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City of Duluth - Parks and Recreation
411 West First Street • Duluth, Minnesota 55802
218-730-4309 •
For more information contact Kelli Latuska,
Public Information Officer at 218-730-5309
DATE: 10/6/2016
SUBJECT: 2016 Annual Rose Tipping Event Scheduled for Saturday, October 22 and Tuesday, October 25
BY: Pakou Ly, Communications Office

2016 Annual Rose Tipping Event Scheduled for Saturday, October 22 and Tuesday, October 25

Volunteer and learn the Minnesota Tip Method, a process that protects roses during the winter


[Duluth, MN] - The public is invited to join Duluth Parks staff and the Lake Superior Rose Society in the annual Tipping of the Roses at the Leif Erikson Park - Rose Garden. The open, community events will be held on Saturday, October 22 from 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM and Tuesday, October 25, 2016 from 3:00-6:00 PM.


Whether you are experienced at the task or just want to learn, expert rose tippers will be on hand to teach volunteers the Minnesota Tip Method, a process that protects tender roses from the harsh conditions of a typical Duluth winter.


Rose Tipping is an "all ages, no experience needed" event. Groups, families, and individuals are invited to attend. If you are interested in participating, please arrive at the Rose Garden, located between 12th and 13th Avenue East on London Road, on the specified dates. Check-in with Duluth Parks staff. Free parking is available in the lot between Valentini's and the Rose Garden. Dress for the weather. All tools and supplies will be provided, including work gloves.


Time and dates are subject to change due to weather conditions. Please visit our DuluthParksMN Facebook page or contact Cheryl Skafte at 218-730-4334 or for up-to-date information on the Rose Tipping events.


NEW THIS YEAR - Bagged Leaves Accepted for Limited Time Only

Community members are invited to drop-off clean and closed garbage bags of leaves at the Rose Garden. A designated section of the parking lot will be blocked off for the donations. Due to new matting being used to winterize the roses, there is a more limited need for bagged leaves. As soon as enough bags have been collected, the City will close the drop off site. The clean and closed garbage bags must only contain raked leaves and should not contain other plant or yard waste material. Brush material, dirt and sod can be disposed for a fee at the WLSSD Yard Waste Compost site located on Courtland Street off Interstate 35 at 27th Avenue West. Leaves and grass clippings are accepted free of charge. For hours and fees, please visit WLSSD online at or call 218-722-0761.


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