Bayfront Park ice skating rink open.
12/09/2009 Bentleyville Tour of Lights Closed Today Due to Weather
12/03/2009 Parks Commission December Meeting Announcement
12/01/2009 Public Invited to Parks Master Plan Meetings
11/23/2009 Bentleyville Tour of Lights Opens Friday, November 27th
11/23/2009 Public invited to Parks Master Plan community meetings
11/19/2009 City of Duluth Parks DECC Family Skating Party
11/17/2009 Parks and Recreation invites public to help with Master Plan
11/04/2009 Parks Commission November Meeting November 18th
10/07/2009 Hike for Health
10/07/2009 Parks and Recreation Commission monthly meeting to be held on Wednesday, October 14 at 4:00 PM
10/05/2009 Volunteers Needed for Bentleyville Tour of Lights
10/02/2009 Bentleyville Tour of Lights Begins Installation Saturday, October 3
09/21/2009 Parks and Recreation Fall Heritage Sports Center Public Skating Schedule
09/17/2009 Parks and Recreation Commission to hold special meeting Sept 23
08/27/2009 Final Movies in the Park on Friday, August 28th featuring "Madagascar"
08/17/2009 Final Chester Creek Concert featuring Rough Roads to be held Tuesday, August 18th
08/13/2009 Movies in the Park showing of Harry Potter: "The Prisoner Azkaban" on Friday, August 14th
08/10/2009 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
08/07/2009 Chester Creek Summer Concerts Continue Featuring "Busterville" Tuesday, August 11th at 6:30 PM
08/06/2009 Movies in the Park: Friday, August 7th showing of "Sixteen Candles"
08/03/2009 Chester Creek Concert Tuesday, August 4th featuring Sh-Boom
08/03/2009 Parks and Recreation Commission Monthly Meeting to be held Wednesday, August 12th at 4:00 PM
07/28/2009 Sand Modeling Contest at Park Point Beach House August 6th
07/28/2009 Special Sunday, August 2nd "Movies in the Park" showing of "Iron Man"
07/23/2009 Movies in the Park Journey to the Center of the Earth in 3D
07/23/2009 Chester Creek Concert July 28th Park Avenue
07/21/2009 Chester Creek Concert Cancelled Tonight July 21st
07/17/2009 Chester Creek Concert Featuring Busterville
04/16/2009 Lester and Enger Golf Courses Open for Season
04/08/2009 Golf Driving Range Open
04/03/2009 Trails Closed Due to Spring Thaw
04/02/2009 Dog Park Spring Closure
04/01/2009 Heritage April Skating Schedule